Deluxe Edition

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Sobre este conjunto

The Deluxe Edition includes Botlike - A Robot's Rampage, as well as the Botlike - A Robot's Rampage Original Soundtrack as a digital download.

The soundtrack features music for all the different areas and stages in the game as well as signature tracks for the various bosses you'll be fighting. For the time of Early Access on Steam, we'll be writing and recording more and more music as additional levels and enemies get added to the game.

Buyers of the Deluxe Edition will receive the soundtrack once the game leaves Early Access as we will be remastering all of the tracks for the album release.

The soundtrack is composed by the very talented Breakdown Epiphanies - who will of course receive all the additional proceeds.

Itens inclusos neste conjunto

Botlike - a robot's rampage
  Ação, Indie, Acesso Antecipado
Botlike - a robot's rampage - Soundtrack
  Ação, Indie
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