Truck Mechanic: Dangerous Paths - Prologue - Atomic Jelly
Hello Truck Mechanics!

Brand new Truck Mechanic: Dangerous Paths development diary #57 is up. What's new? A lot of new shinny things!

We focused on polishing the garage for the prologue. It will be a kind of hub from which you will be able to manage various elements of the game including personalization, skill management, truck repair and more.

Customization will allow you to change the appearance of the truck. You will be able to customize it according to your preferences and make it look unique from tons of presets.

Skill management will be available in the full version of the game. A small portion will appear in the prologue, meant to show the direction we've taken. You will get XP points from making repairs, which you will be able to spend in special talent trees that contain unique perks that make gameplay easier - it's not until the full version.

Once again, we strongly encourage you to sign up for our upcoming Playtests and help us create the best truck mechanics and driving in a difficult terrain experience. Sign-ups are still open.


As always, we encourage you to actively comment and share your ideas with us. Remember that all the screenshots shown above are from a WIP build, they don’t reflect the final version of the game.


Have a good one!
Atomic Jelly
Feb 25, 2022
Birding Simulator: Bird Photographer - tbejbera
If you are interested, visit our profile, where you will find our first TikTok Video!⬇️

Feb 25, 2022
General War Memories - jtggame
Dear users

Let's talk about the Reinforcement function
This function is auxiliary and is used during battles in instances/camp
Details :
The function becomes available after level 120+. To activate this function, need to open Construct
Where in the upper right corner we open the Reinforcement function itself and get to the page with the activation of cells for units.

To activate these cells need Strategy Books

And so after activating these cells, need to select units for these cells.

And so we installed the units in these cells.

For the function to work, you must have a Reinfocement Order in stock (pay attention to the description of these orders, since there are two types of them: for camp and for instances), these scrolls will be automatically used during the battle when one of the main units is lost. (do not put lock in stock for these items)


We lost one main unit, the game offered us to add a unit from Reinforcement, we approved this by clicking on OK and the unit was delivered to the battlefield.

Best regards, JTGGame Team
Gremlins, Inc. - Standard of Ur
Hey guys,

It's been a long time since we've ran a team tournament.

Buckle up, and get ready to watch some of the most skilled players compete!


ːcardsː Teams: 2 x 2 x 2
ːcardsː Number of competitors: 81 team

ːscoreː Game 1 victory condition: 30 rounds
ːscoreː Game 2 victory condition: 30 rounds
ːscoreː Game 3 (semifinal) victory condition: 25 points
ːscoreː Game 4 (final) victory condition: 30 points

ːcursecardː Chaos Cards: allowed
ːmagic_sparklesː Character Abilities: allowed
ːtelegramː Impending Misfortune: hidden
ːcheatdiceː Characters: from random set
ːRatsClockː Timer: normal
ːLocationː Field: Clockwork Town (1)
:sts_ironclad: Anonymous masks: OFF


The first two sessions (A, B) happen on March 12.

The next two sessions (C, D) happen on March 13.

Each of three sessions starts every 20 minutes, e.g. sessions A1 - A3 start 09:00 and sessions A4 - A6 start 09:20. These times will be communicated to each competing team after the registration is closed.

The first and the second rounds are held at different times on Asian and European servers, to be closer to the local timezones.

How to register

Post a reply to this announcement with the following information:
  1. Team name
  2. Links to Steam profiles of 2 members
  3. Indication of which player is the captain
  4. Discord name of the captain for tagging on the official Discord server
  5. You may also designate a 3rd player to be in reserve (but you don't have to). If a team registers 3 players, it may swap one of the first 2 players with the reserve player for any session; however, it cannot later swap back this player into one of the original players.
  6. Preferred server to play on (Asia or Europe). It is possible to designate both.
Players banned from ranked sessions are not allowed to participate in this tournament. Any team that has a player banned during the tournament, is disqualified.

A player cannot be registered in more than 1 team.

The registration ends with 81 teams.

The final deadline for registration is March 7 at 12:00 GMT.

Please check the Tournament Table for team registration and match-up progress.

Prize fund

Prizes will be awarded for each game, and only to the players who actually participated in that session.

