PARTY RUSH!! : Digital Deluxe Edition Bundle

Mua PARTY RUSH!! : Digital Deluxe Edition Bundle BỘ (?)

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PARTY RUSH!! - Digital Deluxe Edition

■ PARTY RUSH!! - Wallpaper & Avatar Icon Pack

This edition contains the Wallpaper & Avatar Icon Pack, in addition to the main game.

We've prepared three different wallpapers using the key visuals and designs of the daily lives of our characters.
In addition, there will also be 21 avatar icons of the characters that can be used in Steam and in various social media.
Try them out on your PC and smartphone!

15 years ago, a myriad of wormholes were formed in the sky above Crimson Waffle Continent, flooding the world with beings from other dimensions.
Since then, people had to deal with all kinds of problems caused by these beings with extraordinary powers.
Peppermint, a newly hired Party Maker, stands up hoping to solve these problems by using her special powers.

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  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
PARTY RUSH!! - Wallpaper & Avatar Icon Pack
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
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Mua PARTY RUSH!! : Digital Deluxe Edition Bundle BỘ (?)