Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season Two Pass

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season Two Pass 구매 꾸러미 (?)

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Season Two Pass includes three characters: Anubis 'Doggie' Cruger - SPD Shadow Ranger, Eric Myers - Time Force Quantum Ranger and Dai Shi - Jungle Fury Villain, as well as the exclusive Tommy Oliver MMPR White Ranger Skin. (Some Characters will be released at a later date).

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Anubis Cruger SPD Shadow Ranger
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Eric Myers Time Force Quantum Ranger
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Dai Shi
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Tommy Oliver White Ranger Skin
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Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season Two Pass 구매 꾸러미 (?)