Serious Sam 3: BFE - Valve
Build 176695 for Serious Sam 3 is released.
If you have previously opted into public beta, you already have this.

Here are the changes:
- Fix a crash occurring when switching from camera to player spectator mode.
- Added fix for micro-stuttering issue, controlled via 'sim_iFixMicroStuttering' cvar.
- Fixed messed textures after alt-tab in some cases on Direct3D.
- Fixed performance problems with HDR buffer resizing when choosing multiplayer model in menu.
- Fixed slightly wrong haze calculation in some cases.
- Some measures to remedy jittering when waiting for vsync in D3D that happened on some machines in some cases.
- Added cvar 'd3d_bTripleBuffering' to control whether to use triple-buffering, when waiting for vertical retrace under Direct3D.
- Fixed black screen on client when joining a Last Man Standing server.
- Fixed music on DeamonTombs not being controlled by music volume.
- If corruption of official gro files is detected, application will notify Steam that it should verify application cache on next restart. This should hopefully fix any corrupted files user may have on disk.
- If corruption of workshop gro files is detected, they will be deleted so that they will be automatically redownloaded on next application start.
- Editor: Editor now includes additional *_edit.gro files containing non-finalized versions of all files that were stripped of their edit data during creation of the game. This means that the editor download is now about 700MB bigger, but it allows you to edit all meshes, animations, mechanisms, etc.
- Editor: All official content including levels is now editable and can be saved. So custom versions of official levels can be created.
- Editor: If official content from a DLC is edited and resaved, it retains its DLC license. If such content is shipped to workshop, users subscribing to it need to have that DLC installed.
- Editor: It is now possible to finalize files using the shipped editor. Finalized files will be smaller in some cases, but will lack edit data.
- Editor: If some files are missing when loading documents in editor, placeholder "default" resources will be automatically created instead of failing the load.
- Editor: Fixed rendering size and aspect issues when running test game in editor, which caused mouse cursor in menus to be rendered in wrong position and other strange issues.
- Linux: Text input in Linux now respects the current keyboard layout.
- Linux: Support for clipboard (copy/paste).
- Linux: Fixed wrong characters in Linux for comma and period keys.
- Linux: Game now tries to restore desktop resolution after fatal error.
- Linux: Stack dump is now generated when the game crashes (into the Sam3.rpt file), similar to the Windows version. Post this when reporting crashes.
- Linux: Dedicated server would not start from Steam client.
- Localizations: Updated Bulgarian.

Build 174807 for Serious Sam 3 is released.
If you have previously opted into public beta, you already have this. For all others, here is the list of changes:

Here are the changes:
- Fixed slowdown due to constant resizing of HDR buffer when Netricsa HUD is on.
- Showing rendering resolution is now more accurate. (Shows size of HDR drawport and canvas it resides on.)
- Fixed erroneous calculation of object guide box handle size.
- Fixed a problem that would cause player weapon firing (for some weapons) to sometimes (randomly) be one frame late.
- Now using new Steam Workshop API that allows item sizes of up to 200MB, and should be more resistant to transient errors.
- Fixed survival medals not being shown.
- Linux: Gamepads are no longer disconnected if they don't have enough axes or buttons. This should also fix performance impact for such gamepads.
- Linux: Gamepad names are now logged.
- Editor: Implemented new macro function ApplyDamageTool() on base entity. This function exposes Editor's Damage Tool to scripts.
- Fixed an issue causing all split screen users to render primary user's crosshair icon instead of their own.
- Fixed player's view getting stuck when forced to look onto a target entity by script, if Free Look option is disabled.
- Added support for hardware gamma-correction for Linux and OSX platforms.
- OSX: Error will now be reported if cursor connect fails on OSX.

