Mistward - tijmentio

- new building: bonfire, lights a very large area but eats through fuel 10% faster and is 50% more susceptible to rain
- you now access crafting menus of crafting buildings by clicking on a cog icon near it instead of clicking on the building. this fixes an issue players had where they either needed a full inventory or empty the crafting building's stock first before they could access the crafting menu.
- updated the UI so it's a little bit nicer to look at hopefully


- fixed the forestry not working properly
- fixed a bug where a human would navigate to a new empty crate without holding an item, also leading to a lag spike until they return home

- reduced a lag spike when humans get stuck
- added stone and paper as crafting recipes to the 3d printer

Fire of Life: New Day - danacraig78
I had changed some variables to a dictionary to easily count. However, I somehow missed an if statement, so it was bypassing the scene itself. That has been fixed, and I will doublecheck in a bit to make sure other scenes work as needed.
As the Fiend Prince, Beelzebub has many talents... including speaking English. 😈

Check out the SAND LAND Story Trailer once more, this time with the first ever reveal of the English dub!

Join the thirstiest of adventures!

Sinner 97 - turps
Sinners, as the eerie shadows of October descend upon us, and the haunting veil of Halloween looms near, a revelation awaits.

Sinner 97 has been blessed with a divine update, now fully sanctified to support the Steam Deck!

Embark upon the holy journey with atmospheric PSX VHS visuals and the hymns of heart-pounding audio, bearing the weight of your quest wherever you tread.

And lo, for those disciples who seek to tread closer to the very heart of terror, know that our scripture unfolds in VR mode.

Whether you're navigating the dark corridors on your Desktop, baptizing yourself in the depths of VR, or wandering with your Steam Deck like a prophet in the wilderness, remember: the Father's watchful eyes see all.

As the sands of October's hourglass dwindle, and the sacred eve of Halloween approaches, are you prepared to face the trials that lie within the cult's sanctum? To test your faith and elude the ever-present grasp of the Father?

Rejoice and bear witness to Sinner 97. May the light guide your path, even in the darkest of nights.
Temtem - Tsukki
Hello, Tamers! Patch 1.5 launched late September, and with it, Temtem’s third Mythical Tem, Galios. Since it’s such an important Temtem, and the last to fulfill the Temtem roster, I sat down with Art Director Cris “Nae” Jiménez and Game Director Guillermo “YaW” Andrades to learn and share some insight on the birthing of the supernova Temtem! Grab a sippy drink and follow me.

Nae, what was the goal in mind with Galios’ design?
Since lore-wise Galios is in charge of rotating the Pansun’s plates and keeping the archipelago afloat, its design had to show power and omniscience. In addition, it was like the “final boss” of the game so it had to feel really special, almost like a god.

Was the shape something you already had in mind, or did it come later?
At first we explored the idea of making a creature with a more delicate and small appearance, but with large plates around to protect it, which would allow it to be tanky despite its size. This creature would base its menace mainly on its great mental power, but this design didn’t end up working like we wanted, so we ended up discarding it.

Then we went for a slightly-bulkier and traditional tank silhouette, but with an ethereal touch, almost incorporeal, an elemental of the cosmos. The first iterations felt too mental and less earthy, so we evolved that design until we found the perfect balance.

How did you include and apply the cosmic theme into its design?
As you can see in the previous image, the cosmic theme came quite straight from the exploration sketches for the silhouette. It seemed to fit quite well with the lore and with the mystic mood of the Tem. Besides, we had already explored this aesthetic a bit with Inkki and it had worked quite well, so with this one we wanted to go a step further.

What do the color choices mean? Was it a straightforward process or did you explore other color patterns before reaching the current one?
Color palettes are never a straightforward thing haha! We started exploring a darker palette, closer to the Umbra’s color range, but the colors of the types were completely lost in that scheme, so we tried to explore a more traditional palette that represented them better. However, this gave us the idea that the boss itself could be in its Umbra version the first time you face it, and thus link it in a much better way with the later appearance of these.

We really loved the first tests with the blue and pink tones, but the mental type was much more predominant than the earth type, so we ended up using the original palette for the Luma and making a more balanced one for its regular look.

How was the designing process? Was there any blocker, any issue that arose during the designing?
As this was the last Tem planned we wanted it to be a very choral design where everyone in the team could pitch in. The whole 2D team was involved in its creation, giving feedback or new ideas, so you could say that it has a little bit of each one of us. We kept iterating on the design until both us and the design team were happy with the result.

During the design we had two main blockers. One, the initial idea of making the “tail” as if it were some kind of tornado. We were investigating how it could be done and if it was technically possible, concluding that it was going to make things quite difficult and possibly cause the in-game result to be worse.

And two, the introductory cinematic of the Tem. We wanted to represent the idea that Galios is actually incorporeal, that he is formed only by pure cosmic energy holding the rocks around its body so…we went crazy with the storyboard.

YaW, what was the reasoning behind Galios’ type choices?
While most of the userbase thinks we simply designed Galios as a Mental/Earth because it was the only typing without representation in Temtem, that wasn’t really the reason, but more like a happy coincidence.

