Indie Dev Compilation

Mua Indie Dev Compilation BỘ (?)


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This is a collection of my family friendly games which are not offensive and fit for children.
I started developing Indie games in 2020 during the first bout of lockdown after being furloughed in the UK.

These are some of my very early games where the focus was on gameplay rather than graphics.

I hope you enjoy this playable look into the 1st 6 months of my Indie developer journey.

Snowman Saves Christmas

A family friendly festive Christmas game where you'll use powerups and platforming skills to save Santa from evil Turkeys.

Featuring 5 game difficulty modes and a training mode for small children.

Take it easy on the simplest challenge difficulty settings or test your gaming ability to its limits and attempt to set a world record on the global leaderboards.

Power Ball 2021

A bat and ball game for one or two players (2 Joypads required)

It's how you remember these bat and ball games but with a host of powerups to either help or hinder your quest to clear each screen while protecting your ball from falling out the play field.

Flappy Bat

Help the Flappy Bat dodge obstacles through a Halloween themed enemy infested obstacle course of witches, pumpkins, spiders and ghosts.

Compete on the global leaderboard to be the best and earn bragging rights against your close friends.

Asteroid Blasters

Defend your ship and save the earth from Asteroid showers in this procedurally generated shooter for one or two players (2 joypads required)

Utilize powerful weapons deployed from your home base via teleportation to dominate space and destroy the threat to human existence.

Be the best pilot in the galaxy and prove you're a better gamer than your friends by scoring the most points.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Snowman Saves Christmas
  Hành động, Indie
Power Ball 2021
  Hành động, Đơn giản
Flappy Bat
  Đơn giản
Asteroid Blasters
  Hành động
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Mua Indie Dev Compilation BỘ (?)
