The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker - King Benjamin

Starting next week we’re opening an updated playtest version, which includes a bit more freedom to roam and more of an emphasis on the questing experience / main quest pacing. We’re obviously excited to hear your thoughts on how we’re doing, but at the same time we’re happy to get to show you a (mostly) functioning part of our game, especially for those of you who didn’t get to play yet. The playtest will go live on Friday October 21st, we’ll announce it on steam as well as on our twitter (link) if you’re following us there.

In the meantime, we thought we'd show some of the explorable areas of the game and ramble a bit about their lore for immersion's sake.

The Aercrest Manor

As the player, you're placed in the shoes of Lord Rothar Aercrest - the feudal ruler to the remote woodlands of Imberthale. Your journey thus begins from the comfort of your family manor, where the Aercrests have ruled Imberthale for centuries.

Resting in northern Imberthale, the manor house overlooks the country's largest lake - Thalefresh - to one side, while being surrounded by Lordswood to the other. The area's aiming for a pleasant "noob aesthetic" with the intention of also accommodating a skippable tutorial further down development.


In southern Imberthale, a grand city sprawls in the shelter of Mount Silderstone and the branches of River Aure. Haywind is a new city, having previously existed as small mining and farming communities, Imberthale's damp and cool environment only provided life with hardships. However, some decades back that all changed.

Fleeing the aftershock of a nasty war in distant lands, the Magi of Hydrobor resettled their academy west of Haywind. They brought with them the magical talents to manipulate the weather and soon Haywind's crops flourished. The land prospered and from amidst the farms, a city began to emerge.

But as Haywind’s fortunes have grown, it has attracted some unwanted attention. A seeming horde of marauding bandits have laid siege to its countryside, bent on extorting the city for all it's worth. Haywind struggles to defend itself - a problem further exasperated by the city mayor’s apparent incompetency.


While Haywind, despite its growth pains, is a city on the rise, Imberthale's oldest city - Thornhill - is in decline. It is poorly administered and its ruler, the Lord-Mayor Goldbridge, is only interested in lining his own pockets. Nepotism and corruption run rampant and taxation resembles more of a protection racket, where soldiers rough up whomever fail to make payments.

As if that alone wasn't enough, the city was recently beset upon by a deadly plague. As was befitting of his character, the Lord-Mayor locked himself in his keep while the people on the streets suffered. Some cry the plague must have been the result of witchcraft, of course.

But since the plague began to loosen its grip on the city, the majority has started looking on their "protector" the Lord-Mayor with increasing disgruntlement. Unfortunately their mood is also making the city's soldiers behave even more heavy-handed than usual.

Silvermirror Fen

A swamp with a tainted reputation lies east of Thornhill. Providing cover from the eyes of the civilization and being hard to casually traverse, it has always been attractive to members of the criminal underworld, but also to those wishing to practice dark magics. As far as people can remember, the swamp has always been home to the dreaded 'Witch of the Swamp', or the 'Silvermirror Witch'.

Perhaps in reality there have been many witches throughout the ages, at times even a coven. But where reality and peasants' imaginations meet is that the swamp is indeed a dangerous place. Over time its witches have often abducted unsuspecting travelers and through gruesome experiments, turned them into various monsters that now prowl the swamp.


These old woods are sacred to the druids of Imberthale, some of whom reside here. They look with disdain upon the emerging civilization in Haywind towards the west and especially the Magi of Hydrobor - their tampering with the weather risks defiling nature's sacred order. In their ignorance they may be inviting nature to one day lash back.

Mistywood also provides home to many different beasts, such as bears, snakes and spiders. But considered worst of all by the peasantry are the goblins, who have set up many small encampments throughout the forest. Logging efforts have without fault become ambushed by the little creatures and bounties on goblin heads are commonplace. The druids, however, appreciate the goblins as nature's way of protecting itself from the greed of humans.

If you got this far, thanks for reading! As usual, we recommend you follow us on twitter, where we post progress updates and behind the scenes content regularly. Also feel free to engage in conversation with us on our discord server at any time, don't be shy to ask us questions and maybe let us know which games you've been enjoying.


Europa Universalis IV - PDXRyagi
The Grandest LAN is back in it's physical form!

~100 people from the community and Paradox Tinto will be taking up the mantle and once more spend three days in a Polish Castle for some amazing Roleplaying and Multiplayer action. If you are not one of the lucky participants this year you'll be able to follow the event in real time through our Twitch livestream as well as Skanderbeg for some interactive map exploration.

