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biblioteka Steam
Już tu jest
Biblioteka Steam przechodzi metamorfozę, której celem jest poprawa jej wyglądu, trafności prezentowanych informacji i użyteczności.
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Witamy w domu
Nowa strona główna biblioteki da ci szybki dostęp do aktualizacji, niedawno uruchamianych gier, aktywności znajomych i kolekcji.
Wszystko w jednym miejscu
Strony gier
Na stronach szczegółów twoich gier znajdziesz cały wachlarz nowych, przydatnych informacji.
Zorganizuj się
Twoja biblioteka jest twoją historią gamingu i powinno się ją przyjemnie przeglądać. Nowa biblioteka Steam ułatwia odkrywanie, sortowanie, ukrywanie i wyróżnianie swoich gier.
❤️ producentów
Aby tchnąć życie w nowe funkcje biblioteki, wydaliśmy nowe narzędzia do publikowania wydarzeń i ogłoszeń. Dajemy ci większą niż kiedykolwiek kontrolę i elastyczność nad komunikacją z graczami w sklepie, na twojej stronie społeczności, a od teraz także w bibliotece!
Dowiedz się więcej na temat nowych narzędzi wydarzeń dla producentów! arrow
Dziękujemy wszystkim za wzięcie udziału w becie biblioteki!
Wciąż będziemy wydawać usprawnienia oraz nowe funkcje w oparciu o wasze opinie i prośby.

Oto, co zostało zaktualizowane podczas bety:
  • Demos are now automatically removed from your game library when uninstalled
  • Delete and manage screenshot options have been added to the context menu shown when right clicking on them on a game details page
  • Enabled uploading screenshots to your Steam profile directly from the post-game summary and when viewing a full resolution screenshots.
  • Added ability to remove a free to play game from your Library by right clicking on the game in the games list and choosing manage -> Remove From Library.
  • Added ability to add custom header and logo artwork to games in your Library (and position the logo) by right clicking in the header area of a game details page.
  • Added ability to customize What’s New items to show more or less per-game, within the right-click context menu
  • New Recent Friend Activity shelves will no longer immediately disappear if there is no Recent Friend Activity
  • Shelves can now be deleted during reorganization by clicking on the trash can on the shelf header
  • Recent Games and Recent Friend Activity are now shelves.
  • Shelves can now be reorganized by drag and drop. Click and hold on the center of a shelf header to start reorganizing.
  • A ‘disable community content’ option has been added to Settings. Low bandwidth mode will still enable this option, but it can also be set separately.
  • Games that no longer run on MacOS 10.15 Catalina will show an incompatibility warning.
  • Added new UI for uninstalling a game or application
  • Better support for smaller windows and restored, slimmer Home and Collections buttons
  • Replaced Home and Collections navigation buttons with Library menu options.
  • Hid empty collections from game list.
  • Added a "filter by platform" button to Linux and MacOS that will filter the current game list to only games that run on the current platform.
  • One-time reset of Steam Skin selection when receiving this beta update or when first receiving the new library update. This avoids un-updated skins causing failures when opening the new library.
  • Improvements to prevent new Library doing any animation/GPU work when the Library window is covered by other windows or games regardless of GPU acceleration settings
  • Some Library animations now pause when the Library window does not have keyboard focus or mouse hover, even if the window may be visible
  • Add screenshots section to pages for non-Steam games
  • Make non-Steam games available when Family View is enabled
  • Events viewed from the Library Home have an icon to take you to that game’s details page
  • Improved performance of Collections View for users with many collections
  • Fixed a steamwebhelper memory leak impacting Mac and Linux users and some Windows overlay browser usage if GPU acceleration for web views was on
  • Fixed web view GPU acceleration to default on for Mac and Linux
  • Fixed Library failing to load for some users with very large numbers of non-Steam games
  • Deleting screenshots taken in VR now also deletes the stereo version from the local disk and the cloud. Note that cloud deletion only applies to screenshots uploaded in the future, not existing shared screenshots.
  • Fixed play bar drawing over the links bar on game details when Library Sharing is active
  • Fixed some cases where non-Steam games would have their categories or custom artwork scrambled when Steam restarts. As a side effect of this fix, all non-Steam games will have their categories and custom artwork reset.
  • Cover art can now be zoomed in on under “Show more details”
  • Add scrollbar to shelf dropdown for users with many collections
  • Fixed alignment and layout issues around the play bar in various conditions
  • Fixed some game demos not displaying in the Library
  • Fixed uninstall not being displayed in context menus for installed games when the user didn’t have a current license
  • Fixed an issue where fullscreen Youtube videos failed to properly snap back to the Library
  • Fixed new Library not displaying on macOS when GPU accelerated views are disabled
  • The game details page now correctly shows the sharing Library for shared games
  • Fixed game logos sometimes being misaligned in the game details header
  • Fixed bug where number, date, and list formatting did not always match the current language setting.
  • Fixed a bug where 32-bit games couldn’t be uninstalled on MacOS Catalina.
  • Re-enabled launching of games on MacOS Catalina where compatibility is unknown and not yet configured by the developer.
  • Fixed roaming of favorites and hidden collections between machines. Note: changes made outside of beta will not affect the beta Library.
  • Fixed forward and back buttons on Downloads page sometimes navigating twice instead of once
  • Reduced client hitching for users with large libraries when adding or removing games
  • Fixed cases where the ‘Install’ button failed to offer installation on remote computers
  • Make Store/Library/Community/Profile navigation buttons respond better when Steam does not have keyboard focus
  • Fixed UI sometimes becoming unresponsive for several seconds when uploading a screenshot
  • Fixed custom artwork not loading in offline mode
  • Fixed Library not redrawing when switching between Steam panels with GPU accelerated views disabled