Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

I've just been banned from Reddit's R/Vive by the moderators, accusing me of manipulating the votes by asking upvote on Discord.

And when asking a moderator (2flock) who was clearly trolling in the last post the reason of the ban, here is the answer :

"Nope wasn't me. I can't ban people... but I do congratulate whoever did it. Look to your rabid fanboys. You said that it's a niche so being at the top of reddit shouldn't be important.

You can always contest the ban but I dunno..."

You'll see here the "vote manipulation" : putting reddit post links in the discord annoucement... i never asked for upvote

I won't be wasting my time anymore on R/Vive. I may end using a TalesOfGlory subreddit soon.

Sep 2, 2018
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

Huge Tales of Glory Beta Update. I've rewritten a big part of the game engine to rely more on physics with a lot of improvment (and maybe a lot of bugs too)

Thanks to these big changes :
Units are no more stacking up during combat.
Collision between them are more realistic.
Pathfinding have been globally improved.
General feeling is way better.

As of perf : I've gained doing these changes but also lost some so the result is balanced but this still need to be tested.

Avatar movements also rely on physic and you can't climb things easily.
I've added a jump function to help. Right controller pad/stick click UP
You need to be moving to jump and the more speed, bigger is the jump
Jumping consumes stamina.

Combat addition :
Throwable daggers : Daggers can be thrown like the Axes but can't be thrown if handled reverse.
Dismembering / head smashing requires a swing and can't be done with a stab move
New stabbing kill move : Just stab an enemy and if you finish him doing so, you'll be able to see your weapon moving in his body. You can also double stab.
New weapon grab system : you can choose between permanent grab (Vive style) or grab button maintained grab (Oculus style)... plus a little surprise.
Limited arrows/ bolts quiver : 50 arrows in the quiver.
Pickable Arrows / bolts : You can pickup arrows on dead bodies (or yours) with the trigger button.
Cav grab : You can grab cavs by the arm to make them fall from their horse.
Kick : you can kick enemies to push them back or sometimes make them fall. Kicking consumes stamina
Shield combat : You can hurt enemies with the shield or make themfall on the ground / finish them if they are down
Leg hit : You can make enemies fall if hitting them hard in their legs
Avatar Weapons collision : Avatar Weapon/shields or Weapon/Weapon simulated collision.

New orders :

I've changed the behavior behind each order :

Auto : Not changed

Guard : units will move to the selected position without attacking enemies. Once destination is reached, they will attack nearby units.
If no more enemy units in the vicinity, they will go back to the guard point.

Attack : units will move to the selected position without attacking enemies. Once destination is reached, they will switch to Auto.
This allow you to send your units pushing forward. But be aware, they won't defend themselves once the destination is reached.

Follow : Reworked because was not behaving as intended. Now units will stay behind you and if you stop moving, they will engage nearby units.
if you move away again (5 meters thresold), they will stop battle and follow you again without attacking. etc

Shield wall / Pike wall defense : units in shield/pike walls can now attack incoming enemies and defend the wall. if they are moved too far away from the wall, they will automatically move back to their wall position

I hope you will enjoy all this as much as i do


Don't hesistate to give some feedbacks

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

Main game have been updated with the following content :


3 new game modes :
- Infiltration mission : Inflitrate a place and fulfill the objective before escaping
- Protect the VIP mission : Escort a VIP to a safe place
- Escape missions : Escape from a dangerous place

1 additionnal game mode in beta : Tournament

All theses game modes will be part of the campaign but i've made the choice to make them accessible in the main menu.
This is a first version. They are subject to be changed/improved following your feedbacks (Join the discord).

Lot of maps have been added with these game modes to reach a total of 43 maps.

Combat reworked to rely more on physics without compromising perfs :
no more backing animation on hits of body or blade or shield
everything is physics... or kinda :

you can now open up the enemy guard by hitting the shield or the weapon, or hit a leg to make him stumble

head smashing : You can now smash the head of a down enemy with every blunt weapon


Villagers are back (men/women). You can switch them off for perf if needed.
Random soldiers face generator with mud faces, glossiness, hair, beard, etc
3 New weapons.