Day of Defeat: Source - Valve
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed a client crash related to rendering models
  • Fixed a client crash related to audio in the web browser
  • Fixed servers crashing with the error message "Overflow error writing string table baseline"
  • Fixed a missing material when setting mat_viewportscale to anything other than 1
  • Fixed windowed mode under certain window managers for the Linux version
  • Improved performance for the Linux version

Team Fortress 2
  • Added new promo items
  • Fixed buildings not always being downgraded at the same rate by the Red-Tape Recorder
  • Fixed not hearing the sound for the Shred Alert taunt while playing Mann Vs. Machine
  • Fixed players spamming the Shred Alert taunt in spawn rooms by changing their loadout presets
  • Fixed giant robots sometimes getting stuck in Mann Vs. Machine
  • Fixed a problem where traders that send in-game trade requests would receive the error message "The other player is currently busy trading with someone else" when the problem was actually related to Steam Guard settings
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added In-game Guides and Hero Builds!
- Players can now be a member of multiple teams.

- Fixed backswing behavior on some of Invoker's skills
- Fixed Last Word being dispelled by Purge/Cyclone/etc
- Fixed Last Word interrupting channeling spells if the initial duration ends during the channel
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode tournament version
- Fixed Healing Ward not preserving its hotkey when leveled up.
- Added right click menu to the combat log with "Copy to clipboard" option.
- Added option to render the Co-Broadcaster's camera. Use dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera 0 to disable.
- Added new right click option to backpack items to equip the entire set the item belongs to.

- Added a large number of items to the random loot drop lists.

- Adjusted hero roles of Windrunner (fewer last hits) and Meepo (more last hits).
- Made Death Prophet bot more likely to use Crypt Swarm in teamfights.
- Made Necrolyte bot a bit more hesitant about using Death Pulse when laning.
- Fixed bots dropping thousands of TP scrolls at the side shops.
- Practice with Bots difficulty and team settings are now saved.
A Valley Without Wind 2 - Valve
Official 1.002
(Released February 19th, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug in the prior version where mouse aiming was on by default.
  • Thanks to Varone for reporting.
  • Updated the crates room to include text telling you that you can enable mouse aiming in the settings menu. Updated the controls display at the start of the game and the armory with the same.

Official 1.001 Mouse Aiming For Those Who Stood And Fought
(Released February 19th, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause exceptions to be thrown when first generating the interior of a new building. - Thanks to windgen, Vatticson, and Mick for reporting.
  • Previously, there was a bug where the "enter NPC movement mode" keybind could work in side view, causing a warning message to pop up. - Thanks to Mick and Penumbra for reporting.
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue where "molten lava damage" was reporting damage 100x higher than was actually being done to you.

Mouse Aiming Option Added To Settings
An option has now been provided in the settings menu for "Enable Mouse Aiming." This lets players who find keyboard or gamepad controls to be repugnant to experience the game in some manner. Our view is that this manner is sub-par and watered-down, but we've finally started looking at this as more of an accessibility mode. It's not ideal, but it allows a certain demographic to play who is otherwise unable/unwilling to do so. There is also a corresponding default keybinding set that has been added, which gives you WASD + mouse controls when used in tandem with the above option. Or you can set your own.
Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
- New Trailer out, now!!
- New maps:
-- Battle on the Dunes 3v3 Deathmatch
-- Fight over Firnfeld 3v3 Deathmatch (based on Anglean Raiders)
-- Canyon Ambush 3v3 Deathmatch
-- Northern Fjords 3v3 Deathmatch
- New hats in the store

- First release on Linux! (Awaiting steam for store integration to go live in store)
-- Known issues: black patches on some ships at some angles, antialiasing does not yet work
-- this build, while stable, is primarily intended to collect feedback from the community

- Added automatic AFK detection: kicks players from a match after 2 minutes with no input
- Added a “Go AFK” button in Options that allows you to temporarily replace yourself with an AI and resume later. (Will still be removed after 5 inactive minutes)
- Added effects to indicate buffed and fireproofed components
- Practice: added hotkeys to toggle AI on/off, damage your ship, and light your ship on fire
-- You may need to manually bind these keys in the Options menu, or reset your bindings to default to get their default bindings (this is a known bug with our keybinding system)
- Tutorial text is much more detailed and context-sensitive, including explanation of various tools
- Gun tooltip UI in ship customization changed to a more graphical design for clarity
- Guns now gradually lose functionality as they are damaged (like engines and the balloon)
-- Time between shots and time to reload increases linearly with damage, up to 150% normal
-- Rotation speed decreases linearly with damage

