Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

CORE: Astrology has been revised to make it a more appealing skill line.
CORE: Fleshsmithing has been re-arranged and re-balanced. New skill
order: Zombyfycation, Knit Tissue, Fleshbore, Meatshield, Corpus Burst, Miasmatic Putrefaction.
CORE: Zombyfycation is now an area-effect spell.
CORE: Tinkering, smithing, alchemy and wand lore have now been extended by one skill point (via crafting, naturally.) You can now gain more exciting, passive bonuses. Everyone loves passive bonuses.
CORE: Wands are generally better. Many effects now scale to your wandcrafting power.
TRAPS: Caltrops added to the game. Why? Because your hatred tastes like the finest chocolate, that's why.
FIXED: Achievements.
ADDED: More achievements. (They're probably broken.)
FIXED: Older, Mac OS X based machines with the Radeon x1660 Graphics Card will now run Dredmor correctly. (Also, they're a lot faster too.)
FIXED: Removed the Mushroom Shuffler. You don't need to know what this is; just be thankful that we removed it.
FIXED: Wand lore will no longer show up on artifacts.
FIXED: Quest monsters will no longer spawn in walls.
FIXED: Other things will no longer spawn in walls. Mainly, this applies to quest monsters.
FIXED: The random zoo crash. We think.
FIXED: Some issues where shopkeepers will refuse to appear in the right area.
FIXED: Bolt machines. (We're not sure what we fixed; the notes just say "Bolt Machines." So that's fixed.)
FIXED: Crossbows now correctly reduce the # of attacks on attack buffs.
FIXED: The "affectCorpses" flag now works correctly on most spells.
FIXED: Unarmed attacks will now trigger even if you have a crossbow.
ROTDG: Piracy is now significantly more ... interesting.
ROTDG: Fixed percentages on "No, Now You Are The Demons"
FIXED: Do not let the user load save games with mods, if they do not have those mods enabled.
FIXED: Booze, food, consume buffs.
FIXED: A Zillion Crash Bugs.
FIXED: Ten Zillion XML Errors. (Thanks to Todd Moon for his excellent XML Validator, which taught us how to repair our own game. Also, how to
FIXED: Dodging a monster attack will no longer trigger an onHit effect (Blobs of Corruption; Hungry and Thirsty Diggles; etc.)
FIXED: Monsters stepping on blink traps will no longer apply the blink curse to the player.
FIXED: Crafting UI will now refresh automatically when you open it.


EXPANSION PACK: You Have To Name the Expansion Pack is released! Enjoy the sweet, sweet taste of Nameable, Free, DLC!

Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

The end is nigh brows

I’d gladly welcome another expansion pack for Dungeons of Dredmor and I gladly shall when the next one arrives in the near future. To add to the glad, it’ll be free as well, having been constructed with “the cooperation of a handful of the Dredmor community’s top modders”. It’s not slight and full details of the contents are below. Not content with welcoming the mod community into their home, Gaslamp Games are also serving tea and biscuits, or at least that’s how I interpret the news that modding will now be integrated with the Steam Workshop. Mods for all, mods of all stripes, and also biscuits for those who would like them.


Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

- FIXED: Save game compatibility with 1.0.8 save games.
- FIXED: Save game issues on levels > level 2.
- FIXED: crash looking at bookshelves containing a wand recipe
- FIXED: hordes spawning off screen causing crash in script code. (This was the Moustache Fighting League. Again. Not even kidding.)
- FIXED: primary and secondary stat buffs not loading in mods.
- Redrew minimap icons so that they are beautiful.
- Additional wandcrafting recipes.