For semifinals and the final we will provide the session hosts with The Warping Seeker, The Miraculous Magnet of Dr. Brooms, and the Supercup. Please use them in the session.

Winners of Game 1 (27 teams): Box of Goods – Rare x1

Winners of Game 2 (9 teams): Box of Goods – Contraband x1

Winners of Game 3 (semifinals): Box of Goods - illegal x1, Bomb-O-mat, A Smart Plug x1

Winner of Game 4 (final): Box of Goods - illegal x3, Champion's Trail, The Warping Seeker x3, The Miraculous Magnet of Dr. Brooms x3, Gremlichaun x1.

Semi-finalists will also get Steam keys to Spire of Sorcery:

Animalia Survival - Zeev

Hello Wild Friends

We have made some adjustments to some animals, the map and reproduction.

-Adjusted damage on animals' skins getting red.
-Adjusted invitation from the cubs not being born we are checking what is going on.

-Adjusted the problem when it came to the elder lion and it's stage and many points.
-Adjusted the Lion Elder's weight.

-Adjusted the Wildebeest's weight.

-Adjusted Elder Crocodile's weight.
-Adjusted Crocodile stitches time.
-Adjusted the albino Crocodile skin in the new pack.
--Adjusted Crocodile health from 16000 to 14500.

-Adjusted the zebra's weight.

Adjusted armor from 800 to 900.


-Adjusting the physics of the cave lake
-Adjusting the physics of the southwestern lake.

Adjusted viewing distance from trees.

- Adjusted spawn areas, will be random from now on.

-Adjusted building materials.

Thank you all very much!
High Brazil Studio.
War Thunder - CyberStonka

Developed at the dawn of WWII, the B-26 Marauder was an iconic American medium bomber that recorded an illustrious service career with Allied forces right up until the end of the war. Soon, pilots may look forward to getting the chance to take control of this much anticipated American bomber as it arrives to War Thunder as part of the next major update!

Briefly: A fast American medium bomber, highly regarded for its good payload, superb durability and formidable defensive arsenal.

B-26 Marauder, medium bomber, USA, rank III
  • High speed
  • Heavily armed
  • Resilient against battle damage
  • Vulnerable lower hemisphere

In War Thunder, the highly anticipated B-26 Marauder is arriving to the mid ranks of the American aviation tree as part of the upcoming major update. Fans of the B-26 Marauder will only have to wait a little while longer before they’re able to take to the skies behind the controls of not just one, but two variants of this iconic American medium bomber! In this devblog, we’d like to give you a first look at the B-26B and B-26C Marauder, arriving soon to the battlefields of War Thunder. Let’s begin!

Being conceived from the very beginning for speed, the B-26 Marauder is outfitted with a pair of Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Twin Wasp radial engines, producing a peak power output of 2,000 horsepower on take-off. Thus, the aircraft is able to attain a maximum speed of 264 mph (425 km/h) at medium altitudes. Consequently, the B-26 will be everything but a sitting duck to hostile fighters and will often require enemy pilots to attack from above in order to catch up to it. 

Interesting Fact: Due to the numerous accidents early on in its service career, the B-26 Marauder quickly gained the infamous reputation of being a “widowmaker” aircraft: a stigma it would carry up to the end of WWII, despite its excellent late war track record.

While fast indeed, the Marauder isn’t fast enough to outrun every pursuer in the skies. Inevitably, some fighters will catch up to it and for this occasion, the B-26 is equipped with just the right tools: defensive .50 calibre machine guns, and plenty of them at that! Namely, the Marauder is equipped with up to seven 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, covering the aircraft’s front, rear and upper hemisphere. Only the lower hemisphere is less well protected and this gap in the aircraft’s protective sphere is a weak point which bold fighter pilots can take advantage of in order to launch an attack run.

However, the Marauder’s arsenal doesn’t just stop at its defensive turrets - it’s a bomber aircraft after all. Apart from the defensive turrets, the B-26 is also fitted with a further five .50 cal machine guns, fixed in position in the aircraft’s nose section. This allows the Marauder to perform strafing attacks on soft ground targets or even actively engage other hostile aircraft. But the Marauder’s core arsenal really lies within its payload, and rest assured, it’s quite a sizable one! Being able to carry a payload in excess of 4,000 lbs, the B-26 can be loaded with bombs of various calibers, ranging from 100 to 2,000 lbs and as a result, the types of targets the Marauder can take on with these bombs is just as diverse.

