Dec 26, 2020
MAP GAME: Or Something - Aaronixio
making some epic progress here lads. here's a list of the changes in this hotfix:
  • made it easier to get crushed to death
  • made it harder to get crushed to death
  • falling outside the map should no longer happen as much and also kill you instantly if it does
  • slowed down the wind on one of the strong wind levels cause it was dumb
  • fixed glass crates not making sounds when they die or spawn
  • fixed some general errors that didn't really do anything
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Cate
Hello everyone!

On behalf of everyone from Northwood Studios, we hope that you are enjoying our new Christmas-themed update. As usual, we would like to hear your feedback, and thoughts on this wave of content. Below you will find a feedback form that has been translated into various different languages, with the hope to hear from all of you.

Happy Holidays,

~Northwood Studios
Spacer: Legacies - troy.heere
Version 1.0.14 Patch Notes:
  • Agents panel now shows 'None' instead of incorrect text when no agents are present on a station.
  • Minor rework of Agents panel for clarity.
  • Updated Unity Version.
Dec 26, 2020
Kingdoms and Castles - petey123567
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to update you all on how the AI Kingdoms work is progressing. We really appreciate everyone's patience while waiting for this update. We're quite a small team and this is the biggest update we have ever released - it's turning into a bit of an expansion pack at this point!

Here's another look at some of what will be coming:

Siege Workshop + Catapults
If you choose the path of war with the other kingdoms on your map you'll need some way to get through their walls. We'll be adding a siege workshop which can build catapults.

Catapults can be ordered around and loaded on to ships like any other military unit. They are very effective at attacking walls and buildings. The AI kingdom I'm invading here perhaps should have upgraded their walls to stone...

There's also a new happiness building on the way, the theater! Let your peasants enjoy a fine show, and if you are able to provide the theater with food they'll be extra delighted. The seats are populated with idle peasants.

More to come in the future!

Until next time,
- Pete & Michael
Dec 26, 2020
Epica - Z0
  • Honor faction stats are now properly displayed on the character sheet.
  • Honor no longer tracks enemy factions.

  • Fixed a bug causing stash content not to be saved.

  • Axe weapons are now properly aligned when equipped.
  • Two handed swords are now properly attached to the player when equipped.
  • Fixed a bug not updating properly weapon stats upon re-quipping.
  • Un-equipped bows no longer remain in aim mode.
  • Arrows are now visible when starting to aim.
  • The bow is now properly aligned with the arrow.

  • Player ik, inverse kinematics, the feature to align the character feet on the ground has been temporarily been disabled, investigating a potential issue.

  • Fixed an issue with spawning of some entities, some ai were not always spawning.

  • Fixed a bug resulting in loose of items upon quest completion.
  • Fixed a bug with delivery quests not working.

Settings Menu
  • Fixed an issue with closing the settings panel.
  • Set default audio settings for music to 0.7 volume.

  • Music is now enabled per default. Music volume can be adjusted from the settings panel, under ‘Audio’. Music will be further optimized in coming patches, so that each region has it’s dedicated music theme.
Pulseball - Twiggs
Tons of bugs needed fixing as expected.

I did add a couple of new things, walking into the ball will push it more than before, and players can now spectate matches by joining matches that already have enough players, assuming they want spectators.

I need to finish the collisions for the stadium where the spectators can move. Just pushing this out so I can have everyone test the rest of it, will be fixed before the tournament

Seeing as I have a tenuous grasp of streaming + twitch, I thought it best not to shove more features in this update before the tournament so twitch commands, cheers, etc will not be added until later.

Features Added:
  • Players can "Push" the ball easier by walking into it
  • S p e c t a t i n g support!

