Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Patched a ship repair divide-by-zero crash.
+ Fixed a drone-related crash.
+ Fixed a very rare locking-beam related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Corrected display of drone designs in the design screen.
+ Construction and retrofit costs now include initial drone and
assault shuttle costs.
+ It is now possible to select systems in province creation mode once again.
+ No more cube for phaser weapons on drones in the design screen.
+ Queued station modules no longer disappear.
+ Fixed system info demand.
+ Enemy ship construction ETA is no longer visible in system icons.
+ Corrected the direction of trade-related government shifts.
+ Admiral traits no longer cause negative endurance.

Other changes and additions:
+ Beam weapons will now fire for their entire duration and re-target on-the-fly.
+ Empire fleet summary no longer displays empty reserve fleets.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a design screen selection crash.
+ Fixed a rare encounter pre-combat crash.
+ Fixed a rare combat related crash.
+ Turn times are greatly reduced.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed duplicate war declaration news events.
+ Addressed some ambiguous wording in war declaration news events.
+ Ship repaired speech events are less frequent.
+ Players can no longer construct remote stations without Deep Space
+ Phase Dislocation no longer affects Prester Zuul battle riders.
+ Trade stations are no longer available until FTL Economics is researched.
+ Government shifts no longer occur until station building is complete.
+ AI will no longer attempt to colonize systems with enemy colonies
unless is exempt from this limitation.
+ Fleets will now relocate if their base is eliminated.
+ Naval capacity now takes pending changes into account.
+ New home systems are now automatically flagged as surveyed when
assigned to a player.
+ Fixed a mining station bonus miscalculation.
+ Enemy reserve fleets are no longer visible.
+ Fixed an issue where the game was treating Propaganda ships as Police Cutters.
+ Fixed unending rebellions.
+ Fixed unending trade treaties.
+ Fixed the sensor view bug that caused overlapping spheres to
eliminate each other.
+ Load times are reduced.
+ Reduced UI transition times from some screens.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing full repair of a ship.
+ Protectorates no longer expire.
+ Admirals now age at the correct rate.
+ Suul'ka now enter combat again.
+ Weapon panels are now cleared when re-entering screens and dialogs.
+ Fixed some design-naming issues.
+ It is no longer possible to break the transition to the station
placement screen.
+ UI now refreshes after retrofitting or repairing ships.
+ Retrofitting will no longer produce two sets of drones for a ship.
+ AI no longer retires ships constantly.
+ AI now redesigns for missing ships, such as gates and bores.
+ The research ring around the tech cube on the star map no longer
disappears at certain camera angles.
+ Mission screens now lock focus on the target system.

Other changes and additions:
+ There is now a two-turn moratorium on AI actions when it takes over
for a dropped player.
+ Clicking a module or weapon icon in the design screen will now close
the associated selector if it is open.
+ Economic and research efficiency maximums have been increased to 200%.
+ Enemy fleet lines are now visible when their destinations are visible.
+ Up and down arrow keys now function in place of the mouse wheel for zooming.
+ Sensor range bonuses are now applied to stations.
+ Large asteroids are now selectable.
+ Added tech requirements for gate stations.
+ Station construction screens now have a Commit button that will
automatically place the new station.
+ Individual ship selection in combat will now yield additional
information about critical issues.
+ Ships losing crew in combat are highlighted to bring attention to the damage.
+ The star map tech cube tooltip now displays technology info and ETA.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a new core bug that was leading to AI expansion, design and
fleet composition issues.
+ Fixed a crash that might occur if a homeworld was eliminated.
+ Fixed an admiral and Suul'ka related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed a rendering error that was causing particle effects to LOD out early.
+ Fixed a bug that was allowing players to see enemy systems if they
had naval stations.
+ Fixed hiver gate, badge icon, naval icon and homeworld effect
persistence upon re-entering the star map.
+ It is now possible to build stations in independent systems.
+ Fixed a case where a player could attempt to send two colonization
missions to a system with one habitable planet.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing the star system tool tip from
appearing in the first few turns.
+ Fixed an issue that was making clicking to zoom in on a fleet tricky.
+ Fleets no longer disband automatically when relocated unless there
is not enough support capacity available.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing Suul'ka to bore node lines.
+ Station retrofit now has a scrollbar for weapon lists.
+ Fixed the issue that was preventing freighters from moving in combat.
+ Recent survey effects are now excluded from your own systems.
+ AI now retires obsolete designs.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a turn processing crash related to updating morale.
+ Fixed an MP crash that could occur when clients joined a game while
the host was in combat.
+ Fixed an AI processing crash related to Leviathan research.
+ Fixed a hang in combat related to positioning ships.
+ Fixed an issue where in a multi-player game would hang if the client
was in the first player slot.
+ Fixed a multi-player crash that could occur is the host was not in
the first player slot.
+ Fixed a system-killer related turn update crash.
+ Fixed the empty treaty crash.
+ Fixed a turn update crash related to patrol missions.
+ Fixed an upgrade mission UI crash.
+ Fixed a potential crash that could occur when using the battle
manager where neutral zones existed.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when interception targets left sensor range.
+ Fixed a star map re-entry crash that could occur when resuming a
game after returning to the main menu.
+ Fixed a rare crash that could occur when joining a game in progress.