The highly anticipated B-26B and B-26C Marauder will soon take to the skies in War Thunder as they arrive to the game as part of the next major update. In the meantime, make sure to stay tuned to the news as we continue revealing which other exciting new additions and features await you in the upcoming update. Until then, clear skies pilots!
Feb 25, 2022
New Home: Medieval Village - CanerTonbul
With the EA v0.42 update coming Saturday (26.02.2022), 10 new resources, 3 new agricultural crops, 3 new buildings, production chains, balancing on difficulty settings, and range adjustment for utility buildings have been introduced into the game. Also added resource consumption system in health system and tavern building.

New buildings
  • Weaver: A production building where yarn can be produced from flax, bandages or fabrics from yarn.
  • Herbalist: A production building that can produce herbal medicines from herbs or ointments from aloe vera and herbs.
  • Town Hall: A building that can be built at level 5 and increases the village's attraction.

New resources and production chains
  • Flax (Agricultural crop)
  • Herbs (Agricultural crop)
  • Aloe vera (Agricultural crop)
  • Herbal medicines (produced from herbs)
  • Ointment (produced from herbs and aloe vera)
  • Yarn (Produced from flax)
  • Bandage (Produced from yarn or fabric)
  • Fabric (Produced from yarn)
  • Beer (made from grain)
  • Milk (Livestock product)

New resources toolbar

The resources toolbar at the top of the screen has changed. Now resources are divided into certain categories and the toolbar shows the sum of these categories. When you hover over it, the resources are displayed and an indicator icon has been added to show that the resource has increased or decreased recently.

The new used rescouce categories are:
  • Foods
  • Fuels
  • Medicines
  • Clothes
  • Crops

Setting range for utility buildings

Service buildings' range can now be adjusted. The upkeep cost varies according to the range. In this way, the range can be reduced in order to reduce upkeep costs in the early stage, and maximum efficiency can be obtained by increasing range at the later level. Ranges can be changed between 60% and 125% of the default value.

New healthcare system

Health buildings are now consuming health-related resources. They gain bonus range and influence based on the variety of resources they have. If there are no health-related resources, they cannot function. They are currently consuming herbal medicines, ointments and bandages resources. The daily consumption amount is determined by the number of villagers within its range, and you can see this consumption from the utility menu by clicking on the health building. The maximum bonus range is 15% and the bonus effect is 15.

Changes on villager happiness
  • New calculation method: The calculation of villagers' happiness changed. Now, the happiness of the villagers is calculated according to their health, safety, resource variety, resource availability, average quality of consumed resources and external factors affecting happiness. The higher the villager's status, the more unhappiness from the lack of certain resources. In addition, bonuses are added or subtracted in these calculations according to the difficulty level of the game.
  • New indicators of happiness: Every calculation that affects the villager's happiness is now displayed in his profile.

  • Taxes: Taxes increased by 10% in easy game mode and reduced by 10% in hard game mode.
  • Villagers leaving the village: The amount of happiness required for villagers to want to leave the village has been adjusted to 20 in easy game mode, 25 in normal mode, and 30 in hard mode. Also, to give the player some time at the beginning of the game, the villagers will not leave the village until village reaches 70 population in easy game mode, 50 population in normal game mode and 30 population in hard game mode.
  • Resource prices: Resource unit prices have been multiplied by 2 to generate more revenue from selling excess resources. In addition, the price multiplier when selling resources was changed from 63% to 85% in easy game mode, 70% in normal game mode, and 50% in hard game mode.
  • Happiness effect from a family member leaving a village increased from -50 to -25.
  • Updated to have some resources on incoming ships instead of having all of them. Also, final products such as medicines and clothing can no longer be purchased from villager ships.

Fixed bugs
  • Fixed a visual bug where the fire station effect was constantly displayed as 100% in the hostel building.
  • Fixed a bug where the ship would get stuck while leaving the dock.

