Fantasy Grounds Unity - The Simple DM

D&D The Rise of Tiamat
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D fifth edition
Type: Adventure

D&D Classics: Faiths & Avatars (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Accessory

D&D Classics: Demihuman Deities (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Accessory

D&D Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D fifth edition
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Curse of the Crimson Throne
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Monster Codex
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Accessory

Pathfinder RPG - Advanced Race Guide
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Core Rules

Classic Monsters
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
System: Castles & Crusades
Type: Accessory

Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Ties That Bind
Publisher: AAW Games
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Adventure

Mythic Monster Manual
Publisher: Legendary Games
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Accessory

Menace in Ravenreach
Publisher: Frog God Games
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Adventure

Midgard Heroes
Publisher: Kobold Press
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Accessory

Midgard Heroes Handbook
Publisher: Kobold Press
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Setting

Midgard Worldbook
Publisher: Kobold Press
System: 5E Compatible
Type: Setting
Jun 8, 2021
The Handbook - Zeyt8
-Upgraded earth corectlly checks if it is castable
-Monk heals to full even when you have high max health
-Adjusted some colliders
Saves should be compatible with the last version.
Wooooo update 20. This is not a good thing, but yay 20.
Galactic Ruler - chrisahl
This developer blog was actually posted to YouTube in May, but we feel behind on reposting things here (sorry!). We'll be posting a few videos in quick succession to get caught up.
Terraformers - Geaxle
Dear indie-gamers,

May has gone-by in a blink and June is around the corner, bringing sun and the long awaited Steam Festival in which we’ll participate (meaning you can try a short demo!). In february, while checking out the previous Steam Festival, we tried another game called Slipways, an awesome indie game by Beetlewing where you expand a space empire by exploring, developing planets to create resources and connecting them with "slipways" to satisfy their needs. The game is easy to understand and yet I managed to spend hours at a time building my empire. They released a few days ago and we highly recommend checking it out!

An exciting challenge coming up for us is the Steam Festival for which we will have a public demo. We have been working hard the past few months to make it as polished as we can. In particular lately we have been working on the tutorial.

Creating a proper tutorial is a fascinating and complex task and we have been going back and forth on the best way to approach it. You can go with a very direct approach where you construct an experience and make sure the players go through it. The downside of this can be that the players feel that they are being hand-holded too much, and removes the experience of discovery and freedom.. And on the other hand, you can have a more open approach and just give him tips to introduce him to the important gameplay concepts. In this case the challenge is that the player might be derailed from the best order in which to learn things.

In this iteration we have decided to go with the more open approach. For example instead of having an objective: “explore a region”, with an arrow pointing at where to click and forcing the player to do it, we will have an objective saying “find a resource deposit”. There will be a soft highlight of the proper button when hovering over the objective to help you out if you want to, but otherwise it will be up to you to actually do it. You can still continue playing however you want if you do not wish to follow the tutorial.

Your leader providing tips and objectives to learn the ropes.

Balanced content
Another challenging design in the same vein is how to propose balanced and varying content every game. How to make each playthrough feel different and yet still be balanced with a proper set of choices for the player to make a plan with? We tried multiple approaches from fully random to fully designed. Recently we settled on a complex system which works with an imaginary deck of cards.

If we take the planetas an example, although some aspects of Mars are similar every playthrough, a lot of things will be procedurally generated. For example we want to make sure that the player starts in a location with access to a decent amount and variety of resources, but not the same resources every time. For this we came up with a "deck" system. Basically we add a certain amount of resource locations to this "deck" and a certain amount of empty locations. Then, starting from the initial region the player starts in, the game randomly places locations from this deck outward. After every couple of picks, new resource locations and empty locations are added to the deck to refill it. In this way there is a lot of variety, but the game will remain balanced every time you start a new session.

A partly explored map around the starting area.

Sound effects
This month we have also started to do a new pass on sound design with Frederik who is doing awesome work. Hearing all the soft clips and clicks when interacting with the user interface feels very satisfying. And the different ambiance sounds linked to city size or planet zoom level really bring the game alive.

Our goal is that the sound design gives you proper feedback on your actions and makes them feel more “there” while still remaining quiet enough that you don’t think about them. We also want the game sounds to have a material feel as it takes place on a planet and not in space.

We have also started working with the composers from Sinephony to create new tracks for the game with the same ideas in mind. The work they did so far is really great and we hope you will like it!

A recording showcasing the recent sound fx pass. We’re cheating on the gameplay here.

Until next month after the Steam Festival!
Terraf Team
Monster Harvest - Danny_Merge
Hey everyone,

We never like to deliver news of a delay, but we want to let you know that the release date of Monster Harvest has been moved to August 19th.

Here are some words from Maple Powered Games join owner Kerry Vandenberg.