Map Changes
- New spawn logic to combat “spawn camping.” Please report any issues with screenshots of the map screen and the map you were playing to
- Adjusted spawn points to support new logic
- Reduced “Scrap on the Dunes” point limit to 800

- Changes to fire and fire-related equipment:
-- Maximum fire charge count increased to 20 (from 16)
-- 8 charges required to disable guns (guns will glow red when 8 charges are reached)
-- Fires deal base 8 damage per second; each charge deals an additional 2 fire damage per second
-- Fire damage multiplier against mechanical parts reduced to 0.25 (from 0.8)
-- Fire damage multiplier against armor increase to 0.5 (from 0.4)
-- Chemical Spray: extinguish power 2, makes component immune to additional charges for 12 seconds, causes 6 seconds of repair cooldown
-- Fire Extinguisher: Extinguishes all charges, causes 10 seconds of repair cooldown
-- Reminder: Fire-fighting tools bypass repair cooldown to extinguish fires but do not cancel them
-- Banshee Rocket has 12% chance to apply 3 charges on direct hit, 30% change to apply 1 on AoE as well
-- Dragon Tongue has 13% chance to apply 1 charge per particle (13 particles per second)
-- Incendiary Rounds adds a separate 10% chance to apply 1 charge on hit to all weapons.

- Typhon Flak Cannon:
-- Arming time of 1 second; does not apply area damage until ~240m
-- Damage is split evenly between direct and area (so it will deal half damage under arming distance)

- Mercury Field Gun
-- Decreased piercing damage (from 100 to 75)
-- Increased projectile drop (from 12 to 15 m/s^2)

- Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade
-- Increased spread (from 2.5 degrees to 6)

- Banshee Rocket Carousel
-- Increased direct and area damage (from 15/20 to 20/25)
-- Added chance to cause fires (12% chance of 3 charges on direct hit, 30% chance of 1 charge on area hit)
-- Decreased spread (from 5 degrees to 3)
-- Reduced burst area radius (from 14 to 8)

- Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
-- Increased damage per particle (from 3 to 4)
-- Reduced chance to add fire charge per particle (from 25% to 13%)

- Artemis Light Rocket Launcher
-- Decreased area radius from 4 to 3
-- Decreased direct damage from 80 to 60
-- Increased area damage from 70 to 120

- Other skills:
-- Tar Barrel clouds slightly larger (by about 30%)
-- Lochnagar Shot: rate of fire reduction change to -25% (from -15%), spread reduction increased to -100% (from -90%), rotation speed penalty increased to -100% (from -95%)
-- Lesmok Rounds: rotation speed penalty changed to -40% (from -30%)
-- Doubled the number of hits required to rebuild guns and engines

- Squid received small boost to armor, from 200 to 220 (Charged Rounds + Field Gun now requires 2 shots to destroy full Squid armor)

- Other damage type changes:
-- Explosive damage multiplier against armor reduced to 0.3 (from 0.5)
-- Flechette damage multiplier against armor increased to 0.5 (from 0.2)
-- Flechette damage multiplier against hull health decreased to 0.2 (from 0.3)

- Reduced damage dealt by sandstorms (from 7 to 5 shatter damage per second)

Fixes and Optimization
- Fixed a small difference in vertical positioning of gun interaction boxes between client and server (previously you could get kicked off the gun unexpectedly in edge cases)
- Projectiles that detonate due to damage no longer cause friendly fire.
- Spectators: Opening the menu in spectator mode no longer resets your position
- Spectators: Fixed interest management issue that could cause guns or engines to disappear from ships near the edge of the map or in cloud cover.
- Optimized most level and ship assets to reduce vert count, texture size, and draw count where possible. Should improve frame rate, particularly on low-end machines.

- Call for video submission! Show off how and why you fly in a 2 min short video, and add another 2 minutes of you and your crew in game. All for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind Guns of Icarus Online bullet USB.

- Facebook and Steam like drive still going on. We are 500 away from 2000 recommends on Steam, and a bit over 2,500 likes on facebook, so plenty of chances to win stuff still. Give us a like and help us spread the word!

