House of Hacker

Mua House of Hacker BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

In this set you will find 2 games:
- House of Ghosts
- Hacker Simulator

House of Ghosts: House of Ghosts is a single-player horror survival game. Stop the demon and find out the name of its victim before it drags you to hell. Run and hide. Just don't get caught.

Hacker Simulator: Become a hacker and build your online reputation to the top by discovering a simplified and enjoyable version of real-life hacking methods. Complete contracts, buy new programs, upgrade your computer, crack wifi networks and infiltrate peoples or companies online systems.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

House of Ghosts
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie, Truy cập sớm
Hacker Simulator
  Indie, Giả lập
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Mua House of Hacker BỘ (?)