Bertram Fiddle Collection

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Об этом наборе

The Bertram Fiddle Collection includes A Bleaker Predicklement and a A Dreadly Business, the two episodes of the Adventures of Bertram Fiddle. This means: Puns, puns, and even more puns. And a victorian London like you've never seen it before. The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle is a traditional 2D point and click adventure game that mixes the classic formula up with riveting action elements all weaved together lovingly by Rumpus Animation.

В набор входят

Adventures of Bertram Fiddle 1: A Dreadly Business
  Приключенческие игры, Казуальные игры, Инди
Adventures of Bertram Fiddle 2: A Bleaker Predicklement
  Приключенческие игры, Казуальные игры, Инди
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