Bless Unleashed - Joodabin
We will be undergoing maintenance to improve service quality.
Please refer to the details below, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

■ Server Maintenance
- Schedule: 08.06 18:45 ~ 19:30 19:50 (CEST) / 16:45 ~ 17:30 17:50(UTC)
- Details: ASIA- China server 1

※ Notes
- Connections to the game will be terminated as soon as maintenance begins, and players will not be able to connect to the game during maintenance.
- Maintenance may change, be extended or end early according to the situation.

The ongoing maintenance will be extended until August 7st 20:00 (CEST) / 18:00 (UTC)

We are currently checking on this issue and hope you understand the delay of the maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience again.

Thank you.

Prison Simulator - Czestter

Hello officers!
As you may know, we’ve been working hard on modyfing our product to meet your needs and suggestions. And boy, do we have some news for you this month. Let’s start with most important one- we’ve improved our AI! Yes, now the accuracy of the guards hits is higher and more precise.
We’re hoping that this will make our upcoming playtests more enjoyable and memorable for you!

Prison Simulator team
Fantasy Grounds Classic - The Simple DM

New Releases since Monday, 2nd of August 2021
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix AP 1: Despair on Danger Island
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Bounty #7: Cleanup Duty
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Faction Guide
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Setting

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal
Publisher: Goodman Games
System: Dungeon Crawl Classics
Type: Adventure

Future's Past: Paying Forward (2 of 5)
Publisher: AAW Games
System: Starfinder
Type: Adventure

Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
Publisher: Goodman Games
System: Mutant Crawl Classics
Type: Ruleset

Star Battles: Deep Space and Dim Stars Space Map Pack
Publisher: Jon Brazer Enterprises
System: Generic Add-ons
Type: Map Module

Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride
Publisher: Indie Publishers
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Adventure

Fantasy Grounds Unity - The Simple DM

New Releases since Monday, 2nd of August 2021
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix AP 1: Despair on Danger Island
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Bounty #7: Cleanup Duty
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Chronicles: Faction Guide
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Setting

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #4: Violence for Votishal
Publisher: Goodman Games
System: Dungeon Crawl Classics
Type: Adventure

Future's Past: Paying Forward (2 of 5)
Publisher: AAW Games
System: Starfinder
Type: Adventure

Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
Publisher: Goodman Games
System: Mutant Crawl Classics
Type: Ruleset

Star Battles: Deep Space and Dim Stars Space Map Pack
Publisher: Jon Brazer Enterprises
System: Generic Add-ons
Type: Map Module

Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride
Publisher: Indie Publishers
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Adventure

Tabletopia - markh110

When you play Coalitions, you decide the destiny of Europe; your decisions will make history. Will you guide France to greatness? Will you galvanize and unite Europe to bring an end to the infant republic and restore the Ancient Régime? Or maybe there is a Metternich in you, able to deceive others and bluff your way to victory with a cunning smile?

Coalitions brings the whole continent of the Napoleonic Wars into a fast, playable system. Multiplayers—with NO downtime. Each turn, EVERY player is doing something… but doing something ‘different.’ This sets up an unexpected cycle like nothing you’ve ever played before.

Each player controls one of six asymmetric factions: France, England, Austria, Prussia, Russia or Turkey. They then try to form an alliance, insisting that it will be beneficial to all, although only one player can actually win. Throughout the game, players try to capture and consolidate key positions, which will earn victory points during the relevant phase.

Survive the Nights - a2z Interactive
We’ve had a decent week making progress on 1.10. Andre has spent the majority of the week working on swimming and it’s coming along great. James has been working on hardcore and standard modes and John has been polishing up some animations and adjusting manipulation speeds.

It’s happening! Swimming has been missing since day one. As much as we didn’t think it was a big deal (easily avoidable), wow, it really does make a difference. Originally we didn’t know exactly how the mechanic was going to work out and just what we could pull off. Andre has done a fantastic job so far and we already have an excellent base for the feature. You’ll be able to swim, dive and see underwater. Stamina will take effect and you’ll only ever be able to go as far as your stamina allows before you take damage. We’ll expand on this feature and tweak it as you all provide feedback.

Improved Animation Speeds
Many of you have requested that we speed up world interaction slightly. John has spent the week tweaking animations/manipulations and we’ve come to what we feel is a nice spot. Generally most things have or will be sped up over the coming quality of life patches. Weapon reload is a big request and that’s what we’ll showcase below. Reloading and cleaning/gun interaction speeds being tweaked slightly like this seems to make a dramatic and enjoyable difference in game. We’ll tweak further with player feedback. Currently speeds are around 1.5x faster than their original state as shown below.

ARG Cleaning animation (OLD)

ARG Cleaning animation (NEW)

In Game Guide System
As mentioned last week we plan on introducing a dynamic in game guide for new and returning players alike. Andre has begun the visual implementation of both the in-game even based guide and the menu based guide. The system is being developed in such a way that we can easily expand on the system should the community request more guidance. Please keep in mind everything in our devblogs is subject to change and under constant development. We’ll keep you posted on features as they develop throughout the builds life cycle.

