Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed bug that may cause hangs in multiplayer games.
- Fixed MP weapon bank crash.
- Fixed a crash involving plagues.
- Fixed a crash after exiting combat.
- Fix to prevent stations from being spawned in the center of a planet.
- A certain Suul'ka will now no longer instantly kill ships with its tentacle attacks.
- Suul'ka fleets can no longer be dissolved.
- Fixed MP not syncing ai state.

Other fixes:
- Crit hits table now correctly shows after combat.
- Fixed estimated arrival time calculations.
- Command Ships larger than cruisers are now more aggressive in combat.
- Players can now scrap stations in the fleetl-ist.
- Players can now scrap battleriders from the battlerider manager.
- Fixed not being able to pirate with battle riders in fleets.
- Fixed cloaking not working in multiplayer.
- Fixed VN beserker behaviors.
- Freighters can now be built and scrapped from the trade view.
- Missiles can no longer be set to PD targeting mode.
- Armor tiles now repair from the inside outwards.
- Tuned formation movement in combat.
- Fixed some issues with multiplayer combat.
- Fixed some missing news events.
- Pre-Combat battle manager button is now disabled in multiplayer games.
- The "Ready" status should now correctly update across multiplayer lobbies.
- AI will now attempt to create counter ship designs based on previous combat experience.
- Added a fix to prevent AI from building multiple stations of the same type at a system.
- AI will now spend more time upgrading their fleets before attempting to invade a system again after a full scale invasion has failed.
- Suulka should now leave the game permanently when killed.
- Fixed an issue where multiple Suulka of the same type were being created.
- Gate Stations will now be unique per system.
- Fixed a bug where some Battleriders were being assigned twice.
- AI will now no longer immediately call back Boarding Pods after they launch.
- Armor piercing levels are now taken into account in AI weapon selection.
- Fixed a crash caused by Swarmers entering a system.
- Refined AI target selection during combat.

Other changes and additions:
- Added new auto options menu, including Goop and Joker modules.
- News event system overhauled.
- Mouse over colony faction morale while in the Starmap now gives a tool-tip with the last 3 events affecting that colony.
- Double clicking on a battlerider in the battlerider manager now fills the current carrier wing with that type.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Critical fixes:
- Fixed random CTD when entering combat or design screen
- Fixed crash when viewing Suulka admiral info (note: if obtained Suulka in old save, the screen will look blank)

Other fixes:
- Fixed bug causing Suulka admirals to not be assigned to the player
- Added tooltips to weapon fire mode and weapon filter mode
- Set default cloaking type in design screen for cloaked ships
- AI will now more intelligently respond to demand/request diplomacy actions.
- Fixed a bug causing demands for slaves to have no effect.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
- Fix crash with mirage psionic.
- Fixed a crash related to multiplayer combat.
- Fixed a crash when encountering slavers.
- Fixed a crash when exiting the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed a crash when host entering combat with an AI player.

Other fixes:
- Fixed display bug showing incorrect empire as being defeated in lobby.
- Fixed bug where gate stations could be built without the necessary tech.
- Fixed Hivers using up gate points while committing missions to their home systems.
- Fix ships going into overdrive when not set to overthrust speed.
- Turret damage will now be saved corrently between combats.
- Fixed multiple missing / incorrect strings.
- Turns to complete research now show correct suffix and are no longer displayed for research techs.
- Fixed riders not syncing to carriers properly in multiplayer games.
- AI now repair fleets at systems.
- Update combat AI to include an "Assault Planet" group.
- Fix stations around planet not having proper sensor data.
- Plutocracy will now decrease production time instead of increasing it.
- You are now able to cancel out of the Zuul's no bore ship confirmation dialog.
- System info requests from AI players will now work correctly.
- AI will no longer select command ships for a combat role.
- AI will now reject world demands if they have any fleets present at that world.
- Independant colonies created from the results of colony stimulus will now properly offer a trade treaty upon creation.
- Player status in multiplayer games will now update correctly.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
- Fix SK crash
- Fixed an Alien Habitation module slotting bug that prevented stations from being upgraded. (See known issues below.)

Other fixes:
- Addressed recent long turn times.
- AI now uses full command point limit when constructing fleets.
- Fixed beam vs planet lengths.
- Fixed bore ships firing node cannon when targets are out of range.
- Fixed stations spawning in center of planet during rebellion.
- Fixed VN discs not shooting.
- Fixed fleet interception teleport bug.
- Fixed ship acceleration modifications based on modules not being applied.

Other changes and additions:
- Added government effects when a system is opened or closed in a turn.
- Adjustments to colony and biome ships.

Known issues:
- Stations that cannot be upgraded in old save games will remain locked. Stations in new games will be fine.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed an audio problem that was leading to framerate loss over time.
+ Fixed known intermittent combat crashes.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed battle riders getting lost in limbo during combat.
+ Fixed some issues relating to start positions in combat.
+ Addressed some accelerated combat issues.
+ Fixed muzzle sounds not playing.
+ Fixed some cases where inappropriate ship designs were unintentionally rolling for attributes.
+ Addressed the poroblem of players getting the same salvage project multiple times.
+ Fixed some government related consequences and actions.
+ Strategic AI now properly assigns battle riders to carriers.
+ Fixed an issue with the ionic thruster technology effect.
+ Fixed target avoidance while in the pursuit stance.
+ Trade view no longer hides icons under the star.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing AI players from building stations in some cases, and allowing them to build too many in others.
+ Strategic AI now properly coordinates and escalates attacks.
+ Strategic AI now executes appropriate requests and demand diplomatic actions.
+ Fixed an issue where planets were firing missiles when they shouldn't.
+ Emitter COL now fully functional.

