Nemesis - RPG - Ismylife
Hello friends!

Great news for non-French speakers ... Nemesis becomes available in English !

Talk to your friends around the world (if you have any) keep telling your French-speaking friends if you like the game !

Share this crazy adventure ! The Discord is open to everyone !

See you soon on Nemesis - RPG
Blazing Sails - Captain Boldbeard
Ahoy mateys!

We all know the feeling of desperately steering away from danger while you wonder what your seadog crewmates are up to. Well, no more! In this update, we've added crew status icons so you can always see what those scurvy no-good landlubbers are doing. Their icon will change based on their activities, like shooting cannons, steering, etc.

You can now also tell which sewer dwelling rat is trolling the team by voting to drop at Trident when there's four chests in Bandit Bay, because your voting knives are now colored!

In-Game UI:
  • Crew status icons added which show what a crew member is doing (shooting the cannons, manning the sails, steering, manning the capstan or repairing) More states will be added soon such as pumping, teleporting, on the ship or on land, ...
  • Knives in the spawn selection screen are now colored with the player colors

Teleportation rework:
  • Teleportation amulet replaced with a magical compass with audio and visual charging effects (actual teleporting effects will be added as well soon)
  • You can now view another player's teleporting progress

Ship bell:
  • New bell model and animation added

Streamer mode:
  • Streamer mode has been further implemented into the actual game hiding playernames

  • Half barrel projectile damage increased from 25 to 30
  • Dual quad barrel flintlocks projectile damage increased from 14 to 15
  • Deadzone damage no longer causes sprint to be blocked

Pirate customisation:
  • Added 6 new skin colors
  • Added 6 new tattoo colors

Bug fixes:
  • Music should no longer cut off when too many sounds are playing at the same time
  • Fixed a bug that caused the primary fire to no longer work sometimes when clicking and selecting a command from the command wheel
  • Fixed a bug that allowed blocking after switching weapons even if the block cooldown was not finished yet
  • Voice chat should no longer stick anymore when spamming the voice chat button
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "empty" click to no longer work when trying to fire an empty weapon

Like this update? Let us know on Discord!
SaGa Frontier Remastered - SEE TobyC
We're excited to announce that SaGa Frontier Remastered, is now available for pre-purchase on Steam!

Experience this role-playing adventure as one of the eight heroes, each with their own storyline and goals. With the Free Scenario system, unfold your own unique journey.

Engage in dramatic battles, and use the Glimmer system to gain new skills and carry out combined attacks with your allies!

New Features Include:
・New Main Character, Fuse!
The new main character, Fuse, can be played once certain conditions have been fulfilled. The Fuse scenario features great new tracks from Kenji Ito, and is full of new content. Discover a different side to the other main characters.

・Phantom Cutscenes, Implemented at last
Several cutscenes that were cut have been added to Asellus's scenario. Delve deeper into the story than before.

・Improved Graphics and Extensive New Features
Alongside upgraded high-resolution graphics, the UI has been updated and improved. Additional new features have been added, including double-speed mode, making gameplay smoother than ever.

SaGa Frontier Remastered is available 15th April, 4pm UTC.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Pepper

It's time for another chance to win a free copy of WolfQuest! Lucky winners will receive a free copy of WolfQuest 2.7 (and PC/Mac users will also get WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition Early Access for PC and Mac)! Winners can choose to get any version of the game (Mac/Windows, Android, iOS, Kindle).

If you prefer, you can choose the new Yellowstone Wolf Coat DLC (only for WolfQuest: AE for PC/Mac) or the WolfQuest Soundtrack and Music Extras.

How to Enter
Email your username (any username is fine, we just have to know what to call the winners) and your answer to the question: "What are three interesting facts about wolves?" to the email address

All entries must be received before midnight (Eastern Daylight Time) on Thursday, March 18, 2021..

Random Drawing
Winners are selected randomly from complete entries. Please enter only once in each monthly contest. Each complete entry will be assigned a number. We will then use a random-number generator to generate three numbers. The entries bearing those numbers will each win a free copy of the game.
Koshka - Gavrila Dostoevsky
In Russia, there is a saying - not always a cat has Maslenitsa. What does that mean? It's not all doughnuts and broads.

Once upon a time, every sale on Steam was an Important Event. It really was some kind of medieval festival, because, at the end of the next Winter Sale, you felt overeated (why did you buy so many games) and overspent (why did you spend so much money), but of a good sense.

This week, developers from Russia and other Eastern European countries joined together to celebrate the week of Maslenitsa. This is a period when you should eat a lot of pancakes, just a monstrous lot of pancakes and enjoy spending the winter. Obviously, in the digital age, this should be accompanied by a sale on Steam.

So go to the festival page and explore the strange Eastern European games. Many are sold with very cool discounts!

Our Cat wishes you a merry Maslenitsa and delicious pancakes. We have big plans for the spring, and we hope that the demo version will be ready soon. Try not to overeat!

Ziggurat 2 - WaaghMan
Welcome, neophytes and masters alike!

Today we're releasing a new update, changing the way Eris skill works to make her more engaging and fun to play, and also changing the Shrine system to make it a bit more interesting and less dependant on pure luck.

  • Added pictures to the How to Play section
  • Added a help button to a few sections in the campaign.