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

- FIXED: n-dimensional lathe was, in fact, a giant game-crashing exploding bomb
- FIXED: wandcrafting recipes being lost after load/save
- FIXED: crafting tool output not displaying
- FIXED: some crossbows not working [RotDG]
- FIXED: some mittens not working [RotDG]
- FIXED: Axe of Dinglenit was worth 0 zorkmids [RotDG]
- FIXED: Gloriously Regal Belt using description from Bullet Belt
- FIXED: That blasted lever room will only show up once per level. It was getting to be a bit of an issue.
- FIXED: "Cat Ears" helmet was using the wrong art [RotDG]
- FIXED: "Runes" showing up in gem transmutation
- FIXED: Diggle plague just being all kinds of nasty
- FIXED: Chest/helm tooltips switched on character panel
- FIXED: Skills that give primary stats, wouldn't give the correct stats
- FIXED: Mustache Fighting League room would fill with infinite mustaches
- FIXED: very rarely, scripts would spawn an entire horde of monsters off of the bottom of the map.
- FIXED: tutorials showing up twice
- FIXED: took out more broken tutorials
- FIXED: game crashing at start new game screen on Mac OS X 10.5.8.
- FIXED: Heal-over-Time (HoT) effects being resisted (Fairywodger; Knit Tissue; etc.)
- FIXED: Mysterious portal crashes. [RotDG]
- FIXED: Steam achievements now trigger for expansion skills.
- FIXED: mods will now correctly load rooms.xml and text.xml
- FIXED: last skills in modded-in-skill-tree would crash the game
- FIXED: the amazing exponentially-multiplying Diggle Egg Stacking bug.
- Minor tweaks, balances, etc.
- Corrupted Shrines are now mildly more interesting.
- Better decor on Diggle God Shrines. [RotDG]

Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

I'm thinking of an alternative and more terrifying ending for Ring right now

It was announced in the recently expired month of November and now, on what should be the day before release, Dungeons of Dredmor’s first expansion has been trailerised. As well as containing graphic closeups of the most formidable eyebrows in gaming, the video provides details on the contents of Realm of the Diggle Gods. New enemies, areas and equipment are present, as one would expect, but did you expect a Werediggle skill line? I didn’t because my imagination is clearly limited and limp. How about eye lasers and the ability to create a character who is a “Vampiric Pirate Hunter-Vegan that dabbles in Demonology”? Oh, and belts! Sounds good. Watch below.


Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Good to see the devs are as inept at playing it as I am

Not all dungeons require a cross-country trek or a cheeky spot of fast-travel to access. Dungeons of Dredmor was a light but appropriately vicious roguelike which charmed both John and I earlier this year, and creators Gaslamp Games have not left it to fester away on a darkened corner of Steam. As well as a steady trickle of patches, they’ve announced some real-money DLC is incoming, as well as a new patch which, among other things, doubles the number of avatar genders on offer. I did some pretty impressive maths to arrive at that conclusion, let me tell you. (more…)