Other changes and additions:
+ Tuned point defense targeting in combat.
+ Tuned combat AI target prioritization.
+ Combat AI is now aware of ships without weapons.
+ Added small-scale fusion technology effects.
+ Hiver players now start with deployed gate ships instead of gate stations.
+ Psi potential is now hidden until a psi technology is researched.
+ The battle rider manager is now hidden until battle rider technology is researched.
+ Fixed detonating torpedoes not doing appropriate damage.
+ Adjustments to various weapons systems.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a system killer related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed missing protean tentacles.
+ Fixed wide dispersion of battle riders when asteroid explodes.
+ Fixed a recent combat lag issue caused by log spam.
+ Fixed new issues with Suul'ka tentacle attacks.
+ Ships now enter combat at the correct altitudes.
+ Addressed overly large drone explosions.

Other changes and additions:
+ Random encounters now only occur in the first combat round.
+ Strategic AI now does a better job of upgrading stations.
+ Empire screen government types now have better informative tool-tip
+ Camera no longer focuses on newly-placed defense assets.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve
Sword of the Stars 2 Changelogs


Critical fixes:
+ Added a fix for old save games that would crash when reloaded.

Other fixes:
+ Addressed odd rider behaviour when carriers were captured.
+ Clients now receive Intel reports again.
+ Fixed incorrect post-combat data being displayed for meteor encounters.
+ Fixed retreat missions that were mistakenly labelled as piracy missions.

Other Changes and Additions:
+ The game version is now displayed on the main menu.


Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a new parsing error related to diplomatic treaties that was causing intermittent crashes between turns.

Known issues:
- There is an issue with the upgrade of old save games that will lead to various forms of crashes while playing. Until this is resolved, only new games should be attempted.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a combat auto-resolve crash related to bio-missiles.
+ Fixed a network transport bug that may cause de-syncs and sometimes crashes in two-player networked games.

Other fixes:
+ Mirage psionic effect can no longer be spammed.
+ Fixed known boarding action issues.
+ Fixed the fleet of empty retreating ships that could appear in networked games.
+ Fixed cases where attached boarding pods were super-sized.
+ Fixed an issue that could cause stations under construction to appear inside planets.
+ Fixed an issue where multiple Admiral dialogs could appear on mission screens.
+ Diplomacy point generation tuned.

Other changes and additions:
+ Reinstated piracy mission.
+ Reinstated Lobbying.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a post-combat crash related to node cannon effects.

Other fixes:
+ Made general optimization passes to speed up turn times, AI processing and star system selection responsiveness.
+ Zuul no longer immigrate to other factions.
+ Population Manager and Comparative Analysis buttons are now disabled between turns.
+ Corrected 'pirate encounter freighters destroyed' news event messages.
+ Fixed graphical glitch caused by moving defense assets.
+ Battle riders destroyed by node cannons no longer continue to tie up
carrier space.
+ Fixed ownership display of systems in sensor range.
+ Corrected intel result rolls.
+ The intel success rate is now correctly reflected in the UI.
+ Fixed some cases where fleets were spawning at the wrong locations in combat.
+ Diplomacy panels are now disabled for defeated empires.
+ Fixed some odd behavior with ship rolling in combat.

Other changes and additions:
+ Factions now get population bonuses when immigrating.
+ The F key now functions as an alternative button for focusing on the
object under the mouse pointer in combat.


Critical fixes:
+ Fixed crash related to station construction.

Other fixes:
+ Addressed issues related to combat stance behavior and sensor range.
+ Immigration rate now affects corruption.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a Comparative Analysis UI crash.
+ Addressed a weapon bank related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed recent mission screen UI issues.
+ Fixed loophole that was allowing station construction to exceeed the
number of each type of station allowed.
+ Engrammed admirals with the Inquisitor trait no longer gain extra traits.



Critical fixes:
+ Fixed reported crash bugs in combat.
+ Abandoning a colony in the Colony Established dialog no longer causes a crash.

Other fixes:
+ AI no longer executes diplomatic actions without sufficient diplomatic points.
+ AI now builds various station types again.
+ AI no longer redesigns platforms continually.
+ Battle riders can now be targeted specifically.
+ Security slider no longer jumps to a notched position when the
research slider is moved in the star map.
+ It is no longer possible to retrofit stations with pending modules.
+ Mining stations can now be built on asteroids.
+ Fixed absorber ship section effect.
+ Asteroid monitors now have Polaris missiles.
+ Ship targets in combat are no longer lost when turrets are lost or a
section is destroyed.
+ Fixed a corner case that could result in ships rolling continually in combat.
+ Meson projector now aims at the intended target and applies damage correctly.
+ Ships turned over to a different player in combat now are now
correctly removed from hotkey groups.
+ Fixed torpedo retargeting.

Other changes and additions:
+ Added Leech Driver.
+ Added population manager.
+ Added comparative analysis screen.
+ Changes to the All Stop command mean that a ship issued All Stop
will return to Normal Stance. If a ship is answering All Stop and
another stance is selected, it will start moving again.

Known issues:
- Existing sync errors in multiplayer turn updates are still being addressed.