Gameplay changes:
  • Reworked Eris: No more mana/fire rate penalties, lower XP penalty, lower health, now she spawns 3 skeletons, skeletons are more aggressive and have 100% curse chance.
  • Approximately half of the enemies will completely ignore summons (Eris' skeletons) and go after the player.
  • Reworked Shrines: Now they offer a selection of Oaths, and you may pick one. Some of them still require a small sacrifice to activate.
  • Added new Oath effects only shown in Shrines.
  • Frozen/Shock/Cursed status effects won't reset if you get hit again while still being affected.
  • Reduced spawn rate of Carrots by Shepherd champions.
  • Enemies in special combat rooms (Obelisk, Sequence, etc) will be considered as spawns, so they won't grant score, barrier, or trigger other recovery perk effects.
  • Reduced mana usage of Mana Shield.
  • Campaign unlocks now also unlock items for the Extra Modes. You can still unlock items/characters in Extra Modes same as before, playing the campaign is not mandatory.

  • New attempt to tackle the physics related crash (Hopefully this time for real)
  • Fixed "Low health" warning when your health was a low value, even if full.
  • Fixed Sitra's drops only showing on her first damage breakpoint.

Mar 11, 2021
Role of Hex - Verde
Hello everyone, Verde is back with another weekly update!
In this update Verde was a bit all over the place, fixing bugs, implementing a new upgrade, making some changes to the difficulty and of course, trying his best to make sure that those FPS are not running away when the big monsters come by.

Without further redo, let's get started:

New Upgrades!
  • Postmortem Static
    Purple upgrade.
    Makes dead enemies zap alive enemies for damage based on your shield upgrades

Difficulty changes
  • Getting your buildings destroyed will no longer increase difficulty, instead, it will accelerate the spawn cycle a little bit (1 second every 60 difficulty levels) with no long-term penalty.
  • Director credit income per difficulty level reduced by 33%

  • Explosions now use pre-allocated memory
  • Several enemies were rewritten in an attempt to save fps
  • Game loop will now be more aggressive with tick skipping, starting as soon as the game drops bellow 20 fps instead of 6

Balance Changes
  • Bigger Explosives AOE increase from 50% to 100%
  • Smite no longer counts unconnected points of interest towards its damage calculation
  • Upgrades now reveal a small area around them when dropped

Quality of Life
  • Spacebar now instead of only jumping to upgrades, jumps to the following:
    • Upgrades, prioritizing tier then proximity.
    • Bosses, prioritizing higher max HP ones.
    • Recently destroyed buildings, prioritizing the most recent.
  • Fixed a bug where quick-build would sometimes get stuck and create tons of buildings
Good Night, Knight - NGG_Lucas


It’s here! The first big one! Alpha version 15 is now live and it brings The Prison Area, plus new equipment, items, and many additional tweaks.

As always remember that things are subject to changes and tweaks, please share your feedback on improvements on the Steam discussion.

You can also join the official Good Night, Knight Discord server and meet other adventurers like you!



* New area added: The Prison - Unlocked through the Vivarium area
* New items and equipment added throughout the Prison area to be discovered

* Fixed instances where player 2 could clip out of tent

* Vivarium Boss' spike tentacle is easier to jump over
* Vivarium Boss' pull tentacle pulls player much less when they're jumping

* Seekspawns disappear if they can't find a valid floor in 5 seconds after being thrown
* The Seeker's spawning timer is reset whenever it's damaged

* Fixed issue when player 2 grabbed player 1 and brought them through tent door
* Fixed crash when exiting game while coop is active
* Improved player 2 initial position when being teleported in after room transitions

* Added the Prison Bossfight soundtrack

* Made chests easier to open
* Added grace-period to venus knight-trap after it damages the player
* Venus Knight-Trap damage reduced from 5 to 3.7
* Balanced overall difficulty
* Fixed tutorial text telling player potions spend provisions instead of ingredients
* Slightly reduced provisions costs of most items
* Fixed tooltip description on stamina potion
* Fixed bushes quest knight not saying the correct line when interacted with
* Added text explaining how to sprint to the sprinting greaves' tooltip
* Locked permadeath mode, permadeath can be activated only after creating a normal game
* Made it even easier to open chests
* When text is displayed without a dialogue box, a subtle black fade is displayed for easier reading
* Dialogue tweaks and clarifications
* Balance bar now disappears when player dies instead of hanging there
* Save slots in main menu now display which was the last lift the player activated
* Added support for PS4 gamepads and other DirectInput gamepads (experimental)
* Reduced stun time when a player gets suplexed by another player
* Reduced chance for item ammo to drop from enemies
* The enemies Barkarmor and Shrubber now drop their own unique materials
* Added achievements for extracting high priority Barkarmor and Shrubber
* Added achievement for defeating Venus Knight-Trap
* Added achievement for defeating [redacted]
* Changed trade items unlock order and reduced prices significantly
* Fixed rare crash when charging a heavy attack while also blocking multiple hits
* Item and potion ammo lost on death fly out of the knight when dying (This is a visual-only change, losing item ammo on death is a punishment that has always been there)
* Reduced item ammo lost on death to half of max ammo (Previously was all item ammo)
* Increased provisions cost to refilling item ammo

Star Trek Timelines - WRG_Shan

Greetings, Captains!

In honor of William Shatner’s and Leonard Nimoy’s 90th birthdays this March, our “Panem et Circenses” campaign will feature: Roman Captive Kirk 4 *, and Gladiator Spock 5*.

The campaign will start on Thursday, March 18 at 1am ET (05:00 UTC), and end on Thursday, April 15 at 12:59am ET (Thursday, April 15 at 04:59 UTC).

Thank you for playing, live long and prosper!

Ratty Catty - kerimkumbasar
As you know our Strasbourg centered server provider had temporarily suspended their services due to a fire and therefore there was no multiplayer connection for Ratty Catty game. As of this moment our new servers are active and flaw is recovered.

Have a good games!