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
CHANGELOG for 1.0.6:
FIXED: Map zoom is now saved between gameplay sessions
FIXED: a broken room defintion that would always lead to a gargoyle trap spawning behind a food dispenser.
FIXED: Items held in the player’s hand are no longer lost on save/load.
FIXED: Rod charging no longer prevents priming items after use.
FIXED: The game now realizes that you are in a shop after you load the game… and are in a shop.
FIXED: Food vending machines now have correct tooltips.
FIXED: Items from the ground can no longer be used as active skills.
FIXED: Overridden equipment during the start of the character creation process will give you permanent Mystery Bonuses.
FIXED: Monsters will now check to make sure the player isn’t standing on a corpse before they bring it back to life.
FIXED: After you steal things from Brax, you can now use them as items.
FIXED: The DIGEST button will now halt if you see an enemy or get attacked by one.
FIXED: Uberchest lock state no longer resets after save and load.
FIXED: Blink Batties now Blink. (So does Lord D.)
FIXED: Various broken Steam achievements (Monsters with Omelettes, The Critic, anything else with a counter)
FIXED: digging ray crash.
FIXED: misaligned close button in Quest window.
FIXED: Unarmed damage bonuses are no longer applied to range attacks, or thrown attacks.
FIXED: Unskilled weapon wielding penalties no longer affect thrown, or crossbow, attacks.
FIXED: Unarmed bonuses now apply even if you wield a crossbow.
FIXED: Vandalized Dredmor Statues now save their obstruction state correctly.
FIXED: WASD now breaks statues, lets you run into some other things and use them
GAMEPLAY: The resistance statistic now gives you a roll to block corruption attacks.
GAMEPLAY: Mace and Axe skill trees have been revamped and enhanced.
GAMEPLAY: Lord Dredmor can no longer be stunned or charmed.
GAMEPLAY: Reworked Necronomiconomics.
GAMEPLAY: Smithing is now a Warrior archetype.
GAMEPLAY: Sneakiness has a -20 modifier.
GAMEPLAY: Elemental Weapons now have some Elemental Resistances. Or something.
GAMEPLAY: Added a bunch more items, including a keytar.
GAMEPLAY: Some crafts are now unhidden by default.
GAMEPLAY: Added the Mosolov Cocktail! Don’t drink it all at once.
GAMEPLAY: The 2X bottom bar is now implemented. We’ll do the rest next patch.
COSMETIC: Monster spellcasting now shows up on the text ticker.
COSMETIC: More minimap icons!
INTERNAL: Hidden Fun Stuff to make it so we can turn on the mod support without breaking everybody’s save games. (That said, we have to put it in the patch before the mod support so that… well, so that it doesn’t break everybody’s save games.)
INTERNAL: Hidden Fun Stuff, related to the Other Hidden Fun Stuff.
Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
  • FIXED: Game not correctly processing some right clicking mouse clicks.
  • FIXED: Lag due to blood splatters.
  • FIXED: Dual wielding was not working, in particular the last skill.
  • FIXED: Shield bearer skills were not correctly granting passive attributes.
  • FIXED: A number of screwed up achievements in the "skill set" categories.
  • FIXED: Warrior health (and other things) were not being calculated correctly.
  • FIXED: various spells not working due to having incorrectly set sight buffs.
  • FIXED: primary skill buffs were not passing their bonuses through to secondary skill calculations.
  • FIXED: Item duplication bug when hitting "0".
  • FIXED: incorrect item values for Cybertronic Amulet.
  • FIXED: incorrect item values for Dark Orb.
  • FIXED: being able to save and quit the game after your death.
  • FIXED: nightmare curse not actually putting monsters to sleep (or correctly triggering the DOT)
  • FIXED: narcosomantic induction not always putting monsters to sleep.
  • FIXED: SHIFT-Click mode, when turned on, doesn’t correctly handle SHIFT-Clicking as regular clicking.
  • FIXED: unliving walls do not become permanent blockers after saving and re-loading the game.
  • FIXED: stacked necronomiconomics penalties prevent the player from disabling his other buffs.
  • FIXED: right-clicking, off turn, causes left-clicking behaviours..
  • FIXED: infinitely long Diggle health bars.
  • FIXED: monsters not dying when affected by buffs that reduce their HP (acid burn, etc.)
  • FIXED: monsters who are stunned or asleep can no longer dodge, block, or counter-attack.
  • FIXED: blank pedestal spawning in the Tomb of the Unknown Hero.
  • FIXED: certain weapon powers from Krong never activated
  • FIXED: various ways in which the player could abuse the shopping system
  • FIXED: some items becoming stackable after you put them in crafting tools.
  • FIXED: potion stacking stops working after you save, reload, and put it in a craft tool.
  • FIXED: vampirism causing haywire (or crit buffs); normal spellcasting NOT haywiring
  • FIXED: bad text in wand, potions tutorials
  • FIXED: KRONG text no longer mentions crafting skill
  • FIXED: starting part of Monster Zoo music wasn't playing
  • FIXED: This Translation Is All Wrong! wasn't clearing damage effects on weapons, causing massive damage stacks
  • FIXED: a number of spells were not correctly applying blasting damage (Thor's Fulminaric Bolt, for instance.)
