Oct 6, 2022
CosmoOdyssey:Trip to Mars - Brenntkopf Studio
Update 2.2.2.f
-Cute russist Elon Musk
-Added Blur Effect
Oct 6, 2022
Booty Farm [18+] - TarantulicTT
The first rule of fucking your step-sister: you do not tell anyone that you're fucking your step-sister.
The second rule of fucking your step-sister: you DO NOT tell ANYONE that you're fucking your step-sister!

So how did Stacy get her hands on this sexy little secret??
Fix a hot mess in Stacy x Rachel!

Are they besties? Are they frenemies? Could they be something more?

Stacy x Rachel is live in Booty Farm from Oct 6th - 12th.

Mechabellum - Nighthaven
We will start the Steam live broadcast on October 6th
Oct 6, 2022
TasteMaker - Jelle Booij
This week I focussed on making TasteMaker more fun and easy to learn. I feel that the current tutorial is boring and does not do a good job at explaining all the mechanics. My plan is to completely remove the tutorial and incorporate it into the game.


Some UI elements will now show additional information when you hover your mouse over them. Creating this system took up most of my time this week because I wanted to make it as dynamic as possible, and because I ran into some technical issues. In the end I think that it was worth it because I can now add a new tooltip extremely fast. The system probably still needs some polishing and tweaking but I am quite happy with it.

Button Hiding

I also implemented a system that hides buttons and UI elements that are not relevant at that moment. The tutorial already had something like this, but I improved it and made it work across the entire game.

Small Changes

  • When a scenario’s challenge is finished, it will now be marked as such.
  • Small performance improvements
  • Lowered required profit for the Route 66 Hard challenge for 1000 to 750
  • Fixed ingredients sometimes not resetting upon delivery
  • Fixed some issues with the intro
Substance 3D Sampler 2022 - Loryche
We released a small hotfix update for 3D Sampler!

3.4.1 Arancini
(Released: October 6, 2022)


[Onboarding] New "Welcome" and "What's New" screens
[Onboarding] Updated Home screen UI
[Onboarding] New Learn content in the Home screen
[Scripting] Log an error in the Log panel when a method is not recognized
[Scripting] New ssa.helpers module to enable printing to the Log panel
[Application] Support for the new side-by-side buttons widget from Substance 3D Designer


[Export] Crash when exporting a .sbsar file referencing a missing image
[Export] Crash when exporting an asset referencing a corrupted image file
[Export] Exporting a .sbsar file with an Embroidery layer results in a gray material
[Export] Exporting a material to a .sbs/sbsar file can generate a fully transparent material
[Export] Normal Format parameter is not exposed correctly in .sbs/.sbsar files
[Export] Sbs/sbsar export of a layer stack referencing a .svg file is broken
[Export] Transform layer is not exported properly / Updated Enscape - Revit export preset
[Exposed Parameters] Crash when deleting a layer containing an exposed parameter
[Exposed Parameters] Updating an outdated layer in the layer stack can lead to a corrupted list of exposed parameters
[Exposed Parameters] Parameters that should not be exported are exported anyway
[Exposed Parameters] Removing a blend filter when deleting a layer does not unexpose its parameters
[Exposed Parameters] Text parameters break .sbs/.sbsar exports
[Layers] Crash when dropping a layer stack in another layer stack
[Layers] Crash when failing to load a filter
[Layers] Cannot reload the previous image when resetting the Image field
[Layers] Cannot undo/redo transform tool changes
[Layers] Clone Stamp layer is stuck after clicking "Reset all settings"
[Layers] Using any of the reset buttons prevents from drawing in the Image field
[Layers] The Reset button does not clear the drawing mask in the Image field
[Layers] The Reset button in the Image field does nothing if the user has painted something
[Layers] Rendering cache does not work when using the Brush tool
[Layers] Deleted layer can still show up in the Properties panel
[Layers] Layer computation can stall when switching between project assets
[Project] Sometimes Sampler is unable to open a project from disk
[2D View] The 2D view always defaults back to Material Output

Known Issues:

[Color Picker] Picking a color on a second monitor with a different resolution may not work
[Content] Shape light widget is not working in spherical projection mode
[Interoperability] Material with displacement sent to Stager will lose displacement controls
DROS - timbo.molony
We are playing our brand new Dros demo for Steam Next Fest.