“Delays are awful, we are sorry to let down our friends and fans, yet we want to make sure we dispatch Monster Harvest in the best shape possible so that our whole community will enjoy it. We realized how important it is to ensure high-quality support for as many regions as possible right from launch day, even if that means having to push back our release date by just over a month. We are shipping the game by August 19th, with no further days and it’ll be worth it when we show what we have in store for you.”

There's always an upside though, and in this case we've extended this date to ensure that further slippage is totally off the table. We're very confident with the game that we will deliver on August 19th and we're delighted that even more players around the world will be able to share the experience on launch.

Wishlist Monster Harvest.

Join us on Discord.
Blade of Arena - 劍鬥界域 - ReganK
Added in-game chatbox
Fixed shovel flatten and smooth problem.
Foxhole - Siege Camp
If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review. Thanks!

T20 “Ixion” Tankette
A bombastic variant of the T12 Tankette, the “Ixion” provides its crew with more support and a mounted Infantry Support Gun. Added weight from the armour results in reduced overall speed.

This is a closed top variant of the original Tankette that is equipped with a 30mm gun.

King Gallant MK-II
A heavily armoured variant of the King Spire, the Gallant MK-II boasts a weighty 30mm cannon at the cost of top speed.

This variant is more durable than the original King Spire Scout Tank.

68-45 “Smelter” Heavy Field Gun
Armed with heavy anti-tank rounds, the Smelter is perfect for engaging enemy armour. The frontal blast shielding providers operators with ample cover in heated skirmishes.

This field gun variant has a damage bonus and an extended range of 45m.

Balfour Rampart 40mm
The Rampart is a high-velocity, anti-armour field cannon capable of dealing devastating damage to all but the heaviest armoured vehicles while providing its crew with comprehensive ballistic shielding

This field gun variant has a damage bonus and an extended range of 45m.

Other Highlights
There are a few other changes to highlight
  • Field Guns have been rebalanced and generally buffed across the board for increased effectiveness against armoured vehicles
  • The F1 regional player list has been updated with new sorting options and improved performance and organization, making it easier/quicker to find other players
  • The networking backend for Foxhole has been updated to Steam Sockets for improved security and performance
  • A global player profile system has been added, which allows player progress to be shared across all shards in the future
  • Over 35 game balance and bug fix changes

There many other improvements, changes, and bug fixes in this update. Read the full release notes for the details.

Don't forget to follow the Foxhole Youtube Channel and Twitter Feed for the latest news on upcoming updates.

For a detailed video walkthrough on all the changes in Update 44, watch this video from community member I Saw A Bear:

Jun 8, 2021
Underspace - Trainwiz
Happy summer Starchasers! I know someone’s gonna be like “NO trainwiz it’s not summer yet summer is specifically three days in June when the cicada armada forms into the shape of Jimmy Carter’s left nipple bluh bluh” or something but I don’t care. It’s summer, the sun is warm against my pasty dying skin, and that means I feel energized and ready for TONS of progress.
In other news, our next release is Demo 1.9, which will have more of a piractical focus. As in piracy. For pirates. But that’s a bit of a ways out.

For now, onto progress! Be sure to check out our demo and official Discord. As always this just a paraphrasing of the main article, which you read here.

Regional Bosses
In the five main regions of the galaxy you can find five main regional bosses. While they vary in strength, each one tests an aspect of gameplay and your skills in it. You can find the first regional boss, Sparkplatform, in the demo already. This past month we made the other four, for a total of 7 current hidden ambient bosses in the game (out of 18).

In the Ijunic regions, you can face down a dangerous stormcloud monster with a crown made of lasers. Which frankly is just pretty dang cool.

The Macrovari tell tales of a mad naval captain, who welds his victims’ ships to his own to help it from breaking into pieces as he runs it out of control.

Deep within the Union capital, there’s legends of the ManyShip, a powerful stormwight that tests worthy starchasers by shifting forms and abilities at a whim.

And finally the Ballden are doing their hardest to suppress news of Cahgurine, a former brilliant sculptor now turned insane hivemind, wielding far too many lightning field generators.

There’s a lot of underlying systems that were added to make these boys work, but the good news is that such work only has to be done once, and like most trailblazing bosswork only gets faster and faster from here on out.

We’ve also done more with quests, mostly focusing on non-demo quests, which can start to get fairly in-depth, with many colorful characters and often unique mechanics and endings.

A few of these new quests are still being worked on, but a few are in the finished stages. If you ever wanted to participate in a murderhobo death tournament, have we got news for you!

The campaign isn’t safe from our questing fingers either, demo feedback often asked for a way to track where to go for the next campaign mission, so we’ve added simple quests to help track that.

And, for even more help, if you try to leave the initial starting area without going through the tutorial, it will warn you of that. You can still leave, it’s just that if you smack into a planet, it’s no longer our fault.