Other fixes:
+ Support missions now work in the same system.
+ SUpport missions no longer take an extra turn when in the same system.
+ Research estimates are more accurate.
+ Boarding pods no longer attack grand menace or random encounter entities.
+ Fixed issues related to station targeting with non-tracking weapons.
+ Fixed an issue with Suul'ka showing up in the design screen.
+ Fixed some localization issues in the intel results dialog.
+ Fixed scaling issue on Protean tentacles.
+ Fixed known issues with the Fear psi power.
+ Fixed an issue where psionic UI overlays could persist after combat.
+ Fixed issues with disruptor effects.
+ VN Berserkers now retreat correctly.
+ Fixed Hiver carrier recovery animations.
+ Default target filter and firing mode settings are now carried into
combat from designs.
+ Swarmers no longer generate multiple queens while others are in transit.
+ Textures have been optimized.
+ Colony faction morale now displays correctly.
+ Fixed an issue where the design screen was not displaying the
effects of ship design options.
+ The login dialog is now displayed when re-entering the server browser.
+ Fixed an issue where asteroid monitors and Morrigi relics would show
up in combat as enemies after they had been neutralized.
+ Fixed an issue where player-built asteroid monitors had some
unresponsive turrets.
+ Fixed an issue that was incorrectly revealing star map details to players.
+ Fixed an issue that was allowing players to abandon enemy colonies.
+ Corrected the order of ship section names displayed in the build
screen preview.
+ Fixed an issue that was allowing the display of information for
enemy fleets out of range.
+ Favorite invoices now use the newest available retrofit for each ship design.
+ Fixed missing Phaser weapon icon.
+ Fixed issues where player ship designs were not being assigned roles.
+ Biome colonizers now show up in colonizer lists.
+ Fixed an infinite repair point issue with stations.
+ Fixed the black-sensor-view display bug.
+ The build screen no longer reverts back to cruisers after invoice submission.
+ Fleet lists no longer display irrelevant command points in the
battle rider manager.
+ Salvage projects now have 100% feasibility.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing the AI to continually redesign thee
same ship role turn after turn.
+ It is no longer possible to rename ships in retrofit orders.
+ Fleet items in the admiral manager now display the correct empire color.
+ Fixed a networking issue that was causing the game host to continue
attempting to send game information to disconnected clients.
+ Addressed a network issue where client connections were not being
correctly terminated on timeouts.
+ Fixed a display bug where the station retrofit list was not being cleared.
+ Fixed the ship design generational mk. naming scheme.
+ Addressed a handful of missing or broken text strings.