Streaming Schedule
(small deviations may occur)
Thursday 20th Oct - 19:00 - 00:00 CEST
Friday 21st Oct - 10:00 - 00:00 CEST
Saturday 22nd Oct - 10:00 - 23:00 CEST

Our channel on Twitch:

Caster Team:
Count Cristo
The French Paradox

Here is a map of our players:

feel free to make your bets for how things might play out now!

This year the played countries will be:
The Knights
Livonian Order
Three Leagues
The Papal States
The Isles

Want more info on the event itself? You can find the Grandest Lan 2022 webpage here!
Return to Nangrim - minsgrace

Greetings adventurers!

The Nangrim Raven is your window into the world of Arafinn and its in-lore information. Find out about Arafinn's adventures and major events by summoning the raven here:

…and signing up for these letters on the website:

Remember to subscribe to our channel or join our Discord community for more information about Arafinn's world!

Forts - [DEV] Blammo

G'day Forts fans!

It's been six months since the launch of Forts - High Seas, and now we're back with a major update and sale. Along with the usual fixes and tweaks are a few major improvements, not least the multi-level water system. Read on!

Multi-level Water System & Maps

New Rock Pools map showing the new tiered layout possible.

If you no longer want to stare at the back of your ally, try this new addition to High Seas' water system. This will open up many map design possibilities. We've included a few of our ideas and can't wait to see yours.

New multi-level water maps:
  • Chasm (4v4)
  • Dark Shoals (3v3)
  • Fracked (4v4)
  • Rock Pools (4v4)
  • Volcanic Rim (2v2)
  • Windswept (2v2)
Runway Upgrade

Upgraded Runway allowing two Ammo to be built at any one time. (ft. Fast Build mod)

We've heard building planes takes a little too long. Now you can upgrade the Runway to build two planes simultaneously. Double your damage output today!

Quality Of Life Improvements

Slimline Replay HUD

Composite image showing the slimline replay HUD for all styles.

Our replay HUD has been on a diet. All of the old functionality is now in a shiny new compact form, allowing a better view of the action.

64-bit Upgrade
The large number and size of mods made for Forts is putting pressure on the aging 32-bit address space. In many circumstances, memory fragmentation or exhaustion would cause players to crash out. This upgrade should improve stability in these cases, and also allow us to go beyond the boundaries of 32-bit in features and content.

Mod & Map Search Box
We know the pain of scrolling through long lists to find something specific. Now you can type in part of what you're looking for, and the mod and map lists will narrow. Works with the existing filter and category systems. You're welcome.

Lobby Map Preview
Knowing the topography of the map you're about to play is kind of important. Now you can cycle through the preview images right there in the lobby.

Modding Changes
Some script functions and events have been updated to prevent the incorrect conversion of teamId to sideId. If you are expecting a sideId you may have unexpected results. See the items starting with "Modding" in the change list below for the complete list.

To celebrate this High Seas update the DLC is on sale from October 14 to 18. You can pick it up for the cost of a fancy coffee at 25% off!

