A Tale of Caos: Overture - Soundtrack Edition

Mua A Tale of Caos: Overture - Soundtrack Edition

Về bộ này

Buying this bundle will give you access to the three Acts of the game and the to the MP3s of the Original Soundtrack of the game cotaining 14 tracks for a total of 37' and 25''.

Track list:
01 - The Apprentice Tale
02 - A Master's Tale
03 - A Secret Tale
04 - A Tale forged in steel
05 - Clumsy Tales
06 - Swamp Tales
07 - A Mystic Tale
08 - A Tale of Skyes and Clouds
09 - A Tale of a Muddy Village
10 - Lurking Tales
11 - Memento Tales
12 - Tales of the Ancients
13 - A Tale of Friends and Allies
14 - The Longing Tale

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A Tale of Caos: Overture
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
A Tale of Caos: Overture - OST
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
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Mua A Tale of Caos: Overture - Soundtrack Edition