+ Implemented the last of the admiral traits Implemented admiral
+ survival and capture mechanics Allies now share sensor data.
+ Colony and trade values now display in red/green.
+ Added a weapon range tooltip in combat. Hovering mouse over weapon
icon will reveal max range circle for that weapon.
+ Reserve fleets can now be filtered out of fleet summaries.
+ Human factions can now use Node Maws.
+ Double-clicking a battle rider in the battle rider manager is now a
short-cut for adding them to the ship.
+ It is now possible to build naval and science stations in neutral systems.
+ Added an incoming fleet news event.
+ Energy Cannons recieved balance pass.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed an end of combat crash related to retreating.
+ Fixed a couple crashes related to diplomatic actions with
independent factions.
+ Fixed remaining known multiplayer sync crashes.
+ Fixed a crash caused by the target of a boarding pod being destroyed.
+ Fixed a crash in the battle rider manager.
+ Fixed a crash caused by network clients finishing combat prior to the host.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when calculating rebel AI economic ratings.
+ Fixed a crash caused by submitting a treaty with an independent
faction without first selecting the type.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed spectre camouflage.
+ Strategic turn timer is now displayed in games that use it.
+ Fixed an issue where players were not being assigned the correct
initial star systems.
+ Fixed the UI issue that was preventing players from moving ships in
combat in some cases.
+ Gate labs now apply a bonus only to drive research.
+ Independent colonies no longer form on barren planetoids nor gas giants.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing minelayers from functioning in combat.
+ Improved framerate in combat when many ships are selected.
+ Fixed some issues with the grav cannon.
+ Colony information panels were tweaked to display in owner colors.
+ Trade stimulus no longer provides more freighters than are needed.
+ Encounters involving non-aggression parties no longer induce morale penalties.
+ Fixed known AI issues with slaver encounters.
+ Fixed a bug that was assigning unwanted modules to stations and ships.
+ Fixed known issues that were preventing players from upgrading stations.
+ Addressed VN-related framerate issues.
+ Retreating ships no longer get pulled back into combat at the same location.
+ Fixed an issue - fleets will now maintain their positions for
multiple rounds of combat.
+ Initial station weapons are now longer range.
+ Fixed an issue where station upgrades were not updating station structure.
+ Fixed an issue where players were spawning too close to the star
during random encounters.
+ The Morrigi Relic encounter no longer holds players in combat after
the relics are destroyed.
+ Fixed an issue where the research screen was not correctly
displaying module bonuses.
+ Fixed main menu sound playing in games when the sound enabled
options are turned on and off.
+ Removed the unwanted vertical scrollbar from the avatar and badge
selection strips.
+ Fixed some issues with AI ship design and related weapon selection.
+ Active invoices are now properly discarded when leaving the build screen.
+ Made changes to fleet interception logic to address a pathological
case that was causing Hiver intercepts to fail when they should not.
+ Fixed some Hiver Gate fleet loopholes.
+ Fixed an issue that was allowing speech events to play while disabled.
+ Fixed various text string errors.

+ Added curvature Compensation bonus for Liir.
+ Added phase dislocation tech bonus.
+ Added colony support trips configuration.
+ Support missions now default to the maximum possible trips.
+ Added station retrofitting.
+ Added click-to-focus for items in the fleet summary.
+ Support event dialogs now identify the supporting fleet.
+ Empire summary values now display in red and green to reflect change
since the previous turn.
+ Asteroid monitors are now available as player buildable defenses.
+ Protectorate ship section effects.
+ The defense manager now displays incoming fleet vectors for pending
+ Zuul missions will now prompt for the automatic inclusion of a bore
ship when necessary, instead of assuming that one is needed.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a stance selection related crash in combat.
+ Fixed the combat multiplayer de-sync that was on the list of known
issues in the last update.
+ Fixed a crash related to exiting multiplayer combat prematurely.
+ Fixed a rare animation-related crash in combat.
+ Fixed a rare system killer related crash.
+ Fixed a recent issue in combat that was preventing ships from being selected.
+ Fixed a crash caused by cancelling a mission for a node boring Zuul fleet.
+ Fixed a crash related to upgrading a station that had not been in combat.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed known issues with movement on the government type graph.
+ Joker, GOOP and battle rider wing buttons now disappear from the HUD
when the selected ships are too far from the viewer.
+ Fixed an issue where players were getting multiple salvage projects
leading to the same tech.
+ Addressed issues where the AI player was bypassing fleet supply
limitations when sending out missions.
+ Fixed the issue where missiles were not colliding with the ghost ship.
+ Fixed an issue where fleet missions would get hung up in systems
with disabled relics or asteroid monitors.
+ Fixed the bug where effects from stations were active prior to
completion of construction.
+ Fixed a bug that was allowing players to slot any weapon into a
retrofitted design.
+ Fixed an issue where the system killer would not proceed on to the
next star system.
+ Fixed an issue where Leviathans were taking armor damage on the
wrong side in combat.
+ Fixed some flaws in the weapon ricochet calculations in combat.
+ It is no longer possible to see enemy ship tool tips.
+ Cleaned up some inconsistencies in the display of climate hazard ratings.
+ Fixed a bug that was allowing players to submit intercept missions
when no fleets were available to do so.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing overlapping stations to appear in
the system view and combat.

