Colonize & Music Store Simulator

Mua Colonize & Music Store Simulator BỘ (?)

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Embark on a voyage of discovery and entrepreneurship with the Frontier Ventures Bundle, featuring two captivating games that challenge you to chart your own course in uncharted territories.

Forge a new destiny in the untamed wilderness of the New World in Colonize, a captivating blend of survival and strategy set during the 17th-century colonization period. Lead a group of settlers as they establish a fledgling colony, facing the challenges of resource management, diplomacy with indigenous peoples, and the harsh realities of frontier life. Will you build a thriving society or succumb to the dangers that lurk in the wilderness?

Music Store Simulator
Set up shop and chase your dreams in Music Store Simulator, a simulation game where you manage and grow your very own music store. From stocking shelves with the latest instruments and equipment to managing finances and satisfying customer demands, every decision counts as you strive to build a successful business. Can you turn your passion for music into a thriving enterprise and become the ultimate music mogul?

Embark on these diverse adventures and discover the thrill of exploration and entrepreneurship in the New World and the world of music retail. With the Frontier Ventures Bundle, the possibilities are as vast as the horizon itself.

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  Giả lập, Chiến thuật, Truy cập sớm
Music Store Simulator
  Giả lập, Truy cập sớm
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Mua Colonize & Music Store Simulator BỘ (?)