NoraPerika Hanging Game Bundle

Mua NoraPerika Hanging Game Bundle

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NoraPerika Hanging Game Bundle

"Hang in there! Balancing Robot"

Intense physics-based balancing action game!
This robot cannot walk or jump, it can only move by shifting its weight while hanging.
Try to reach the faraway goal while swinging and falling!
9 stages with a difficulty rating of ★★★★★

"Bouldering Robot 3D"

Bouldering action game!
This robot cannot walk or jump, it can only move by shifting its weight while hanging.
Try to reach the top goal while swinging and falling!
9 stages with a difficulty rating of ★★☆☆☆

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Bouldering Robot 3D
  Hành động, Indie, Thể thao
  Hành động, Indie
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Mua NoraPerika Hanging Game Bundle