GraphXGames Arcade Collection

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GraphXGames Arcade Collection includes arcade games: Hexagun + Lasertron + LaserPoint.


Hexagun is a match3 shooter on the hex grid. Clean the playing field by forming groups of three or more like-colored hexagons.


Arkanoid with optic-styled physics and different bonuses. Lasertrons can be reflected, refracted, decompose into a spectrum of lasertrons, and change their colors. Clean the playing field with lasertrons!


The turn-based strategy game that requires you to use building elements to hit all the laserpoints on each level with lasertrons!

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  Đơn giản, Indie
  Hành động, Đơn giản, Indie
  Đơn giản, Indie, Chiến thuật
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Mua GraphXGames Arcade Collection BỘ (?)