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*Offer ends Friday at 10AM Pacific Time

Space Hulk - Zuggi
We just added the new co-op feature to Space Hulk as well and smart new lobby system that will make it easier for player to start multiplayer gamers

We've also created a new 5 mission DLC campaign to go with the Co-op release called the "Harbinger of Torment"

Quick Features/improvements:
Coop! Works with all existing multi-squad missions
Completely new multiplayer lobby system.
Added Harbinger of Torment Campaign
Various Bug Fixes
Space Hulk - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

He who stands with me shall be my brother.

Shhh! Read this in silence. If Alec catches wind of it, he’ll start babbling “Space Hulk Space Hulk Hulk Space Spulk Hace Spalk Ace Ace Ace Ace” all over again, his face flitting between ecstasy and agony, and we’ve only just got him settled since the last Space Hulk news. Shhh. Quietly round up a few battle brothers and let them know that Space Hulk’s long-promised co-op has arrived in a new patch today. Actually it’s a cooperative-competitive mode, pitting several Space Marines against one Genestealer.

… [visit site to read more]

Space Hulk - Zuggi
We just launched Jagged Alliance: Flashback on Steam Early Access and as a thanks for your support for Space Hulk we would like to offer you a Loyalty Launch Discount, %15 off the game, for a limited time.

Enjoy and have a nice weekend :)
Mar 11, 2014
Space Hulk - Sliverleech
Amongst the annals of the Imperium, few warriors have reached higher honour than the Wolf Guard of the Space Wolves. Devastatingly ferocious in attack, immovably resolute in defence, these savage warriors have broken many foes down the long millennia.

You can now command these fierce warriors and take on hoards or Genestealers with bloody results.

The Space Wolves Chapter DLC pack comes with new features and a new campaign, see the details below:

- 3 mission campaign, Fangs of Fenris
- 11 unique Wolf Guard terminators
- New weapons and new rules
- New frost themed environments
- All campaigns playable with all chapters
- Rune Priest with new abilities
Space Hulk - Zuggi
We're happy to announce that the Linux version of Space Hulk is now available on Steam. A BIG thanks to all the people who tested out the beta version and gave us some solid feedback.

It's only the 32 bit version at the moment at we're waiting for an update to a plugin so we can make a 64 bit version.

Please continue to report on your experience with the Linux build :)
BioShock Infinite - Valve
The Steam Holiday Sale is here! For the next fourteen days, take advantage of huge saving throughout our store on thousands of games. Check back often to take advantage of our eight-hour Flash Sales. You can even help select what goes on sale with our Community's Choice Voting Sales.

In addition to Flash and Vote sales, more than a hundred games and apps will be featured as Daily Deals throughout the sale, with new deals popping up every 24 hours.

Today's Daily Deals include:

Participating in the 2013 Steam Holiday Sale will also earn customers exclusive Holiday Sale Trading Cards. Collect, trade, and craft 10 Holiday Snow Globe Cards that can only be earned during the sale. Every craft of a Holiday Sale badge will also generate a random item drop from 10 participating Free-To-Play games, featuring exclusive in-game items from Warframe, Path of Exile, Team Fortress 2, DOTA 2 and more. These items are both tradable and marketable.

Learn more about this year's Steam Holiday Sale features at HERE.

The Steam Holiday Sale will run from now until 10AM PST, January 2nd. Complete information on Daily Deals, Flash Sales, Community Choice Voting and more can be found HERE.

Space Hulk - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

I am faintly aware that a few people have been waiting for me to say something about Full Control’s Space Hulk, which I had been highly impressed by very brief encounters with but then unable to review the thing due to being on paternity leave. Rab, stepping into the breach (possibly the wrong choice of words for that context) was most distressed by what he found. But what of me? Did I love the finished game as much as I’d hoped, or had I sold my soul to the Chaos god of preview hype, and tricked you all?

I’ll reveal all below, along with sharing details of expansion pack stuff. (more…)

Space Hulk - Zuggi
The DLC went live and we are super happy to release this update.

The biggest changes are really the addition of the 2 new campaigns, the localization, a complete pass on the achievement code and the reworked mission loader.

The 2 new campaigns are old classics from White Dwarf magazines, where we added a few missions to pump up the size to 5 missions. They add new mechanics like bulkheads and air ducts.

Sword of Halcyon is a little different, as its being played in a space ship that crashed into a Space Hulk during Warp travel and got infested. Its a time pressure campaign with turn limits.

Defilement of Honour has air ducts that only Genestealers can travel through. There are some really challenging missions there for you to beat. Originally it was a 3 mission campaign and we added 2 of our own into the campaign.

When updating, people will notice a large size increase. This is due to us reworking the loading mechanism of levels that speeds up mission loading on low end devices (ehhhh iPads for example), but eats a lot more disk space.

*A lot* of code and art has been touched under the hood due to the upcoming iPad version, and that means that there most likely are some bugs we didnt catch. Go easy on us and help us by reporting these so we can get them fixed ASAP.

A quick heads up to all is also the "cloud sync". This feature will let you take a snapshot onto our servers with your current unlock status, log in on another device (PC or iPad) and download the unlock states. This feature requires you to register an account on our servers. It will _not_ transfer single player save games. It works with banner unlocks, banner configuration, campaign/mission unlocks and DLC purchases!!!!! So yes - you PC users will get DLC bought transferred to your iPads for free with this option.

Change log is below with some of the details.

Sword of Halcyon campaign added
Defilement of Honour campaign added + 2 home made missions to make it 5 missions
Localization of all text to French, Italian, Spanish, German and Russian
Intro 1 tutorial reworked
Improved loading times of missions, trading disk space for better loading time
Behemoth Genestealer skin pack added
Improved lighting on existing missions
Scrolling menu screens have been swapped out with paging instead
Audible countdown on Space Marine timer last 10 seconds
Added basic cross platform cloud support to sync game unlocks between installations
Online game type is set to always online as default
Re-sync achievements with Steam on startup

Fixed parry rule to also work when the attack is initiated by the space marine
Fixed the sustained fire rule during move+fire. Now the first stationary shot after move+fire counts on sustained bonus as it should.
Fixed the issues with placing blip to the lurk zone, when there is a space marine in 6-tiles distance.
Fixed bug on Alarm Call mission with terminators falling through the floor.
Fixed the bug during move + fire, leading the weapon going sometimes to completely wrong direction.
Fixed a bug with terminator sometimes ended up movement on the alive genestealer.
Fixed AI bugs caused blips not reveal when they can or genestealers not move
Fixed the various Achievements issues
Auto save is now performed only after end of turn
Fixed pause indicator on async unit actions not always updated
SoD Mission 1 - fixed not losing if using last flamer ammo flaming the last room
Fixed bug when selecting a unit from another squad by mouse or by TAB - the squad in the squad panel doesn't change
Tutorials where Z-fighting gui - now all gui is hidden dur
Space Hulk - Zuggi
Hi all,

We just released version 1.2 that includes the "Messenger of Purgatory" campaign. Its a cool 3 mission campaign we made ourselves from scratch.

We decided to say THANK YOU to you all and give it away for free to you for sticking with us through the launch and up to now.

We have lots of plans yet, and new content is going to be added continuously moving forward incl. new chapters and bigger campaigns.

To see the details of the 1.2 patch, check out the change log: http://steamcommunity.com/app/242570/discussions/0/864976115510136253/

Have fun and good luck retrieving Captain Atarius' remains.

Thomas and the Full Control team