  • FIXED: Vampires are no longer told to "eat food to regain health."
    (Now they must dreeenk blaht.)
  • FIXED: double "bad weapon" penalties.
  • FIXED: a bunch of monster inheritance issues.
  • FIXED: crash on fullscreen with OS X 10.7
  • FIXED: crash while SHIFT-clicking with an object that you have just auto-looted, with auto-loot enabled.
  • FIXED: various other issues with the auto-loot.
  • FIXED: Various issues with WASD move-to-open.
  • FIXED: Lutefisk cube behaviour is now consistent with regards to stacks versus individual units.
  • FIXED: game crash when using non-standard characters in character names.
  • FIXED: empty tiles appearing in room definitions.
  • FIXED: dual wield and counter chance..
  • FIXED: mysteriously appearing broken doors.
  • FIXED: buffs that cannot be dismissed.
  • FIXED: auto-looting for lockpicks.
  • FIXED: multiple on-hit triggers on corpses.
  • FIXED: items get deleted when clicking in inventory and holding down CTRL.
  • FIXED: don't let the game run in resolutions with y resolution < 600.
  • FIXED: Dying at the hands of Lord Dredmor no longer gives you the "Thrusty" achievement.
  • FIXED: the Thrusty achievement now works.
  • FIXED: Mark of Chthon and Magic Steel now correctly buff in a way that scales with magic power.
  • FIXED: traps triggered by monsters applying buffs to the players.
  • FIXED: pets give you XP when you kill them.
  • FIXED: curses on monster stacks cause madness.
  • FIXED: game launcher uses 100% CPU
  • FIXED: Fine Bronze Cuirass has incorrect stats.
  • FIXED: issues with ALT-TAB and SDL causing certain things (quicksell, stack split) to stop working after leaving and returning to the game.
  • FIXED: bolt recovery now works for crossbow users on all hits, not just death.
  • FIXED: thrown item recovery now works for all thrown items on all hits, not just death.
  • NERF: Using a wand now disables invisibility effects.
  • NERF: The Obvious Fireball has been Nerfed more obviously than the last un-obvious Nerf.
  • NERF: This Translation Is All Wrong! now enacts a Terrible Price.
    Also, we got to make another Marcus Brody joke.
  • NERF: added some more resistances throughout levels to require you to use at least two spells to beat the game.
  • NERF: Hand of Belimawr is no longer stackable.
  • NERF: Alchemy, in various small, cruel ways.
  • NERF: "This Translation is All Wrong" saps magic from items, occasionally.
  • BUFF: Psionics gets magic resistance.
  • GAMEPLAY: Nerfed, then buffed, Vampirism. It's sort of about the same, really.
  • GAMEPLAY: More fire resistance on Level 9 monsters.
  • GAMEPLAY: Black Pearls can now be ground into chalk. Interestingly, this is not a flight of fancy but is based on Science.
  • GAMEPLAY: Heavy armour gives greater magic penalties, but offers more piercing resistance.
  • GAMEPLAY: Heavy armour also reduces nimbleness.
  • GAMEPLAY: the Jingly Jangly Staff of Crystals now requires alchemy instead of smithing.
  • GAMEPLAY: Lutefisk balancing changes.
  • GAMEPLAY: Tinkerers can now make Black Powder.
  • GAMEPLAY: Robots now do electrical damage. Because, you know, they're robots.
  • GAMEPLAY: Blobbies now leave Acid Pools.
  • UI: Kill the Tutorial Pop-up at the start of the game if you've seen it once.
  • Monsters have an expanded vocabulary.
  • The Bony Wand is now not quite as awful.
  • Lord Dredmor is now nastier.
  • Added a new, fun monster to Level 10.
  • Added craftable thrown weapons.
  • Added slightly more informative vending machine tool text.
  • Game renders all text using UTF-8 internally, for the Japanese Translation teams. (Ganbatte!)
  • Upped Pyrokinesis damage.
  • Made acid traps marginally less deadly.
  • Fixed zorkmid scaling drop rate.
  • Changed graveyard text so people no longer think their scores are negative.
  • Weapon and armour stats have been given some more love.
  • Elven Ingot Grinder is now affected by alchemy, not smithing or tinkering.
  • Alchemists now start with an Ingot Grinder, giving them more rubbish than any other class.
  • Adjacent monsters now display health bars consistently.
  • Trap outlines are now drawn on top of walls when they are obscured.
  • ALT-click will now split stacks in the inventory.
  • Added a new minimap interface, and some minimap icons for Lutefisk Shrines, quest statues, Anvils, etc.
  • Added some more rooms of Fun.
  • Added some rings and amulets that give Necromantic Resistance, for those days when you need Necromantic Resistance.
  • Pet AI improvements; your Moustache Golem now longer has the intelligence of a protozoa. (We're now at "easily frightened wombat")
  • Added more achievements.
  • New throwing item recipes.
  • Added a reward for clearing a Monster Zoo.
  • Autoloot toggle moved to config screen.
  • Added "DIGEST" button for automatic digestion of foods.
  • New "Random Skills" icon.
Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (RPS)

Intrigued by Alec’s review, John got hold of Dungeons Of Dredmor too, and found himself finally clicking with a roguelike. Alec and John sat down at either end of the RPS banquet table to discuss the game, and their experiences while playing it.>


Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
  • Fixes save compatibility with previous versions of Dredmor.