Change list dlc2 22 r13391

Add: 'Ammo for:' line to ammo device construction preview
Add: 'AmmoRequired' tooltip when player tries to use weapon without ammo
Add: "This map contains unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to quit?" message when quitting map editor with unsaved changes
Add: (Buster active Deck Guns) effects incorrect
Add: (dlc2 script.lua) orbitalAvoidsFriendly global flag to control orbital behavior when hitting friendly
Add: (Harpoon) indicator to show where missiles will be vulnerable to the Decoy
Add: (Main Menu) Sal Vaux news items auto advance on a timer
Add: (map editor terrain tab) Alt key + texture button to select all blocks that don't use a texture
Add: (map editor terrain tab) Ctrl key + texture button to select all blocks that use a texture
Add: (planes) at unspecified range, drop bombs at first detected enemy base and then turn away
Add: (projectile_wireframes) splash damage position and radius
Add: (Runway Mark II) allows two planes to be built at once
Add: (Runway Mark II) which increases the concurrent build queue of planes to 2
Add: (weapon_list.lua) HideFromToolTipsAmmoFor to condense tips that apply to a series (e.g. Orbital Laser, Orbital Laser Mk II)
Add: 64-bit memory address space to reduce memory exhaustion issues (requires 64-bit CPU and OS)
Add: AMMO_MODE_PRIORITY and AMMO_MODE_QUEUE to scripts/forts.lua
Add: build queue capacity is adjusted by BuildQueueModifier table in device_list.lua and weapon_list.lua entries, bounded by Min and Max. e.g. BuildQueueModifier = { ["dlc2_runway"] = 1 }
Add: BuildQueueConcurrent table entries can be a table specifying Default, Min, and Max values. e.g. BuildQueueConcurrent["dlc2_runway"] = { Default = 1, Min = 1, Max = 2 }
Add: dlc*Var_Active/Value support to mission and ai scripts
Add: draw edge with fill block option (Alt + I) to allow terrain to obscure water level discontinuities
Add: EnergyAbsorb and MetalAbsorb to customize the amount given to absorbing materials (default to fire cost)
Add: filter name EditBox for edit existing map list
Add: FireStdDevSpray weapon script variable to add overall variation to spread shots
Add: GetWeaponTypeAmmoTagByIndex function to query ammo tags
Add: image preview of current map in chatroom. Map select screen will also open on the currently selected map.
Add: KeepHitpointLoss to projectile action to maintain damage to transformed projectiles
Add: LogW and LogToFileW for wide character logging support (log files are now in UTF-16LE format)
Add: map and mod selection screens have an EditBox which allows filtering of items
Add: missing device tech requirements are displayed on the cursor
Add: multi-level water (add WaterLevel block flag, toggled with Alt + L)
Add: multi-level water template map (-template multi-)
Add: multiplayer host quit warning if a host quits a game in progress
Add: multiplayer maps making use of new multi-level water tech
Add: OnGroupMemberSelected, OnGroupMemberDeselected and OnWeaponFireAttemptFail script events
Add: option to toggle left-click-drag panning
Add: optional "AmmoPriority = [value]" float field added to weapon ammo lists. If specified, it will enable an additional "Priority" mode Context control
Add: script event OnDeviceMoved after a device finishes moving and id has updated to match original device id
Add: script function (bool ModActive(const char* modName)) to test if a specific mod is currently active.
Add: script function GetWeaponTypeAmmoProjectileByIndex(int index, Owner sideId, int ammoIndex) to get save name of a specific device type projectile
Add: script function ScreenToWorld
Add: script functions GetDeviceTypeIndex, SelectDeviceType
Add: script functions GetWeaponAmmoWithProjectileCount, FindDeviceInstance
Add: script functions GetWeaponTypeAmmoCount, GetWeaponTypeAmmoProjectileByIndex, GetWeaponTypeAmmoDeviceCountByIndex, GetWeaponTypeAmmoDeviceByIndex, GetWeaponTypeAmmoConsumeByIndex
Add: support for weapon "AmmoQueueMode = false" and "AmmoPriorityMode = false" flags to hide ammo Queue and Priority context buttons

Balance: (Buster active) sniper projectiles are no longer instantly destroyed by firebeam
Balance: (Deck Gun 1) reduce deviation to 0.012
Balance: (Deck Gun 2, 3) increase group deviation to 0.012 using FireStdDevSpray
Balance: (Decoy, Control, Orbital Laser ammo) increase hitpoints from 15 to 90 (+600%)
Balance: (flaming howitzer) reduce splash damage and incendiary radius (-17%)
Balance: (High Seas ammo) increase hitpoints to 90 to reduce fragility (esp vs. Buster)
Balance: (plane ammo) increase hitpoints from 50 to 90 (+450%)

