Mua 16 Bit Psych Bundle! BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

Grab 2 RPG's for a very discounted bundle price!

Stories in Stone:
An RPG about a tribe exploring an ancient world. Forge a bond with your wolf and help your tribe survive! You must settle in a new land, so collect resources, train with your master, and grow stronger by learning powerful skills!

My first game, To Ash:
A unique RPG where instead of becoming stronger, you get weaker as you go along. Demitri is a hero who already completed his journey. He is already powerful, so combat is complex and strategic from the start! The theme revolves around death and acceptance.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

To Ash
  Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
Stories In Stone
  Phiêu lưu, Nhập vai (RPG)
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Mua 16 Bit Psych Bundle! BỘ (?)