ENTERi Bundle

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Về bộ này

Expand your collection with 3 new fun casual games with this awesome bundle! ENTERi Bundle created for infinite amusement in a single or multiplayer mode will provide HOURS of fun! Play with your friends and test your skills!

Mr Blaster: test your aim with game inspired by classics like Worms - join the fast-paced action and shoot your opponents in the face!

8infinity: control the metal ball on the infinite track and don't lose your rhythm!

BlackSmith HIT: become a hardworking blacksmith - your hammer awaits you! All you’ve to do is HIT and CATCH! HIT HARD AND PLAY SMART!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

BlackSmith HIT
  Hành động, Đơn giản, Indie
  Hành động, Đơn giản, Indie
Mr Blaster
  Hành động, Đơn giản, Indie
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