+ It is now possible to set the number of initial planets for each faction.
+ Some general ship section and weapon tweaks.
+ Combat Algorithms technology now allows an additional two cruisers
instead of just one.
+ Battle Riders can now be launched by clicking the individual
squad/wing buttons associated with each ship.
+ Ships can now be retrofitted.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a crash related to the star system tool tip on the star map.
+ Fixed multiplayer desync issues caused by clients dropping into a
game in progress.
+ Fixed known crashes relating to battle riders.
+ Fixed a crash related to assimilating colonies.
+ Fixed a crash related to Suul'ka losing their home colonies.
+ Eliminated a fleet manager race condition that was leading to
intermittent crashes.
+ Fixed known pre-combat UI crashes.
+ Fixed a rare crash related to admiral death and retirement.
+ Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when populating stations around

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed known ship and weapon data issues.
+ Fixed various known localization issues.
+ Karnak Targeting Module effects now working.
+ Scotsman Module effects now working.
+ Psi- and Life-Drain effects now damage planets.
+ Close to Attack behaviour now reflects race preferences.
+ Fixed known issues where budget projection was not matching reality
for the next turn.
+ Fixed Morrigi Relic starting locations.
+ Fixed known issues with AI relating to Morrigi Relic.
+ Fixed some inconsistencies in the way Human and Zuul players retreat
from combat.
+ Zuul bore ships now correctly retreat back to their homeworld when
boring a new node line.
+ Deployed gate ships are no longer being included in additional combat rounds.
+ Deployed gate ships no longer get doubled up in combat.
+ Enemy gate ships are now visible in combat at your own systems.
+ Fixed incentive calculation issues.
+ Fixed a regression where construction missions were not being
cancelled when the construction ships were destroyed.
+ Fixed known issues with Jammer ships not working in cobmat.
+ Jamming radius is now displayed in combat sensor view.
+ Light Emitters can now be fitted to battle riders.
+ Fixed known issues related to repairing Suul'ka.
+ Locked down issues where the game was not appearing to respond to
mouse clicks.
+ Diplomacy reaction histories now display events pertaining to the
correct players.
+ Diplomacy reactions related to relative empire size no longer occur
for undiscovered empires.
+ Suul'ka will now correctly maximize psionic potential.
+ Fixed an issue where fleets could not be relocated when a Suul'ka was present.
+ Fixed known multiple-GM spawning issues.
+ Damage to modules now carries over from combat to strategy turns.
+ Improved Node Fighter behavior.
+ Treaty accept and reject dialogs now display the correct empire names.
+ Defenses, gates and reserve fleets are now correctly cleaned up when
an empire is defeated.
+ Fixed the loophole that was allowing players to bypass feasibility studies.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing climate hazard values to display
positive values all the time.
+ The battle manager is now more forgiving about placing fleets near planets.
+ Invasion missions now correctly apply morale, government and
diplomatic penalties.
+ Fixed known issues related to colony support.
+ Fixed an issue where not all mines would be displayed in the sensor
view in combat.
+ The node line collapse news event now correctly displays both system names.
+ Fixed issues related to intercept missions.
+ Force-firing on ships in combat will now force a war declaration in
the strategy turn when appropriate.
+ Slave population numbers no longer reduce civilian population numbers.
+ Fixed morale bonus for police and propaganda ships.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing the game from removing ships from
fleets that had exceeded their command point quota.
+ Fixed an issue where extra ships from retreating fleets were being
transferred incorrectly.
+ It is no longer possible to request or demand items from independent factions.
+ Stations are now considered for combat rounds.
+ Addressed issues that were preventing the strategic AI from
expanding its empire, especially after engaging in war with another empire.
+ Transient random encounters no longer hold on to control zones after
combat ends.