Fix: -template- is not symmetrical
Fix: "Close" (as in distance) string used for ranked/warning ban message Close button. Changed to "Continue"
Fix: "Ctrl+space" doesn't pause Multiplayer and Skirmish replays (thanks asca)
Fix: (bombs, paveways) don't gain an incendiary effect from a firebeam
Fix: (Buster active) damaged warheads don't show green trail (blend with dark smoke)
Fix: (Coming Storm Pt1) allied ship is targeted by AI
Fix: (Coming Storm) loss of friendly ship does not fail mission
Fix: (Deck Gun) spread mode detail textures show focus mode
Fix: (Deck Guns) switching between focus and spread prevents AI upgrades
Fix: (Desert Ruins) AI script to avoid tiny door issue
Fix: (DeviceManager::LoadResourcesPostProcess) crash when attempting to erase first ammo type
Fix: (Dome) projectiles disappear early on collision
Fix: (Dome) shoots at planes even though they are unable to destroy them (skirmish only)
Fix: (dynamic tooltips) requirements missing from HUD tips when a device is selected
Fix: (extrusion) struts can be segmented when extruded beyond max link length
Fix: (Firebird active) dome projectiles are incendiary
Fix: (flaming paveway) no incendiary effect
Fix: (flaming projectiles) don't inherit damage done to original (e.g. howitzer)
Fix: (flaming thunderbolt & nighthawk) use derrick explosion on destruction
Fix: (Floating Graveyard) rightmost AI would stop building
Fix: (focus orbital laser) colored red in the map editor
Fix: (Frigates PB) not symmetrical
Fix: (Hardpoint) scream when hit
Fix: (Hardpoint) show a firing cost
Fix: (howitzer) flaming and non-flaming projectiles don't collide with each other
Fix: (Hurricane) active symbol doesn't show above deck guns, harpoon, dome, orbital laser and runway
Fix: (IsMissileAttacking) doesn't exclude non-missile projectiles and non-guided missiles, and defaults to true
Fix: (lineSeg3::NearestPointToLine) when another line seg is degenerate the collision always fails
Fix: (main menu) Sal Vaux incorrectly set up as a button and makes button click noises when clicked on
Fix: (missiles) can be placed facing into the ground
Fix: (missiles) fired from underwater retain underwater audio
Fix: (Modding, IsTeamConnectedToGroundBlock) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceCompleted) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceConsumed) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceDeleted) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceDestroyed) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceHit) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceHitBeam) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDeviceTeamUpdated) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDoorControl) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnDoorState) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnLinkCreated) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnNodeCreated) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnProjectileCollision) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnProjectileDestroyed) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnProjectileRedirected) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnRepairArea) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnStructurePainted) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnWeaponFired) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnWeaponFiredEnd) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnWeaponOverheated) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Moorings) AI fails to build mines and gets stuck part way through structure
Fix: (Moorings) AI stops building
Fix: (Nighthawk Paveway) reflects when near parallel to armor
Fix: (Nighthawk Paveway) starts fires on devices that it passes through
Fix: (OnControlActivated event) fails to trigger when double clicking
Fix: (OnDoorState) unnecessarily called every physics frame while a door is opening
Fix: (Phantom) dummy ammo gets queued when building
Fix: (Phantom) move ability gets queued when moving ammo
Fix: (Propeller) preview metal income display not applying efficiency
Fix: (Shockenaugh) doesn't receive power from orbital lasers (now 10000 energy total)
Fix: (Sinking Nemo) stray prop in air on right side
Fix: (Stormy Waters/PB) solid ground in the background causes mines to be drawn over water
Fix: (Super Turbine) not marked as requiring land
Fix: (Thunderbolts, Nighthawks) original and flaming versions do not collide with each other
Fix: \save command doesn't produce accurate reproduction
Fix: after restarting in sandbox the \build_fort AI will no longer have firing disabled
Fix: AI can delete its own reactor support
Fix: AI is blocked if it is set to create instead of moving a device
Fix: ammo alternatives are not considered (e.g. when consumable ammo not available, non-consumable ammo doesn't allow firing)
Fix: ammo count includes non-consume devices
Fix: ammo queue mode doesn't fire consumable ammo devices if there are any non-consume devices
Fix: animated BG waves appear above horizon
Fix: auto doors are previewed on allied forts
Fix: badges overlapping names in lobbies
Fix: blastdoors capture achievement awarded for High Seas mission
Fix: Button class does not exit press state correctly on mouse up
Fix: can't favorite/unfavorite a mod if it's forced on
Fix: context menu selected ammo indicator isn't updated immediately when you select a different button
Fix: cores in the water attached to a single strut cannot build structure
Fix: corrupt structure state when aiming the Firebeam directly at plane
Fix: crash when calling UpgradeDevice et al during OnContextButtonDevice call (and equivalent for struts)
Fix: crash when calling UpgradeDevice from OnDeviceCompleted
Fix: crash when double-clicking map to edit
Fix: crash when enabling tips from options during play in Sandbox
Fix: crash when the path in LoadStructureFile is wrong
Fix: debris clean-up can continue through foundations and destroy large connected structures via ropes
Fix: debris is being destroyed above water
Fix: device cost preview is obscured by ammo icons
Fix: device cost preview shifts when player clicks to drag
Fix: devices that can only be upgraded to cannot be used as a prerequisite
Fix: disable weapons mods ignored if Unlock All Weapons mod enabled
Fix: dlc2_oceans_base environment mod is not loaded from packs correctly for custom player environment overrides
Fix: duplicate reporting of double clicks by textured buttons
Fix: during replays, music incorrectly re-enables
Fix: edge cases updating chatroom contested commanders when players kicked/disconnect
Fix: EditBox controls don't work properly with Button slaves
Fix: EditBox Rollover and pressed sounds not working
Fix: EditBox Tab Highlight conflicts with edit mode highlighting
Fix: EnterGameOverMode, SetResult, and ShowResult script functions can be called multiple times
Fix: exception when sprite-based prop folder conversion is attempted
Fix: fire can spread to bracing that is converting to shields and metal
Fix: flipped terrain blocks do not have snap symmetry
Fix: Forts can hang when speed is too high in complex replays
Fix: if consumable ammo exists, it will be consumed even if non-consumable device exists
Fix: if two consumable ammo devices are available they are both consumed
Fix: Included (nested) mods are not displayed correctly in MP mod list panel
Fix: incorrect commander icons on acquired weapons
Fix: map symmetry fails with some ground devices (e.g. derrick)
Fix: marquee selection starts when over the HUD
Fix: max length of laser doesn't adapt to increase world extents
Fix: memory leak when ammo type is removed in post-processing
Fix: memory leak when ReactorsClaimForts rule fails to be destroyed
Fix: missing OnKey key parameter strings for unprintable characters
Fix: most High Seas Skirmish maps are not symmetrical - Removed offending blocks. Added 'symmetrical = true' to all maps
Fix: no-ammo icon shown on weapons without any projectiles (e.g. Hardpoint)
Fix: OnKey script event doesn't work for observers
Fix: OnShieldReflection/OnPortalUsed is called when they are blocked by devices
Fix: order of Mine, Propeller, Turbine, Smokestack, Swarm, Subswarm and their upgrades is inconsistent
Fix: plane aiming tip graphic misleading
Fix: planes are attracted by Magnabeam
Fix: portal configuration behaved differently to preview
Fix: portals are instantly enabled when reconnecting after neutral ownership
Fix: projectiles created from a projectile-projectile collision re-collide repetitively, causing a crash
Fix: projectiles fading due to MaxAgeUnderwater don't detonate with DetonatesOnExpiry
Fix: right mouse release is not reported to scripts when combined with left mouse or scroll wheel (thanks asca)
Fix: script paths change when run locally, preventing SendScriptEvent (and ExecuteInScript) from working
Fix: seam visible in waves animation
Fix: SelectDeviceType doesn't open the appropriate HUD tab
Fix: SetMissileTarget doesn't work if within the MinTargetUpdateDistance
Fix: shooting and then immediately upgrading the deck gun causes damage
Fix: Start-loaded mod error in some pre-built maps
Fix: string case of snow leopards map display name
Fix: string formatting issues in chatroom
Fix: string formatting issues in TextBox when saving/restoring
Fix: structure disappears when a laser fires into a portal just beyond the weapon clearance
Fix: struts converted from armor by device placement don't catch fire
Fix: the final edge of a block of a dynamic surface does not deform
Fix: tips drill instructor and enemy commander (while using spook) overlap
Fix: two HUD tabs can be depressed simultaneously by rapidly clicking between them
Fix: typo in GetTeamCommanderPoints script function description
Fix: upgrade key sends an upgrade device command for every possible upgrade
Fix: word wrapping can shift text on second frame due to inconsistent height calculations
Fix: world extents are reset when all blocks are deleted
Fix: zero-length projectile distance to fields causes corruption of simulation

