The Horrible Guild Bundle

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To celebrate this Holiday Season and to welcome newcomers to the Horrible Guild family, we’ve packed all of our digital releases into this bundle!

  • Potion Explosion - The award-winning puzzle board game. Explode ingredients, trigger chain reactions and gather it all in your caldron to craft powerful mixtures with wacky effects! May the best wizard win!
  • Railroad Ink Challenge - The critically acclaimed roll and write game that is all about connections. Plan your routes, connect the exits around your board, expand your transportation system, and reach networking nirvana! Play solo to beat your own best scores, or challenge players from all over the world!
  • Similo: The Card Game - The critically acclaimed cooperative guessing game illustrated by world famous artist Naïade. Play together with players from all over the world Online or locally with your friends in Local Pass & Play mode!
  • Dragon Castle: The Board Game - A multiplayer board game freely inspired by the Mahjong Solitaire. Play Solo or against players from all over the world with Online and Local Pass & Play modes! Pick tiles from the central castle to create sets of tiles of the same kind and score points.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Potion Explosion
  Đơn giản, Chiến thuật
Railroad Ink Challenge
  Đơn giản, Chiến thuật
Similo: The Card Game
  Đơn giản
Dragon Castle: The Board Game
  Đơn giản
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Mua The Horrible Guild Bundle BỘ (?)