Comprar Plunge + Original Soundtrack Bundle

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It's time to take the Plunge! Enter the adventure of Billie, the billionth prisoner of a wacky medieval mega-prison, who longs to find freedom on the other side. Rather than try to climb her way out, Billie realizes the only way to freedom is to escape further into the depths below! Dodge, dash, and defeat a wide variety of guards, creatures, and otherworldly beings bent on preventing passage in this exciting turn-based dungeon plunger!

This bundle includes the Plunge game and original soundtrack for Plunge by Megan McDuffee.

Artículos incluidos en este lote

  Acción, Aventura, Indie, Estrategia
Plunge - Original Soundtrack
  Acción, Aventura, Indie, Estrategia
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Comprar Plunge + Original Soundtrack Bundle