Other Changes:
+ GOOP and Joker Module abilities are now available.
+ Missle attacks on your ship can now be initiated in the Weapons Test
screen, using the new icon button.
+ Grappling cannon is now available.
+ AI now uses the node cannon and targeted missiles in combat.
+ Improved deep space encounter with system killer.
+ Defence Platform placement is no longer restricted to slots.
+ Tool tips in the design and build screens now display the design attributes.
+ It is no longer possible to launch riders while cloaked.
+ AI rebellions have been introduced.
+ Government shifts now occur in response to overharvesting gem and
forge worlds.
+ Introduced the surprise attack diplomatic action.
+ Empires now continue to be listed in the player list after defeat.
+ VRF Systems now increase appropriate weapon fire rates by 25%.
+ Food now occupies less space on colony support runs.
+ Reduced AI tendency to declare war.
+ It is now possible to reconfigure fleets on missions as long as the
changes do not violate mission objectives.
+ Independent faction tech levels are now displayed.
+ Systems with a colony now receive 3 base defense points.
+ Retrofit designs are now available. (see known issues) Introduced
+ protectorate and incorporate treaties.

Known Issues:
- Designs can be retrofitted with new weapons, and new ships built from them, but retrofitting old ships is not yet ready.
- Deep space, multiplayer combat will desync.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a known defense manager fleet list crash.
+ Fixed an end of combat crash related to combat involving neutral factions.
+ Made numerous sound system changes to help with frame rate issues.
+ Fixed a crash related to queued station modules.
+ Fixed a minefield related crash in combat.
+ Fixed a crash in the design screen related to selecting and submitting defense platforms.
+ Fixed a combat retreat crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to entering and exiting the empire manager.
+ Fixed known memory leaks in transitions to and from the star map.
+ Fixed a silent multiplayer crash related to random encounters.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the build screen.
+ Fixed a multiplayer hang that could occur versus lone gate ships.

Other Fixes:
+ Reduced ship spark effect density to help with frame rate issues.
+ Fixed an issue preventing the Repair All function from working.
+ Fixed an issue where a VN disintegrator beam could remain linked to ships that left its range.
+ It is no longer possible to cancel return missions for retreating fleets.
+ Fixed the issue where colonies were firing at targets outside of sensor range.
+ Fixed the issue where planets would mysteriously disappear from the list of colonization options.
+ Fixed an multiple combat round issue where the game would try to select eliminated fleets.
+ Fixed the issue where construction missions would leave stations under construction if the construction ships were destroyed.
+ Fixed known issues of missiles spinning in space.
+ Fixed a bug that was causing prototyped ships to become too cheap.
+ Fixed known issues where diplomatic actions could result in a negative cost, adding to a player's RDP instead of subracting from it.
+ Addressed issues that were causing the AI to declare war too frequently.
+ Fixed the missing news event notifying players of war declarations against them.
+ Fixed an issue where colonies were not correctly reporting when they were developed.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing Hivers from upgrading gate stations fully.