Other additions
  • Chinese language update.
  • Added attraction buildings menus. You can now see efficiency details by clicking on buildings that generate attraction.
  • Added mouse cursor auto-darkening so you can see the mouse easier when it snows.
  • Now taverns consume beer to function.
  • In order to use the building editor more easily, double-sided materials were used.
  • Production and consumption amounts in the resource management menu have been updated to show the total production and consumption amounts of the previous day instead of instant production and consumption amounts.
  • Increased the chance of villagers going shopping instead of going to work from 30% to 50%.
  • Added new objective for the health system and production chain to the tutorial mode. Also, other missions have been reworked to better suit the new balances.
Kurukshetra: Ascension - prateek
Hi - due to our previous hotfix, we introduced an error due to which the lobby was not loading correctly. This is now fixed.
Crossout - XO_Team


This week we are launching the test server again so that you can evaluate the changes in the physical models of certain weapons and structural parts. First, let’s analyze the parts themselves and how they changed.


Many of you already know that the physical models of certain weapons in the game may not correspond to their visual models and, as a result:
  • the weapons with a physical model that is too big inevitably receive more damage in battle, and the ability to cover them with armor can be severely limited.
  • on the contrary, the weapons with a physical model that is too small, are too easily covered with other parts; they are more difficult to hit with a targeted shot or hit with a blast wave. Many players rightly pointed out that this gives an unfair advantage when assembling cars and in battles, and we agree with them.
We have refined the physical models of a number of weapons, and now they correspond to their visual models. The full list of changed weapons:
  • AC43 Rapier
  • AC50 Storm
  • AC72 Whirlwind
  • Cyclone
  • Vector
  • Sinus-0
  • Spectre-2
  • Aspect
  • Punisher
  • Synthesis
  • Prometheus
  • Helios
  • MG13 Equalizer
  • MG14 Arbiter
  • Reaper
  • Aurora
  • Blockchain
  • Breaker
  • M-37 Piercer
  • M-38 Fidget
  • M-39 Imp
Structural parts

The physical models of structural parts, which belong to “passive melee weapons”, have also been changed. Now, the sharpness of the angles of physical models is not as distinctive as it was before.

Basically, these changes will affect the so-called “wedges” — the vehicles, the design features of which allow you to easily pick the enemy up, depriving him of the ability to move around. Now it should be more difficult to pull off such actions on the battlefield.

Changes in passive melee weapons shouldn’t affect the vehicles of those players who use them for their intended purpose: to deal damage by ramming and protect their car from other players.

Please note that, due to technical reasons, only the weapons from the list above will be issued to you on the test server. You will be able to use only those structural parts that you have on your account.

How to get to the test server?

If you have already participated in testing on a special server, then it will be enough to start the Launcher from the folder with the test client and wait for the update to complete.
  • Create a new folder for the game on your hard drive.
  • Download the Launcher from this link. The file name should not contain numbers indicating that the file is a duplicate. Please note that you should launch the file that does not contain any digits (1), (2), etc. in its name. If, when starting the installed launcher, you get to the live game servers, you need to delete all downloaded launchers from the download folder and try again.
  • Start the Launcher and install the game to the folder you created (for example: D:\Public test\Crossout).
  • After the installation is complete, start the Launcher and enter the game with your username and password.
  • The whole progress of your main account will be transferred to the main server (including parts in storage and levels of reputation in factions).
  • After logging into the server, to transfer progress from your account, press the “Esc” key and select “Copy account data”.
  • Please note the schedule of the test server:
    • Friday, February 25, 2022: from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Saturday, February 26, 2022: from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Sunday, February 27, 2022: from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
  • Any progress you make on the test server will not be transferred to the live game servers (INCLUDING ATTEMPTS TO BUY PACKS).
After testing the changes, we invite you to leave your constructive feedback on the planned rework in THIS THREAD (it will open a bit later after the launch of the test server).

You can report all issues found on the test server here.

The public test server is intended only for testing of the upcoming update, and may not accommodate all players without exception. However, absolutely anyone can join the server, as long as there are free spots.

For more information on Crossout, follow these channels:
The Tale of Bistun - IMGN.PRO
We're happy to be part of the Steam Next Fest and hope you enjoy the updated demo of our game!

To celebrate the event, we're going live to show you the demo and talk about Bistun's beautiful world, music and story on Thursday February 25, 7pm CET / 10am PST
