Unferat + Weapon Meister

Unferat + Weapon Meister 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

The events of Weapon Meister and Unferat take place in the same world. Despite their different genres, these games are linked by a common mood, dark style and approach to task solving.

In the turn-based game Weapon Meister, you will engage in a battle with hordes of undead and powerful sorcerers, using a variety of weapons and a sophisticated combat technique system.

In Unferat, you must take the opposite side of the conflict and, as a ruthless necromancer, bring destruction and horror to a small village.

Both games have a moderate progression pace and challenge the player to carefully plan their every move. If you like dark medieval fantasy and are keen on games where planning, combinations and preparation for the battle pave the way for success, then these games are the best option for you!

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

  RPG, 시뮬레이션
Weapon Meister
  어드벤처, 인디, RPG, 전략
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Unferat + Weapon Meister 구매 꾸러미 (?)