Adventures and investigations with cats

Mua Adventures and investigations with cats BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

Cat's Request is a fantastic detective story about an extraterrestrial cat named Ash and his virtual assistant, living in a metropolis governed by artificial intelligence.

Cat and Ghostly Road is an atmospheric point-and-click quest in which you play as a white cat.

Detective From The Crypt is a mystical Victorian detective story in which you play for a ghost girl helped by a ghost cat.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Cat's Request
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
Detective From The Crypt
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
Cat and Ghostly Road
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
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Mua Adventures and investigations with cats BỘ (?)