Woodle Bundle

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Acerca deste pacote

This bundle contains the first two set of Woodle Tree videogames.

Woodle Tree Adventures
is an old school platform game with a catchy and unique art style! Explore a total of 6 worlds and save the lands with the magical water drops you'll find through your journey, bringing back peace and balance and finally becoming the new hero!

Woodle Tree 2: Worlds
is an open world platformer/adventure videogame. This time the forces of evil are taking over the Wood Lands with a black substance that is absorbing energy and life from the living creatures! Will you be able to take over this enormous new evil force?

Itens incluídos neste pacote

Woodle Tree Adventures
  Ação, Aventura, Indie
Woodle Tree 2: Worlds
  Ação, Aventura, Multijogador Massivo Online (MMO)
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