Other Changes:
+ Build and design screens now show design attributes.
+ Made some improvements to the mine field placement flow in the defense manager.
+ Tracking weapons can now target the dish on a command monitor.
+ Fleets involved in multiple rounds of combat will lose additional endurance.
+ Non-Zuul factions are now attacked by pirates.
+ Developing colonies no longer support fleets.
+ Improved the research and feasibility study complete dialogs.
+ Variety of tweaks and corrections to ship turrets for all factions.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a new first-turn networked multiplayer crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to the Xavier module.
+ Fixed the issue that was causing Hiver gates not to function until
the game was reloaded.
+ Temporarily removed localization files causing crash on start-up for
German and Russian players.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed an issue where non-standard fleets could get into combat rounds.
+ Fixed an issue where module repair points were not being factored in
to the total.
+ Build orders are now cleaned up with a player's colonies are lost.
+ Espionage panel in the diplomacy screen now lists pending intel
operations for the turn.
+ Hiver gate icons now appear when gate ships are deployed.
+ Fixed new placeholder UI elements in the design screen.
+ Some weapon-related framerate optimization made in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where colony IO was not being redistributed when
either terraforming or infrastructure were maxed.

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - Valve

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a game loading crash related to asteroid monitors.
+ Fixed all known crashes related to deep space interception.
+ Fixed a potential infinite loop in Hiver movement that could occur
during turn processing.
+ Fixed known multiplayer de-sync issues that were leading to crashes.
+ Fixed a crash when returning from a demand or request with an indy.
+ Made optimizations to turn processing times.

Other Fixes:
+ Suul'ka can now be summoned again.
+ Mining and defense stations no longer double-charge players for construction.
+ Resolved conflicting broadside versus pursuit orders in combat.
+ Rapid prototyping now applies proper bonus.
+ Made changes to resolve minefield overlap and frame-rate issues.
+ Made changes to resolve PD phaser frame-rate issues.
+ Improperly configured requests and demands are no longer allowed to
be committed.
+ Trade income is now correctly reported when no trading is available.
+ Fixed an issue where mining stations were not showing up in station
construction options.
+ Fixed mis-labelled Zuul station types in news events.
+ Fixed an issue where colonization missions were not cancelling when
critical ships were destroyed.
+ Fixed a known issue related to incorrect movement speed on the starmap.
+ Fixed issues that were preventing AI players from declaring war when
they should.
+ Fixed an issue where heavy and planet missiles were not re-targeting
in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where stations were reporting incorrect remaining and
total structure.
+ Fixed an issue where in-transit fleets could be incorrectly
displayed in repair dialogs.
+ Fixed issues where asteroid monitor encounters would cease to occur
after destroying a command monitor.
+ Fixed some combat stance issues related to planets.
+ Fixed issues where alien habitation modules could take up standard
habitation module slots.
+ Fixed a couple issues where warhead damage was not being adjusted
correctly for researched technology.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing government graph from updating.
+ Fixed issues where missiles targeting spectres could damage a colony instead.
+ Addressed network de-sync issues with certain weapons in combat.
+ Addressed some turret arcs that weren't firing or engaging correctly.

+ Node Cannon and Node Maw weapons have been re-introduced for Zuul players.
***To use the Node Maw in combat, go to sensor view and click on the corresponding buttons above the desired Bore node points.*** ***These will collapse the node points, to devastating effect for ships in the area.***
+ Updated combat screen GUI
+ Added a multiple combat system.
+ Added Morrigi tombs.
+ Introduced the ghost ship random encounter.
+ Turrets and modules now show up in the fleet manager.
+ Quantum disassociation now adds the intended 20% bonus to production.
+ Combat now occurs in multiple phases depending on the number of
fleets present.
+ Intelligence-gathering missions can now be executed from the diplomacy screen.
+ Increased AI diplomacy reactions.
+ Increased savings required for morale boost.
+ Biosphere preservation now reduces consumption by 50%.
+ Colonies now get an initial bonus on the turn they are established.
+ Fleets that lose their command ships in combat will now disband and retreat.
+ Increased battle rider mission times.
+ Reduced the density of minefields.
+ Added new drone attack behaviors.