Join us as we play and chat through all things Dros, including the development, art, characters and world.

Our live steam is scheduled from 2:00pm AEST on the 7th of October.

See you there :)
Oct 6, 2022
World Titans War - jpalma


We were not dead... We were working!

We have been working for months, day by day very hard to bring you as always the best, a super update. The early access version 0.2. We always listen to the community and here we bring you many improvements for you to keep enjoying as you deserve.


Now you can heal your teammates if they fall, we have a new critical status, new loot vision in proximity and 40 new building missions.

For drivers; we have redesigned physics, lighting, sounds and car effects to make the experience even better. Let's race!


New redesigned zones:

- Briastre
- San Quentin
- Prisons
- Reims
- Tancrou

We've also added new ambient sounds for total immersion!


Now the whole graphic system has been improved by adding new corrections and improvements that in general give us a spectacular result. Some of them:
- Color correction
- Camera movement smoothing
- Illumination
- Fire suppression


We have new animations for some of our iconic weapons:

- Mouser Shot
- MG42 firing


Special dedication to those who have helped us these months to solve and improve bugs and many other things, without you this would be nothing:

Tormo1, Elmacoco1, Kamatary, Jota and Hector.

We hope you enjoy the update very much. We keep working to give you the best.

Very soon there will be even more new things coming, as well as different events and raffles. So to not miss anything you know that you can follow us on our networks.

We have had to delete the database, we recommend all administrators with private servers to delete it as well. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Don't forget that we are always happy to hear your suggestions, so if you want to chat with us we invite you to our Discord.

Arcade Paradise - Steve
One Special Day is Special Effect’s flagship annual fundraising campaign, established in 2015.

For this one day, each year, companies and studios from all sectors of the games industry come together to raise vital income for Special Effect and show the world how games can change lives for the better!

We have decided to join in with a 10% Discount on Arcade Paradise for the event.


Wired is also releasing two other exclusive bundles for the event

Lumote: The Mastermote Chronicles bundle has a 30% discount.



The Martha Is Dead bundle has a 20% discount.


these bundles will be available From the 7th of October until the 10th of October.

SpecialEffect is an award-winning charity based in West Oxfordshire, in the UK. Since 2007, who transform the lives of people with severe physical disabilities across the globe through the innovative use of technology.

Make sure to go check them out and support them.

Special Effect
Oct 6, 2022
GameZero - gutts
also moved viridia and all townsfolk up on the y axis to compensate for this move.
Substance 3D Designer 2022 - nicolas.cathaud
Substance 3D Designer 12.3 brings Substance model graphs to a new level with the support of subgraphs (or graph instances), plus the 'Visible if ' control for exposed parameters and some new nodes dedicated to curves edition. This version also introduces two new panels (Welcome and What's New) to improve user onboarding, and some other minor features or bug fixes described below.

Release date: October 6th, 2022

Major features

Support of Graph Instances in Substance model graphs

If you are used to creating graphs, you want to be able to make subgraphs (or graph instances) in order to reuse your work, make graphs less cluttered and be more efficient.
This is now possible also for Substance model graphs: just drag & drop your subgraph from the explorer to your main graph to use it as an instance node.

We have also introduced the concept of output nodes for Substance model graphs, such as Output scene. You now have the possibility to have one or more outputs in your graph.
Each output will correspond to an output pin when your graph will be instantiated in another graph.

When you right click on an instance node , you can of course access its referenced subgraph in order to view or edit it.

Thanks to subgraphs and exposed parameters, you can create complexe assets and apply infinite variations.

Other improvements for Substance model graphs

Visible if for exposed parameters

When exposing parameters, you may want to hide or show parameters based on the status of other parameters. For example a slider only showing when a button is turned on.
With Visible If, you can add conditions to parameter visibility, keeping a clean and functional UI. This mechanism already available for Substance compositing graphs is now extended to Substance model graphs, using, of course, the same syntax.