In game event based system

Menu based guide system

Additional Bug Fixes
A lot of what’s going into the next couple of updates isn’t pretty and shiny. There’s not a lot of great preview pictures or gifs/videos. We’ve spent the last week going through our internal ticket list and cleaning up all of your reports while working on some of the most requested fixes and tweaks. Below are a few of the things that we’ve fixed in the last week or so. As always, you can follow along via our changelog.

  • Vehicle issues: Vehicles have been problematic for a few builds now. Driving as a passenger is very glitchy. Player lag is currently felt hand in hand with a vehicle/player rotation issue. James has sorted this rotation issue and driving is far smoother than it has been in some time if not ever. There are currently other issues to take into account when it comes to driving and sector loading and we’ll be doing so shortly. That being said the experience is improved tenfold and you should notice it instantly when cruising with friends.

  • Inventory scrolling issues: Currently you can end up in a situation where your inventory is expanded above the top edge of your screen. This can cause the player to have to scroll up to see a single item sitting at the top of the list. It can cause the player to assume they have nothing in their inventory when they actually do. This issue has been sorted and you should now always see the first item in your inventory space.

  • Removed logoff from bus stop: This has been a confusing sticking point for some time and as we removed bed logoffs this feels fitting. Remember, you can currently log anywhere in the world.

  • Increased damage effects for low health: We’ve added the critical stat notification and thought an improvement to the low health effect was called for (previously not noticeable or working in some builds). Andre has reworked and improved the low health effect and it’s far more noticeable now.

We'll continue to work on improving early game mechanics and fixing all the bugs you guys have found over the last few builds. Thanks again for the continued support and issue reporting. Below are some helpful links to anyone new and interested in the game. If you'd like to follow a bit closer, please consider joining our Discord. We're here, we're listening!

Queen's Glory - playmeowtw

◆ Story
The storm deprived me of all hope of life.
As I was about to collapse, I met a fox demon who was in the same situation as me…

In the end, I used her demonic powers to bring her back to my place smoothly...

It seemed like we were going to be together for the rest of our lives.
However, having demons around would certainly lead to things that mere humans couldn’t imagine...

The game is a simulation game mainly with the fox demon Vivi. You will spend 30 days together.

Four actions can be carried out with the fox demon Vivi in a day.
Action commands include "Talk", "Interact", "Go out" and "H".

Take her to various unique places to play and increase the positive feelings toward each other.
Talk with her to understand her past and uncover her secrets…

As the days pass by, you can unlock more special plot events with Vivi.
There are also many different Hentai events in the game. You can do various positions with Vivi.

But remember, living with a demon means you might see other demons along the way...

◆ Game Features
◇27 basic CG, including more than 300 differences
◇Love cultivation game
◇Game ending: four kinds
Aug 6, 2021
Full Ace Tennis Simulator - kschoice
* Cosmetics : Added time shift & scale in cinematics when both characters are playing the same animation.
* Bug fix : Fixed regression where game would get stuck after serve hitting the net then receiver directly hitting the ball before bounce.
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Buckle up, folks! Let's zoom through the awesome Levelhead's Community Land. Happy FRIYAY!This week GR-18 made some snap decisions, explored the universe, and enjoyed the bliss of Good Times!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on.Also, don't forget to nominate levels that you think are worthy of the Community Spotlight nomination form.. The nomination for next week will be open till next Thursday morning!
Featured Levels:
Team Meeting

GR-18 chalks out a plan in Dearg Doom's gripping level Power: Mine Raid Madness! Will GR-18's rescue mission of the beloved package go as planned?
Suit Up

GR-18 suits up for space excursion in Noob Jr's spectacular level Open Universe Excursion. Can GR-18 find a new source of energy hidden in space to start its own entrepreneurial venture?
Snap Decision

GR-18 has to make snap decisions in FlowArt's intense level Fast Build: Left & Right. Can GR-18 sprint in the right direction to meet its Soul-Package?
Tortoise Race

GR-18 lives by the slow and steady motto in Friendzie's thrilling level More Actual Best Slurb Juice. Can GR-18 win this race against time for delivering goods?
Good Time

GR-18 carries the good times around in Partly Marble's exciting level Power Build: Extract TBot! Can GR-18 hold on to the good times even when working for the Bureau of Shipping?

Featured Viewings
Fast & Furious is the name of the game. Check out this week's videos of the best movers in our community!
Intuition - Goo Goo Dab Dab by Noob Jr

AradArbel0 - Goo Goo Dab Dab by Noob Jr (Ribbon Run)

Atoomi - Forgotten Flapsack Fortress by FlowArt

Just Act Natural - ConorBoltDev

Version 0.3.25

Most of this patch is bug fixes but there’s a few fun additions :) :

> Will be available on Mac in a few hours!
>Crown will get bigger if you win multiple times in a row.(How much bigger? Only god knows)
>Seeker faces direction it is currently looking
>Basic Graphics Quality Options(Low, Medium, High)

Biggest Bug fixes:
>>Fixed soft lock that sometimes happens when a player leaves then joins again
>>Fixed being able to move before countdown by opening/closing options menu
>>Fixed Hider Collisions
>>Fixed Lag on Diamond Pickup
>>Better Seeker assign algorithm so there’s less chance someone can be seeker multiple times in a row.
