Transparent Black Full Set

Køb Transparent Black Full Set BUNDT (?)


Om dette bundt

If you would like to make a donation to this tiny studio and you happen to want a copy or two of Transparent Black, thank you for your purchasement in advance!
Here is the game Transparent Black and its sole DLC to implement the story. Though I'm not making a promise, there might be something more for free added into this bundle, like OST or hidden gallery which is just... awesome!
Well, I should remind you that you can unlock the contents of the DLC by playing deep in the game Transparent Black, for free of course. The bundle is not so expensive anyway.
If you are interested in anything else, tell us and... at least we will try!

Emner inkluderet i dette bundt

Transparent Black
  Eventyr, Indie, Rollespil (RPG)
Transparent Black - Wish
  Eventyr, Indie, Rollespil (RPG)
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Køb Transparent Black Full Set BUNDT (?)