New nodes dedicated to curve edition

This version brings some new nodes dedicated to curve edition: Reverse curve swaps the two extremities of a curve, Curve subdivide adds more vertices on segments according to two methods, Smoothing curve smooths out all angles on a 2D curve and finally Offset curve inflates or deflates a 2D curve, as shown below.

New graph window

The New Substance model graph window is now also available for Substance model graphs. You can add your own template or select a default one, then directly enter the name of your graph and select the package which the graph will be added to.

What's New panel

We have introduced the What's new panel – displayed the first time you run a new version of Designer – to quickly presents the main features introduced in this version.


Two buttons widget for exposed boolean parameters

You now have a new way to expose boolean parameters in a Substance compositing graph. In addition to the switch button, you can use Side by side buttons with custom texts in order to make more visible the two differents modes driven by the boolean parameter.

Resolve scaling issues for high-DPI screens
In previous versions, Designer was not able to correctly handle the scaling factor set in the operating system. As you can see in the illustration below, everything is perfectly managed on a 4K display with 125% scaling with all fonts and buttons displayed at a coherent size.
Note that the option 'Disable High DPI' in the preferences have been reset to False in this new version as this option is not required anymore to have a usable interface.HighDPI_Fix.gifexpand image

Apple Silicon native support (M1 / M2) for Steam version
The 12.2 version of Designer was the first one to bring full support of new Apple machines based on M1 or M2 chips, yet that support was absent from the Steam edition. From now on, all Designer users can benefit from a faster and more efficient experience on these machines.

Full release notes
(Released October 06, 2022)

  • [General] Onboarding panel to welcome new users
  • [General] What's new panel to improve new features discoverability
  • [Substance model] Support of sub graphs and instances
  • [Substance model] Support Visible If for exposed parameters
  • [Substance model] Add support of Output nodes
  • [Substance model] Curve offset node
  • [Substance model] Curve revert node
  • [Substance model] Curve smoothing node
  • [Substance model] Curve subdivide node
  • [Substance model] Graft node
  • [Substance model] Update "Filter Scene" node
  • [Substance model] Make non-atomic nodes discoverable in Node menu
  • [Substance model] Add the action "Open Reference" in the contextual menu of an instance node
  • [Substance model] Add a "View in 3DView" action in the contextual menu of nodes that can be sent to the 3DView
  • [Substance model] Automatically display a node's properties after exposing it
  • [Substance model] Create 'New Substance model graph' window with templates list
  • [UI] Improve consistency of image saving options in 2D View and 3D View
  • [UI] Rename 'Link > 3D Mesh' to 'Link > 3D Scene' in Explorer's contextual menu
  • [UI] Reset layout now apply to all floating windows
  • [UI] Use 'View outputs in 3D View' label in contextual menus for graphs
  • [Library] Support non-atomic Substance model graphs
  • [SBSAR] Support graph outputs' description in the SBSAR
  • [Shader] Set the default Tessellation Factor value to 1 for all shaders
  • [UI] Expose 2-buttons widget for boolean parameters
  • [Engine] Update to Version 8.6.4
  • [Steam] Optimized build for Apple Silicon chipset (Apple M1 / M2)


  • [UI] Resolve scaling issues for high-DPI screens
  • [UI] '$(udim)' template missing from list in baking window
  • [UI] Crash when displaying the Node menu on the screen's right border (macOS only)
  • [UI] Extension button in 3D view menu is not visible
  • [UI] Graph toolbar's extension menu is incomplete
  • [UI] Incorrect parameter widget value after undoing hard range activation
  • [3D view] Non default shader setting is lost on Iray from a session to another
  • [Bakers] Crash when loading baking window with a scene without meshes
  • [Function] Crash when copying an instance into its referenced graph
  • [Function] Fix possible crash when manipulating nodes
  • [Globalization] Italic is not always correctly disabled in japanese/korean/chinese
  • [Graph] Incorrect fallback identifier for new MDL and Substance model graphs
  • [Graph] Inherited parameters driven by values are sometimes computed incorrectly
  • [GraphRender] Crash when switching engines while computing high resolution graph (macO
S only)