Improve: (construction cost preview) reduce shadow depth on text from 1 to 0.75
Improve: (FindNodeOnStructure) ignore non-selectable nodes
Improve: (Floating Graveyard) additional intro lines to clarify how to access orbital focus ammo
Improve: (Harpoon) has adjustable power only in skirmish (non-campaign) maps
Improve: (Lobby selection screen) show display names instead of folder names if possible
Improve: (OnControlActivated event) add doubleClick parameter
Improve: (Orbital Sweep) direction depends on the direction of the beacon (weapon facing) rather than team
Improve: (Phantom) device move retains original device id when move completes
Improve: (planes auto-drop) add drop delay according to the distance to target to more accurately hit from higher altitudes
Improve: (planes auto-drop) parameters can be adjusted via dlc2_Bombs table (TestDistX, TestDistY, DelayDist1, DelayDist2, Delay1, Delay2, Debug)
Improve: (planes) increase maximum range to cover largest map size
Improve: (Runway, Runway Mk 2, Thunderbolt ammo) add 'Works best with amassed ammo' to tooltips
Improve: \run console command takes wide characters
Improve: allow control keys to pass through to OnKey script function
Improve: allow the preview of devices that don't have their requirements satisfied
Improve: ammo consumption effect is available when dlc2 mod is not active
Improve: ammo queue button vanishes if all ammo types have a non-consume device
Improve: ammo without valid projectiles is deleted (with a log warning)
Improve: audio volume slider controls to option screen
Improve: check for and remove highlight tags in player names and chat messages
Improve: devices are drawn on top of projectiles to hide overlap on firing
Improve: don't show devices and weapons on the HUD that are not available due to land/water requirements in skirmish/MP/campaign (tied to HideHUDItemsWhenPrerequisitesDisabled flag so it can be disabled)
Improve: EditBox "X" (reset) buttons added to various relevant EditBox UI
Improve: EditBox controls in game now all have a consistent look and feel
Improve: error icon/message when trying to build device with tech requirements missing
Improve: HUD options button now looks distinct from pause button, featuring three horizontal lines
Improve: increase default ban duration from 5 to 120 minutes
Improve: menu and in-game music can be set independently
Improve: player names in chat messages different colors to the chat text to thwart spoofing
Improve: renamed template maps for consistency
Improve: replay HUDs have been streamlined to minimize obstruction of the view
Improve: select the first ammo type of a weapon after placement
Improve: tab stops for map select, mods select, map editor, and server select screens
Improve: update FMOD Studio to 2.02.07.
Improve: updated UI edit boxes for new consistent visual look
Improve: weapons other than the Runway can launch High Seas planes

