Ministry of Broadcast - Game + Soundtrack

Αγορά: Ministry of Broadcast - Game + Soundtrack

Σχετικά με αυτό το πακέτο

Ministry of Broadcast is a narrative-driven single player cinematic platformer mixing Orwell’s 1984 with modern reality TV. A country divided by The Wall; to cross it and reach your family, you must compete on - and win - a reality TV show broadcast by the Regime.

If you find MOB game to be hard at times, you can relax listening to a wide array of folk, pop, light instrumental, political and classical performances.

This bundle includes full Ministry Of Broadcast game and 21 regime approved music tracks.

Αντικείμενα σε αυτό το πακέτο

Ministry of Broadcast
  Περιπέτεια, Indie
Ministry of Broadcast - Soundtrack
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Αγορά: Ministry of Broadcast - Game + Soundtrack