When we started thinking about Galios, we wanted for them to be fully incorporated into the lore of Temtem. The idea that Galios was living on the Pansun and was in charge of moving its tectonic plates was something that we had in mind very early on, so everything has been designed around that idea. We wanted to focus Galios on the tectonic plates and not the proper Pansun core, so having an Earth type relates a lot with the very earthly plates. Since we also wanted for them to be the one in charge of “moving” the plates, the Mental typing is a cherry on top, since it explains its ability to move something so heavy purely with its mind.

How was its kit designed? Was the idea of making a Doom-centered Temtem already in your backlog?
Designing and balancing Mythical Tems has always been something complicated. On one hand, we want them to feel like a special Temtem, something that is very unique and powerful, so the word “mythical” makes sense on them. On the other, we don’t want to create a Temtem so overpowered that it dominates the meta.

So for mythicals our vision has always been to create something unique that no other Temtem has. Something that can be defining for a match, but not something that reigns over the whole game constantly in every situation. For Galios, the art team embraced the “cosmic” approach very early on, so we wanted to go on that direction too. We started thinking about processes that stars or other cosmic entities could do and we reached the Supernova/Protostar duo that we liked a lot.

Doom is always a very conflicting mechanic, with mixed reception amongst the community, so we didn’t want to do something very oppressive with it. Instead, we wanted to think of a fun new way to use Doom. That way we ended up deciding that rather applying Doom to the enemies, Galios would be applying Doom to itself and working out the effects of the passives around it.

That will be all for today! Hope you’ve enjoyed this little insight into creating a Mythical Tem, and see you soon for our Halloween event and patch 1.5.1!
Have fun and Temtem up!
3on3 FreeStyle: Rebound - [GM] Caleb

Dear ballers, please download the latest patch(ver. to fix following issue:
-Fixed a game crash issue when using the ceremony.

To avoid any unexpected issues, please always download the most recent patch.

For Xbox users: The patch is expected to be available soon, and we will notify you as soon as it is ready. Please note that you won't be able to access the game before the patch is available.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you
Ninnin - Horpan
Part 3 has finally arrived!!

Part 3 takes place in the backdrop of Fifty City. Hunter, fueled by anger from Ninnin's attacks, has decided to directly attack the city.

Part 3 is still a work in progress and under development. The rush to update the unfinished Part 3 was driven by the desire to quickly showcase the first boss, Joker. Updates will be made as new bosses are introduced, and currently, the tutorial for Part 3 is not available.

Change loading screen

The loading screen has been simplified a bit. While the previous loading screen filled with many characters had its charm, we decided to make it simpler and cleaner.

Bug fix

When attacking, the player comes to a stop. However, there was a bug where if you attacked before landing from a jump, you would be pushed forward. Now, even if you attack before landing, you no longer get pushed forward.

There was a bug where you couldn't jump when getting hit by an enemy while holding the down key, but it has been fixed.
Oct 18, 2023
DiRT Rally 2.0 - Electronic Arts
Each Season, players can unlock a racing suit, pair of gloves, a helmet design for their custom driver, and a selection of decals for use in the livery editor, as well as a livery to show off on the Ford Puma Rally1 HYBRID, Hyundai i20 N Rally1 HYBRID, and the Toyota GR Yaris Rally1 HYBRID.

The Rally pass will have free, VIP and EA Play rewards.

Eligible DiRT Rally 2.0 owners can pre-purchase EA SPORTS WRC and save 10%*

Pre order* WRC Standard Edition and receive:
• 3-Day Early Access
• Ford, Toyota and Hyundai livery & apparel packs
• VIP Rally Pass for 5 in-game seasons


*Conditions and restrictions apply. See http://ea.com/games/ea-sports-wrc/wrc/disclaimers for details.
The Alters - tommy

Hello everyone!

INDIKA is a unique, narrative-driven adventure set in a parallel 19th-century Russia. Watch the Announcement Trailer and Statement from the developers to learn about the game and how Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine affected the working relationship between Odd Meter and 11 bit studios.

In INDIKA, players assume the role of the titular nun, Indika, embarking on a mind-bending journey to explore the duality of good and evil and the understanding that nothing is absolute. At its core, INDIKA is a third-person perspective adventure game, blending exploration with environmental puzzles and a touch of platforming. However, steeped in themes of sin, sorrow, and moral dilemmas, INDIKA transcends traditional gaming, resembling an art-house film that challenges societal norms rather than offering simple amusement.

Add INDIKA to your wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1373960/INDIKA/

➡️𝕏 Follow INDIKA on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/indikagame

Take care,
Odd Meter and 11 bit studios
Frostpunk - tommy

Hello everyone!

INDIKA is a unique, narrative-driven adventure set in a parallel 19th-century Russia. Watch the Announcement Trailer and Statement from the developers to learn about the game and how Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine affected the working relationship between Odd Meter and 11 bit studios.

In INDIKA, players assume the role of the titular nun, Indika, embarking on a mind-bending journey to explore the duality of good and evil and the understanding that nothing is absolute. At its core, INDIKA is a third-person perspective adventure game, blending exploration with environmental puzzles and a touch of platforming. However, steeped in themes of sin, sorrow, and moral dilemmas, INDIKA transcends traditional gaming, resembling an art-house film that challenges societal norms rather than offering simple amusement.

Add INDIKA to your wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1373960/INDIKA/

➡️𝕏 Follow INDIKA on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/indikagame

Take care,
Odd Meter and 11 bit studios