- Inaugural “the Cogs” league open for sign ups!

Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 2/20/2013

[ MISC ]

- Reduced Glock damage.
- Reduced Deagle inaccuracy.
- Reduced Fiveseven and Tec9 prices.

- Added checks to prevent clients from executing workshop concommands.
- GameModes.txt and individual map kv files now get updated and loaded everytime a new map is loaded.
- Newly subscribed maps in workshop map selector are sorted to the start of the list.
- Fixed some cases where workshop maps failed to download.
- Added status indicator to main menu that shows if maps are currently downloading.
- Added convar sv_rcon_whitelist_address, rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned.
- Fixed Windows GOTV relays crashing when running without Steam client.
- Improved handling of workshop maps on GOTV relays.
- Added support for specifying +tv_enable 1 +tv_relay ip:port on GOTV relay commandline.
Feb 20, 2013
Impire - Valve

Version 20/02/2013

- Ch.1 Act 1: Fix camera out of bounds when placing kitchen.
- Ch.1 Act 3: Gate not opening and crash during boss fight, and end of scenario
- Ch.1 Act 4: Skulls Side quest and Golden keys side quests now work properly
- Ch.4 Act 5: Resources will be gained provided you have access to the stockroom.
- Fixes in stability. No more game crash at end of scenario.
- Fixed Giving orders to units during combat, for both squads and single units.
- There are no more Asserts, and other pop ups, except for unhandled exceptions which CTD and provide a .dmp file.
- Fixed to two musics playing at the same time.
- Fixed gui sliders not going through full range
- Fixed being unable to equip runes.
- Updated German Localisation.
- Misc GUI fixes.
- Fixed Camera out of bound problems, and when squads in world map.

- Ch.2 Act 1: Coloured fire is replaced by symbols to help the colour blind.
- Mouse Scroll (for camera) delay has been disabled.
For users who use WASD to move camera you can disable the mouse scroll in the options.
We will work to add an option for delay time.
- Aggressiveness is now regained by all units idling, up to 50%.

Known Bugs:
- "Dark Halls": This is an issue with AMD/ATI video cards. Please set SmoothVisionHD to application setting
and the bug should go away.
- Steam Cloud: Save games are local, and game profiles are cloud only.
- Units escaping emprisonment might behave oddly or not move at all
- Multiplayer (co-op campaign and skirmish games), though fully featured, remains in beta-status.
Some surface scratches have to be polished.
- Crashes may occur at the end of or during a skirmish game.
- Skirmish: Capture the Dragon: if Baal is killed at the Gateway while carrying the dragon,
the dragon may not respawn correctly and and thus become unreachable.
- Problems with possible display resolutions. Work is ongoing.
- On some hardware configurations, changing the resolution while in full screen mode,
switchin to full screen, or turning on VSync may cause the screen to go black/flicker
and the game to enter an unresponsive state. It will reset after 15 seconds

- The new patch might cause a game crash upon loading a game saved with the previous version. Your campaign progress should not be affected.

Feb 19, 2013
Left 4 Dead 2 - Valve
- Added support for dedicated servers to load addons from the "workshop" subdirectory. Fixes consistency errors when playing workshop campaigns on dedicated servers.

