Mua Supporter Edition BỘ (?)

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Take the controls of the legendary Orient-Express steam train operated by the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits and retrace its storied route, only in Train Life!

The SUPPORTER EDITION contains the complete TRAIN LIFE: A RAILWAY SIMULATOR game and the following additional content:

  • The Orient-Express train of the 1920s, operated by the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits
  • The historic route of the Orient-Express train, from Paris to Vienna
  • The 231C Nord steam locomotive
  • 6 exclusive scenarios in which you are at the controls of the Orient-Express train
  • 2 new cities: Strasbourg and Vienna
  • 2 items you can use to decorate the conductor's cab: the Dobry Smok dragon and a handcar

The SUPPORTER EDITION is automatically received by every person who participated in the early access of Train Life.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Train Life: A Railway Simulator
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Train Life - 1920's Orient-Express Train
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Train Life - Supporter Pack
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Mua Supporter Edition BỘ (?)