Thief in Barn VR

Thief in Barn VR 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

Thief in Barn VR Bundle includes:

- Thief Simulator VR
- Barn Finders VR

Thief Simulator VR - Take the challenge and rob the best-secured houses. Do anything that a real thief does. And… don’t get caught!

Barn Finders VR - Put on your VR and discover a whole new Barn Finders’ experience! Discover crazy stories of the locations you visit and items you collect.

Have fun!

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

Thief Simulator VR
VR 전용  액션, 인디, 시뮬레이션
Barn Finders VR
VR 전용  캐주얼, 인디, 시뮬레이션
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Thief in Barn VR 구매 꾸러미 (?)