Father and Pirates on Frigato

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Om denna samling

This bundle includes games:

- Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean
- Farmer's Father: Save the Innocence

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean is a challenging Real-Time Tactics stealth game set in the intriguing realm of pirates. Take command over a motley crew of sea rogues and beat the British Royal Navy to the Caribbean’s most valuable treasure.

Farmer's Father: Save the Innocence

War breeds heroes you've never heard of. You are the ordinary person holding a huge burden of protecting what's most precious and innocent. Fight with hunger, wounds, cold, disease, and enemy cruelty. Defend your family and survive the war!

Artiklar i denna bunt

Farmer's Father - Gård, jakt och överlev 365 dagars ockupation
  Action, Äventyr, Indie, Simuleringar
Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean
  Action, Äventyr, Indie, Strategi
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Köp Father and Pirates on Frigato SAMLING (?)
