Chornobyl Liquidation & Building Craft Bundle

Chornobyl Liquidation & Building Craft Bundle 구매 꾸러미 (?)


꾸러미 정보

Chornobyl Liquidation & Building Craft Bundle includes:

- Chornobyl Liquidators
- Builder Simulator

Chornobyl Liquidators - Chornobyl Liquidators is not a fantastic tale of exploring the Zone. It's a story about real people facing a real threat — the CNPP disaster. Invisible radiation, KGB, difficult moral choices... Do you have enough courage and strength to take on this challenge?

Builder Simulator - Builder Simulator is the perfect game for those who want to build a house, from the ground up, one brick at a time. On easy, the game will guide and teach you by showing you full instruction, but on hard you will get no help - instead rely on your builder skills and make everything yourself.

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

Builder Simulator
  어드벤처, 캐주얼, 인디, 시뮬레이션
Chornobyl Liquidators
  액션, 어드벤처, 인디, RPG, 시뮬레이션
개별 제품 가격:
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Chornobyl Liquidation & Building Craft Bundle 구매 꾸러미 (?)
