Mini Words Bundle

Mua Mini Words Bundle BỘ (?)


Về bộ này

An amazing collection of word-based puzzle games.
Play a unique mix of logic puzzle, word search, hangman, and trivia.
You have to unscramble words using all letters on the board, without repeating or crossing paths. All in a minimalist and relaxing environment, no distractions.

  • Mini Words - In the first game of the series, discover the most used words in the English language. 721 words. That is enough to cover 90% of conversations in English.
  • Mini Words: Top Movies - The Top 100 Movies. You know them and you love them. Test your knowledge about the highest-grossing films of all time.
  • Mini Words: Top Games - The best videogames through decades. Test your knowledge about the games considered the best over the years.
  • Mini Words: Polyglot - The most used nouns in English. Can you recognize them in another language?
  • Pathfinders: Mini Words - Help Pathfinders discover the name of day-by-day objects in English.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Mini Words - minimalist puzzle
  Đơn giản, Indie
Mini Words: Top Movies
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Mini Words: Top Games
  Đơn giản, Indie
Mini Words: Polyglot
  Đơn giản
Pathfinders: Mini Words
  Đơn giản
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Mua Mini Words Bundle BỘ (?)