Openfield battle tactics :
Enemies will now try to use some tactics/formation in openfield battles, trying to make the best use of cavalry or archers.
This is a first version of it and it will be improved with time

Ability to get the helmet visor / hood up or down : press trigger with a hand over your head while equipped with a helmet with visor or a hood.

Main menu reworked : You can switch between Snap/Smooth turn and select turning speed with a slider

Stamina balancing
Archers and skirmishers better AI
ability tu push your units away


In the tournament and escape missions, you will see the dialog engine used in the campaign.

Details about the infiltration engine :

Enemies have a line of sight
if they see you, they will run to you and also alert their friends around
if they see you, the behave like normal enemies
if they don't, you can kill them in one shot / assassination
Line of sight is approximatively 140degrees in front of them
you can hide behind all scene elements
they will not see you if more than half you body is behind
they will see you up to 30 meters
but you can reduce this to 15 meters by crouching (crouching in real life)
they also have ears... running around them, they will look at where they heard the sound
and they will also be alerted by one of their men dying next to them

In infiltration maps, you will have to achieve objectives
and then escape


Campaign is still in dev.
Realms AI have been fully reworked and i'm pretty happy with it now.
i'm now working on the depth by adding additionnal features i feel were missing.


Discord : https://discord.gg/nmVPjQb
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Jun 17, 2018
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all

The beta branch has been updated with all the new content :

- 4 new battle maps
- 6 infiltration missions maps
- 4 protect the lord maps

This will be the last update for the next couple of weeks as i'm moving to another home.

All new maps have not been extensively tested so there might be some pathfinding bugs or similar things.

New maps visual on the menu screen are KO.

Hope you'll enjoy it

Jun 10, 2018
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

I've been pretty silent lately but still been working hard to finish the campaign.

Some content is already in beta :
- Tournament
- Infiltration mission
- Protect the VIP mission
- Villagers addition

Almost all maps are finished (some pictures below):
- 28 classic maps (1 castle, 1 openfield, and 3 villages added)
- 6 infiltration missions
- 1 Protect the VIP mission (3 more to come)

As i'll be moving into another home by the end of the month and i need to pack everything, i expect to be able to deliver the campaign in beta by the end of July.



Tales Of Glory - unityraptor


Details about the infiltration engine :

Enemies have a line of sight
if they see you, they will run to you and also alert thair friends around
if they see you, the behave like normal enemies
if they don't, you can kill them in one shot / assassination
Line of sight is approximatively 140degrees in front of them
you can hide behind all scene elements
they will not see you if more than half you body is behind
they will see you up to 30 meters
but you can reduce this to 15 meters by crouching (crouching in real life)
they also have ears... running around them, they will look at where they heard the sound
and they will also be alerted by one of their men dying next to them
In infiltration maps, you will have to achieve objectives
and then escape

there will be 4 or 5 infiltration maps at the end and they will be accessible in custom battle too

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey All,

A small vid showacing the progress. Campaign should be out in june.


Tales oF Glory is still on Sales with 25% off - don't miss it.

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey All,

Last sale before the campaign is out, don't miss it.

Hope you'll like the game

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey All,

Main game and demo have been updated with the following features :

Full rework of combat AI to improve enemy agressivity and ability to dodge, block and counter

Full rework of impact physics

Leveled troops corresponding to the troop tree for the campaign
Villagers -> Level 1 Troops -> Level 2 Troops

Addition of Stamina effect :
You consume stamina while running. When your stamina is empty, you can't run anymore until it's regenerated.
Stamina will regen automatically while not running
--> The always run option has been removed due to stamina addition

Addition of Armor Effect :
Heavier armor -> Use more stamina while running and slower moves but better protection
Lighter armor/clothes -> Use less stamina and faster moves but less protection
Each armor have different stats

Addition of special Formation : Cavalry Charge
Tell your cavs to follow you in line while charging the enemy lines

Horses reworked. New heavy horses armor
Horse impacts improved. Trampling on an enemy now cause small damages

New battle stats in post battle result screen

Smooth turning added

New memory management to maintain perfs on big battles

New musics, new sound effects

3 new maps added

Lot of bugs correction

Some News on Tales Of Glory Campaign :
Everything is going great.
90% of the code is done. 1 or 2 big parts to finish but everything is secured.
The campaign should hit beta in june

Hope you'll enjoy it

