Fighting Lesson

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Về bộ này

Fighting Lesson Bundle includes:

Lesson Learned
Slice,dice & Rice

Lesson Learned - Help Frank travel through history in this unique approach to the tower defense genre. Enter a bizarre daydream world in co-op or solo mode. Gather resources, build defense towers, and manage your minions. Take up the challenge and defeat the incoming enemies!

Slice,dice&Rice - Slice Dice & Rice is an indie fighting game with no health bars. Inspired by Bushido Blade, it revolves around the idea of finding an opening in opponents defense and ending the round with a single, clean hit.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Lesson Learned
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie, Chiến thuật
Slice, Dice & Rice
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