Bugs Fixed:
  • Replaced new keybinding menu with old one
  • Using two movement keys would stick
  • Keybindings wouldn't be applied
  • LOOKHERLOOKLISTEN was glitched, de-glitchified it
  • LOOKHERLOOKLISTEN wouldn't spur the achievement
  • Sightline wasn't working (keybinding)
  • In game menu wasn't working (keybinding)
  • Power calculation was nerfed and FPS dependent (thanks epic)
  • Distracting motion blur + lens flare removed.
  • Fixed training mode not loading
  • Fixed party mode not loading
I swear guys the keybinding code wasn't mine I was just holding it for a friend.

Shout out and thanks to everyone that alerted me to the bugs, I am sure there are more but there's no way I would have found even half of these without you!

Discord for stuff is here:

Thanks for reading,
Dec 26, 2020
The Infected - DigxStudios
Hi Everyone,

Just a few more fixes before I start on the next content update.

Unless any other game breaking issues, I will not be doing anymore hotfix updates till after the next content update. I need a few weeks to focus and integrate the new AI behavior system. I will post more info regarding V7.0 in a few days.

BUGFIX - Clone/duplicate items bug on crafting stations when adding the items needed to the station and closing the UI.
BUGFIX - Could not upgrade the new wood railing open.
BUGFIX - Using the large flask to turn off campfire would use up all the water in the flask and not just 1.
BUGFIX - Hold the "F" key and press the "M" key would result in the compass and health bar stats UI to stay stuck on screen.
ADDED - Can now craft lighters, some have reported missing lighters or simply lost in chests somewhere. Can craft with just 1 Iron Fragment.

Some have also been experience a crash when loading the game after an update. Please refer to the "Crashing?" pinned thread for potential fixes.

Have a great day
Unscripted - Marquis Kurt
We’ve pushed out the first minor update for the full game, v2.0.2.

What’s new:

  • Resolves an issue where the “What’s New” screen crashed the main menu due to a missing file.

These updates are available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and will be updated through Steam.
Dec 26, 2020
Rubikingdom - Sthealz

Today we would like to introduce the next kingdom coming to the game!

Faalen, The Wanderers
  • The Faalenese Auto-Farm food from Forests.
  • To make up for the lack of food resouces, they move around a lot. Giving them the ability to spin twice every turn.
  • Their special tile is the Shrine of Growth, which will turn corrupted lands around you into forests.

The Faalanese worship,
Demri, God of The Land.
  • Demri can cleanse the land, repairing 2 corrupted tiles.
  • The Great Hunt stays active for 4 turns and provides 3 food every turn.
  • Demri's wrath will remove the ability to spin for 4 turns. Demri will spin for you upon turn end.

The Faalen will be in game within the next few days.

We hope to see you on the Faalen leaderboards
For/War Team
Call to Arms - Instinct
A major update is availabe and Call to Arms is on discount during the Steam Winter Sale!

Conquest V3.0
Based on player feedback we enhanced Conquest gameplay rules and changed the mission objectives into a defender versus attacker playstyle. New research functions allow you to improve your fortifications and supporting AI. With these changes we want to turn Conquest step by step into a more challenging experience that resembles the "Skirmish" mode from our previous games.

Conquest offers a variety of possibilities and has a lot of potential that we want to make use of in future updates. What are your thoughts and what do you want to see next?

Enjoy the all new Leopard 2 A7

As well as updated AT-weaponry

And a new 2v2 multiplayer map

Reworked all multiplayer maps
All multiplayer maps went through a polishing & rehaul phase and we increased every single map from 1v1 to 4v4 in size to match the gameplay changes over the time. These maps are also included in Conquest V3.0. So plenty of new things and improvements to discover!

Russian campaign available
We decided to make the Russian campaign available to you. (requires Season Pass / Ultimate Edition) A few improvements including achievements and localization will follow in the coming weeks. But in case you have to stay at home during the holidays and these challenging times, there is something for you to enjoy already!

Also, check out Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Have fun and stay healthy!

Follow our developer website to stay updated on future sales, new games and updates. You may also want to join our official Discord to stay in touch with us more closely!
