Catizens - Game & Soundtrack Bundle

Catizens - Game & Soundtrack Bundle 구매


꾸러미 정보

A bundle for real cataholics! It includes the game and the official soundtrack.


is a colony management simulation game where you watch over unique cats with quirky personalities, as you help them build and grow their settlement while exploring new lands, facing off against wildlife and overcoming the challenges of each environment.

Catizens soundtrack

— embark on a purrful and emotional journey to a town of cute cats. It is composed by Vincent Diamante known for his music for the games Flower, and Sky: Children of the Light.

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

  인디, 시뮬레이션, 전략, 앞서 해보기
Catizens - Original Soundtrack
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Catizens - Game & Soundtrack Bundle 구매