Optimize: loading for large numbers of devices

Remove: Black Gold campaign missions from Sandbox mode to reduce clutter
Remove: dlc1 and dlc2 mod checks in the dlcVar_Active/Value params. Now it just checks if the DLC is enabled, regardless of which mods are active (thanks asca).

Change list dlc2 23 r13420

Add: "expirewater" Impact effect, defaults to no effect
Add: script function 'towstring' to convert string to wstring
Add: Sal Vaux news image for Update 1.17

Improve: water level is taken off each block node, to allow slopes

Fix: (Dark Shoals) sunbeams drawn over solid ground
Fix: (Chasm) central water level floats in mid air
Fix: (GetWeaponTypeAmmoContextSpriteByIndex) case typo in function name
Fix: (Windswept) ground pads misaligned with the grid (thanks, ]ㅋlinnshadow)
Fix: (map editor) rmb + scroll through ammo items causes HUD to clear (thanks, Mech70)
Fix: (map editor) crash when nudging isolated nodes (thanks, [PBT] Hallrassy)
Fix: (Chasm) water block visual order (thanks, Mech70)
Fix: (Chasm) missing surface texture on Chasm (thanks, ]ㅋlinnshadow)
Fix: (flaming Deck Guns) no incendiary effect (thanks, Mech70)
Fix: (flaming Deck Gun, Bombs, Paveway) no expiry effect above water
Fix: (orbital laser) sometimes reflected sideways when hitting water surface
Fix: (Fracked) the terrain above the land forts can't have ropes attached (thanks, ]ㅋlinnshadow)
Fix: IgnitePlatformOnDestruct doesn't set fire to platforms (thanks, ]ㅋlinnshadow)
Fix: upgrade key doesn't work for secondary upgrades (thanks, ]ㅋlinnshadow)
Fix: effects\build_bracing not always triggering in fmod (changed voice stealing to oldest and set max instances to 4)
Fix: new multi-level maps have dlc2_WaterLevel set unnecessarily
Fix: weapons can fire after being disconnected (Thanks Gusteagle)
Fix: planes launched from script don't drop bombs (thanks, EvilDog667)
Fix: crash caused by moving device health calculation error
Fix: crash when hovering cursor over deleted devices
Fix: crash in GetWeaponTypeAmmoContextSpriteByIndex when index is out of bounds or ContextButton is NULL
Fix: crash when a device is selected without a current weapon group
Fix: potential crash in HighlightMaterial when materials tab is missing
Fix: potential crash in SnapLink