NOTE TO SERVER OPERATORS: To host workshop campaigns on your dedicated server, they should now be placed in the same location as on the client (/left4dead2/addons/workshop/…) Campaigns not downloaded from the workshop can still go in the "addons" directory.
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
- The tooltip of factions traits that unlock technologies now display the corresponding technology's tooltip rather than a specific one
- Add notifications when:
+ A cease fire has been finished
+ A contract has been canceled because of a lack of resource or dust
- Boost the weight on Gravitation Manipulation because the AI never researched it, or too late
- Changed how AI chose battle cards
- Changed title in battle report to lower misunderstanding on damage calculation
- Modified the priority on all the other descriptors related to the defense in order to only affect the initial value with the game speed factor
- Added a speed factor for the hero arrival (25, 50, 75) and the colony conversion (15, 30, 45)
- Changed defense depending on influence zone:
+ neutral: 30 per population -> 10 per population
+ under enemy: 24 per population -> 5 per population
- Locust point are now progressing depending on the game speed:
+ Slow: x0.5
+ Normal: x1
+ Fast: x2
- Fixed a bug when joining on the fly was able to cause a desync when an empire had a cloned hero
- Fixed a bug when the parameters used to compute the population growth weren't properly initialized by remote players that joined on the fly (when playing in fast or slow)
- Fixed a bug when sometimes, by joining on the fly, the star system influence was a source of desync
- Fixed a bug in the construction queue (multiple unique planetary improvements of the same category)
- Fixed a bug where the battle card retreat (when played by an AI) caused an assert and a desync
- Updated the way fleets and ships are identified to guarantee each fleet has a unique identifier
- Revamped game states to improve the synchronization between players
- Improve simulation calculations sorting to avoid desync when joining on the fly
- Fixed a game state sync condition that caused the game to freeze under certain circumstances
- Fixed a copy/paste mistake in fleet merging
- Added a Hero ID sort in case of Hero Level equality in fleet merging
- Fixed conversion issues
- Fixed updating data simulation
- Fixed initialization of influence zones of home systems
- Fixed latency issues
- Fixed GUI that temporary duplicates/instantiates objects
- Fixed game speed management with game events
- Fixed an issue where the pool of heroes was deleted on the host side when a player joined on the fly
- Fixed a desync which occurred when leaving the session after hiring all available academy heroes
- Fixed an issue where battle cards consuming dust caused an assert (and infinite turn ending) when they were played by the defender
- Resource exchanges weren't canceled even if the instigator didn't produce the required resources (after a system loss for example)
- Contracts with a cease fire weren't destroyed after the cease fire end
- Some overlapping and debug texts have been corrected
- Updated description of Legendary Heroes/Micromanagers faction traits according to effect
- Corrected a Path bug on Unique Sower Improvement
- Update battle cards: Nano-repair/adaptive strategy/short circuit/EMP to match descriptions
- Fixed an issue where interactive events effects could be applied twice when loading the auto save generated just after the appearance of this kind of event
- Systems with an AI attributed to them will have an empty queue
- Fixed an issue where the event that adds an anomaly on planets could add many different anomalies on the same planet
- Fixed an issue where the random values that allow the pirate fleets to spawn were the same each turn

- Fixed an issue where the cease fire situation was never-ending.
- Fixed an issue and possible exploit concerning contracts management and cancelation.
- Fixed the effect of a lag which enabled the player to unqueue the same unique constructible several times in MP.
- Fixed the effect of a lag which enabled the player to buy more construction than it can afford in MP.
- Fixed an issue where unique planetary improvements from different planets were not correctly handled in construction queue in MP.
- Fixed an issue with the Italian localization where CR were replaced by "_x000D_"
- Fixed some other issues of GUI and localization.
- Fixed the achievement "cultural assimilation" and "there can be only one" to work with custom factions.
- Fixed an issue where heroes assigned to destroyed fleets weren't properly unassigned when loading a saved game.
- Fixed an issue when launching a manual battle including a fleet with some ships that have just been destroyed in a previous battle.

- Added some italian localization texts.
- Changed the effect of the Temple of the First Principle to be "+10 def per pop on system".
- Small balance of AI in construction of some buildings.
- Fixed an issue when using the Emergency Shelter battle card in auto-resolution of combat.
- Fixed an issue with Unique Horatio achievement (Galactic Sardines) which was not unlocking itself properly.
- Fixed an issue with 1000 industry achievement (Massively Mass Production) which was not unlocking itself properly.
- Fixed an issue during 2 successive battles when the first encounter destroyed one ship of the fleet but this destruction wasn't properly performed before the begining of the second battle and caused an assert.
- Fixed some text issues.
Binary Domain - Valve

Updated launcher featuring gamepad navigation in Steam Big Picture mode.
Fixed issues launching the game on Optimus graphics cards.

Known issues:

Custom configurations for some DirectInput pads may not save correctly. This will be fixed in an update soon.