Storms also had more done to them this month. First, unstable jumpholes, which shoot the player to completely random systems, were placed all throughout the galaxy and had special graphics created and tweaked.

Speaking of graphics, Distant Horrible Objects (yes that is their full and proper name) had full models added, along with better, more color appropriate effects in matching storms.

The final storm thing we added were ghost ships! These minibosses guard various storm rifts, and can be the reanimated wreckage of ships you’ve previously killed. Just be careful: They’re not happy that you killed them.

Flight Improvements and Similar
We’ve been doing some small QoL improvements here and there after the big demo release, mostly based on user feedback. Freeflight has a few changes to its controls, and docking is smart about where it tries to aim you initially.

We’re also working on yet another flippin’ refactor of spawning code, this time to allow forced overrides of where NPCs can spawn.

Also we worked on some new gun sounds, based on user feedback.

Also, the entire galaxy has cargoboxes around big wrecks now. Watch out for mimics though!

And not too much in terms of assets this time around. We’ve got some plates and dishware, and also I’ve been wrecking a few fixtures here and there for the sake of vignettes. Also I’m working on particle effects for flak cannons, and new background effects for the Shipstar system.

That’s all for this month, our next month’s progress bits will probably be less impressive than this, but still, check back for more!
Jun 8, 2021
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral

The first hybrid ship—Ise—has dropped anchor in World of Warships. Prepare for a unique hybrid naval warfare experience!
Ise, the lead ship of her series, was ordered as part of a planned replenishment program for the Japanese Navy under the 1914–1915 budget. It was originally planned for Ise and Hyūga—the latter being the second battleship of this class—to become the third and the fourth Fusō-class battleships. However, their project was reworked and they formed their own separate class. The placement of their central turrets was changed, secondary battery guns with a higher rate of fire were mounted, and their armor protection was also improved.

In November 1916, Ise was launched, and on December 15, 1917 she was equipped. After Ise was put into operation, she became the flagship of the 1st Battleship Division. She received various improvements during her service, and between 1934 and 1937, both ships were modernized. This significantly increased their speed.

In June 1942, Ise, together with other Japanese battleships, took part in the Battle of Midway. After losing four aircraft carriers in that battle, the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff planned to convert both Ise-class battleships into aircraft carriers. However, full refurbishment would have taken a great deal of time and money. For this reason, the battleship was only partially rebuilt—her aft superstructures were removed and replaced by flight decks. Ise underwent reconstruction from February 23 to October 8, 1943.

In late October 1944, Ise participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Later, Ise and Hyūga were tasked with transporting fuel, rubber, tin, and other materials to Japan. During an American air raid on Kure in 1945, Ise was sunk. A year later, she was raised from the bottom and scrapped.

Modeling the Ship
VI Ise is the first hybrid ship that combines the traits of both the battleship and aircraft carrier ship types. She can attack her enemies both with artillery fire and from the air with the aid of her torpedo bombers.

Main battery: eight 356 mm/45 41st Year Type guns in twin turrets

Dual-purpose battery: sixteen 127 mm/40 Type 89 guns in Model A1 mounts

AA defenses: 93 25 mm/60 Type 96 anti-aircraft guns in triple mounts, 11 similar guns in single mounts, 180 120 mm AA Rocket anti-aircraft guns


  • Main Armaments Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 1
  • Aiming Systems Modification 1
  • Damage Control System Modification 2

Key Features
  • Eight long-range 356 mm guns
  • Torpedo bomber squadron with excellent durability
  • Good armor and a decent HP pool
  • She earns more Credits per battle, while her permanent camouflage adds a 50% XP bonus per battle and reduces the cost of the ship's post-battle service by 10%

Armory and Premium Shop
The Armory and Premium Shop are offering a traditional Admiral Pack, as part of which you’ll get VI Ise with a Port slot, Commander with 10 skill points, a stock of expendable camouflages, Credits, and signals, as well as a commemorative flag and a special combat mission that grants +200% XP per battle.
The bundles will be available for purchase until: Fri. 18 Jun. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
    If deemed necessary, balance changes may be applied to VI Ise.
Jun 8, 2021
WARTILE - Wartile
Hi Everyone

In the footsteps of Wartile, both in spirit and visual expression, we are excited to reveal our next game in development, SUCCESSOR.

As most of you know, we wanted to create a fresh angle on the Strategy genre with Wartile and honestly gained lots of learnings in the process.

With Successor, we aim to bring those lessons to use in a way where we still keep our unique edge and identity, but also meet the expectations and feedback from our community in creating a great and entertaining game experience.

You can learn more about Successor below and please consider supporting us with a follow or wishlist.

Best regards
The Wartile Dev Team