Change list dlc2 24 r13512

Add: \subscribe console command to subscribe and download to a space separated list of item ids's

Improve: (Halloween theme) added Gargoyles to team 1
Improve: (Halloween theme) blood rain added
Improve: (Halloween theme) skull pivots to team 2
Improve: (Halloween theme) slimline HUD
Improve: (map editor) allow additional devices with population caps on the same team when they are on separate structures
Improve: (map editor) allow all water and land devices regardless of structure type
Improve: (Russian) training map names
Improve: don't delete local crash and desync reports after uploading
Improve: increase command queue length from 512 to 1000 to reduce likelihood of filling it up during joining

Fix: (Black Gold) double click on missions doesn't work in campaign map after changing pages until you've run a mission
Fix: (Caverns MS) missing terrain surfaces, seam, and symmetry issues
Fix: (Chasm) edge of sunbeam texture wraps, creating visible seam
Fix: (Chasm) missing water animation
Fix: (desync) trig functions produce slightly different results on some CPUs
Fix: (GetGroupMemberId) crash when given out of range inputs
Fix: (joining) command queue can be filled by selection, position, and extrusion messages
Fix: (map editor, delete structure) devices around not deleted instantly and remain in undo level
Fix: (map editor) terrain node always snaps to other block edges when there is a zero length edge
Fix: (map editor) when extruding to the ground a foundation is drawn at the cursor position
Fix: (Modding, OnExecuteProjectileAction) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnLinkHit) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Modding, OnLinkHitBeam) converts team to side incorrectly
Fix: (Pillars) missing buildable terrain surface
Fix: (Rolling Thunder) destroy ship first objective not applied to campaign map
Fix: (Sniper, AP-Sniper) when opening a door the relative cursor position will move
Fix: (tutorial 1) crash when rolling over context menu bracing icon
Fix: beams fail to fire when inside terrain with the 'Pass beams' property
Fix: crash in SetNodeAngle animation script function when the specified node doesn't exist
Fix: crash when joining soon after a previous join failed
Fix: crash when moving devices are disconnected/reconnected to structure
Fix: crash when snapping to a zero length ground edge trimmed to circle
Fix: dangling pointer to CommandInterpreter can be accessed when receiving desync files
Fix: desyncs on ThreadRipper CPUs related to high thread counts
Fix: devices are not deleted immediately after surplus forts are removed
Fix: FMOD sound sizes being multiplied by 2 (or 4?) when we upgraded to the latest FMOD
Fix: occasional crash when players are disconnected from ranked
Fix: occasional crash when the lobby selection screen refreshes
Fix: projectiles can't be spawned inside of terrain with the 'Pass projectiles' property
Fix: replay HUD not hidden in first video capture frame for high refresh displays
Fix: replay/join desync when device delete lands on keyframe
Fix: slimline replay HUD doesn't stretch to edge of screen on ulta-wide monitors
Fix: soft lock when beams fail to fire due to being inside terrain
Fix: some broken text highlight tags for Turkish and Slovak languages
Fix: water level key binding missing

Change list dlc2 24 r13515

Fix: (Halloween) desync when _halloween.pack is removed and High Seas Control Ammunition is enabled

Change list dlc2 24 r13517

Fix: Script error evaluating Sever Enemy Derrick in Moonshot mission

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If you haven't already, join our Forts Official Discord server to connect with other players, share strategies, create maps/mods, and receive advance notice of upcoming events.

DCS World Steam Edition - OBWKB
DCS: La-7

The Lavochkin La-7 is one of the most famous Soviet fighters that saw action towards the end of the Second World War. It was the crown jewel of Soviet World War II aircraft design and saw great success at the hands of Red Army Air Force ace, Ivan Nikitovitch Kozhedub, with 60 kills, the vast majority of which were Fighters!

The La-7 aircraft is equipped with the 14 cylinder ASh-82FN radial engine which was a derivative of the ASh-62, itself based on a license built version of the American Wright Cyclone R-1820. The ASh-82 was truly the pinnacle of Soviet air-cooled engines, reliable and easy to maintain, it developed 1’850 hp. The aircraft was also well armed with two formidable 20-mm ShVAK cannons. The wooden airframe was light and sleek yet extremely rugged. It offered excellent overall performance, and was loved by its pilots for its handling and capabilities, making it easily as good as the best Axis fighters in air combat.

