Colonize & House of Ghosts

Colonize & House of Ghosts 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

Embark on a journey of discovery and mystery with the Frontier Expeditions Bundle, featuring two captivating games that transport you to the uncharted frontiers of different worlds.

Forge a new society in the untamed wilderness of the New World in Colonize, a gripping blend of survival and strategy set during the 17th-century colonization period. Take on the role of a colonial leader tasked with guiding a group of settlers as they establish a fledgling colony amidst the challenges of resource management, diplomacy with indigenous peoples, and the harsh realities of frontier life. Will you build a thriving civilization or succumb to the dangers that lurk in the unknown?

House of Ghosts
Unravel the mysteries of a haunted mansion in House of Ghosts, a chilling adventure game set in a spooky frontier town. Explore eerie environments, solve puzzles, and uncover the dark secrets that lie within the haunted house as you navigate its haunted halls. Will you survive the ghostly encounters and unlock the truth behind the house's sinister past?

Embark on these thrilling expeditions and discover the challenges and wonders of exploration in two distinct frontiers. With the Frontier Expeditions Bundle, the unknown beckons.

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House of Ghosts
  액션, 어드벤처, 인디, 앞서 해보기
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Colonize & House of Ghosts 구매 꾸러미 (?)