Lançado: 1 mar. 2016

Can you change Deponia's fate? Do you have what it takes to change Rufus' past, present and future without accidently destroying the whole planet? Fight time itself in this action-packed, platypus-tastic and insanely hilarious story.

Lançado: 8 jul. 2014

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

Lançado: 17 out. 2013

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

Lançado: 6 nov. 2012

Chaos on Deponia apresenta-se ainda mais excêntrico que o seu antecessor e coloca o jogador instantaneamente sob o seu feitiço.

Lançado: 6 ago. 2012

In Deponia, the world has degenerated into a vast garbage dump, in which the crotchety Rufus ekes out his sorry existence.