The OctopusG team has leveraged their experience developing the DCS: I-16 to develop the most accurate La-7 possible. Their La-7 will have a fully interactive cockpit, detailed systems modeling, and an outstanding flight model based on years of DCS World development experience.

The module is very far along, and it is planned to be released into Early Access in the first part of 2023.

Dynamic Weather
Coming soon

After extensive testing of new moving clouds and effects like rainbows, we are ready to update DCS World weather in the upcoming 2.8 version. The Weather System includes optimization for VR, and we are confident that this will result in a more stable and smooth experience.

Version 2.8 will be a large update to DCS, and you will be able to experience new atmospheric effects like rainbows and ice halos. The ice halo effect settings have been added to the Mission Editor Weather tab, and clouds will now move according to wind direction and speed. The rain effect has also been enhanced, and there have been fixes to rare volumetric clouds artifacts.

Adjustments have been made to the tone-mapping process and exposure control. We recommend a gamma setting of 2.2. Flat shadows on MFDs and cockpit shading have also been improved.

We are excited to bring you this Weather System update, and we look forward to your feedback. Please stay tuned for more DCS 2.8 news coming soon.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics
Kiwi Clicker - Juiced Up - tobspr IT Solutions

This hunger that grows and slowly consumes everything and everyone - could one even vanquish a yearning? ...would they even want to?

Finally the truth behind it all is revealed - who, or what, was pulling the strings of this whole story all along? ...wait, what do you mean with 'what story?' ????

This update brings more endgame content as well as a narrative ending for the game - what's a 'narrative ending'? It's where people who don't play clicker games forever close them and never open them again. For the rest of us, this could also be the gate for a new prestige layer in the future!

This update adds new features such as the ones that will be in the game when the update comes out, and that's all of them right there. These new features will allow you to do the thing that the update adds that's related to the image at the top and the name of the update. If you'd like to spoil yourself and read what they are, exactly, go ahead:
"what they are, exactly"

To celebrate this hallowed period of the year, the ghosts of kiwis that passed have briefly returned - but I'll leave it in your hands to make sure that doesn't last long!

GHOST-HUNTING - Obliterate the sins of your past as they literally haunt your game... for cool bonuses and rewards! But watch out, don't take too long or you might suffer the consequences... guilt.

PUMPKIWIS - Kiwis are now pumpkins, but also still kiwis - a feeble attempt at disguising your operation, one might say, but there's no turning back - we ordered 4 trillion costumes so we're going to use them.

A HAT - As a sign of respect for the culture of this game distribution platform where we all currently reside and enjoy our leisure time, we've studied the norms and traditions of its founders to create a unique, never-before-seen, ritual to honor their will. As such, there's also now a special hat. No more clarification will be provided at this point.

Community Announcements - jimbo

For more information, please check this "Update info" .

Thanks for your support, and please continue to enjoy “DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation!”
Rappelz - Evanesca
Time to glue the cards!

This weekend, right now until the maintenance starts on Monday, good magic will increase the chance of successfully enchanting creature cards by 20% of the available one!

Your pets must be the most powerful!

Good luck!
Scrolls of Sengoku Dynasty - SwordsOfTheSouth

Another copy of the Sengoku Scrolls has made its way over hills and dales to your home sweet home and is ringing your doorbell!

This time in the scroll:

  • A brief expert advice for your next visit to the open-air swimming pool in Japan. Bathing properly in the onsen!
  • Not all ghosts emerge from the television or sit in the attic. Get to know the shikigami and have a pair of scissors and paper ready. You might need both!
  • Have you heard the name Takeda Shingen before? Read his story in this issue!

This and more in issue 4 of the Sengoku Scrolls. Get the Scrolls of Sengoku here!

Have fun with it!

Vernal Edge - frmc694.steam.q678wp
Steam Next is over since last Monday and that was a good ride for Vernal Edge!

Thousands of people have been playing the demo with this event and giving encouraging feedbacks for Hello Penguin Team. But don't worry, the demo is still available for you to play so don't be shy and explore the floating islands of Haricot's kingdom!

Your interests has been peaked? Follow and wishlist the game to get Vernal Edge's latest news!