Allison's Diary: The Trilogy

Закупуване на Allison's Diary: The Trilogy КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

The whole three-chapters saga, in one terrifying bundle!

In a frightening night of 1956, a nine years old child, Allison,
killed her parents and died in a dreadful asylum.

The Allison's Diary trilogy is a horror games collection, specifically
thought for the fan of the genre, where you will witness three of
the most scaring experiences currently available on the store.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

The Hospital: Allison's Diary
Само ВР  Приключенски, Независими
The Cathedral: Allison's Diary
Само ВР  Приключенски, Независими, Симулатори
The Villa: Allison's Diary
Само ВР  Приключенски, Независими, Симулатори
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