Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights - Overdrive Edition

Αγορά: Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights - Overdrive Edition

Σχετικά με αυτό το πακέτο

Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights - Overdrive edition is the ultimate Cyber Clutch experience for players by combining the full game with 2 unique vehicles that include the exlusive holographic customization items. The Overdrive edition includes:

- The full game that unleashed the battle rides of Cyber Clutch and puts you in the driver seat of the cyberpunk style inspired arena's to race, battle and own the tracks in unmatched speed, vehicle combat and unique vehicle classes in online multiplayer races.
- 2 exclusive vehicle models; the Wasp and the Scythe
- Each model comes with 12 exclusive and unique car parts
- 7 exclusive rims that can be used accross all vehicles
- Both vehicles and customization parts are available from the start, so you can create your favortie battle charriot.

Αντικείμενα σε αυτό το πακέτο

Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights
  Δράση, Indie, Αγώνες ταχύτητας, Πρόωρη πρόσβαση
Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights - Overdrive Pack
  Δράση, Indie, Αγώνες ταχύτητας
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Αγορά: Cyber Clutch: Hot Import Nights - Overdrive Edition