Fat Prisoner Simulator Bundle

Закупуване на Fat Prisoner Simulator Bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

Fat Prisoner Simulator - a soccer simulator where you play the role of a prisoner. The jail managers have noticed that some prisoners, who really like to eat a lot, can hardly go through the doors, including those of their cells. So they decided to gather those prisoners and arrange a soccer game between them so as to make them lose some calories.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

Fat Prisoner Simulator
  Независими, Симулатори, Спортни
Fat Prisoner Simulator 2
  Екшъни, Приключенски, Неангажиращи, Независими, Симулатори, Спортни
Fat Prisoner Simulator 3
  Независими, Симулатори, Спортни
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Закупуване на Fat Prisoner Simulator Bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)