Crazy Steam Bros 2 - Ars Creativa
It's been five years since I published Crazy Steam Bros 2. Many things have happened since then, and I want to express my gratitude to all the people who bought the game at the time, as their support has helped me to continue developing games.
Thinking about a possible "Crazy Steam Bros 3" in the long term, I think it's time to release the game for free for anyone who wants to have some fun with it. In 30 days it will be free.
If you want to know about my current projects, check out my Twitter account.
Thanks a lot to all of you!
Roots of Pacha - Berkza

June brought us summer (or winter if you’re in the southern hemisphere), and with that came along new animals and their taming mechanic, improvements to the regions, and new ideas and buildings that can be discovered and built.

In Roots of Pacha, animals aren’t just simply bought. Being part of nature and children of Pacha, they live freely in herds and packs.

Among the different regions, herds of several species of animals will appear in their natural habitat looking for food and shelter. Some of them won’t stay for long and will migrate during colder seasons to look for warmer spots, or during their mating season.

Herds are families, there’s at least one mom and one dad, and then there are the babies. They’ll all age and new generations will take their places.

In the wilderness when trying to approach them, they get bothered by your presence. It’s their instinct to be scared of strangers. With the help of your clan, you’ll learn how to care for them and they’ll even take food from your hand. Just remember they might not like everything you want to give them.

After gaining their trust, you might want to build a place for them to live with the Clan. By continuing caring for them, and discovering some tools, they’ll start rewarding you with valuable products. Others will let you ride them and take you places further and faster than you could have ever imagined.

Going somewhere and wanting to take along a friend?. Some of the animals will be so happy with the Clan that they’ll take as many as they can fit.

Our work with animals is not done yet. Some of our ideas for next round are: different colors for animals of the same species that will change from season to season, and breeding when a male and female of the same species live with the Clan.


Ideas & Buildings

Living in the stone age means a lot of what we take for granted today wasn’t invented. Part of your task, if you choose to, is to talk and discuss ideas with the people of your Clan.

By domesticating plants and improving their quality, taming new animals and getting to know them, and simply by exploring the world, the Clan will gain knowledge. It’ll be your choice to spend the knowledge however you want to develop an idea.

New ideas will start popping up here and there, when you mine a new type of rock, discover an unknown plant, or spot a different kind of animal. Some ideas come from people not in your clan but will only be revealed when you get to know them.

As part of evolving the Clan, you’ll gather materials and construct buildings. What you build and where you place the building, will affect the schedule of the Clan members.

Spring OST
This past month we added more sound effects to player actions, footsteps that change according to terrain, and music loops for different seasons. This is a preview of one of the spring loops.

Spring - The land between two rivers

On July, we'll be working on revamping parts of the UI, the objects placement system, animals sheds, decoration, player customization and balance.

That's it for now, thanks for reading and let us know how we're doing and what you'd like to see next.
Star Trek Timelines - WRG_Shan

You confront Suspiria and Kes, learning that they are indeed behind planning to engineer a war between the Tholians and the Federation. Kes wants to protect her daughter, Linnis. Suspiria blames the Federation for allowing the temporal anomaly crisis to pass, bringing untold pain upon the Ocampan people.

Event Name: Someone Like Me
Event Type: Hybrid Event Galaxy/Skirmish
Event Start: Thursday, 07/02 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 07/06 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: N
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Community Rewards: Y (phase 1 only)

Event Crew:

Krenim Guest Chakotay (New) 5*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: CMD 498 (95-241), DIP 1003 (120-291), SCI 1281 (194-460)
Traits: Human, Maquis, Federation, Starfleet, Diplomat, Prisoner

Tanis (New) 4*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: DIP 660 (94-213), SEC 372 (63-109), MED 903 (56-177)
Traits: Brutal, Ocampa, Telepath, Diplomat, Civilian

Rogue Harry Kim (Existing) 4*
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: ENG 311 (94-228), SEC 504 (101-216), SCI 626 (133-308)
Traits: Federation, Human, Warp Theorist, Desperate, Innovator, Musician

Ranked reward 5* crew

Desert Archer (Existing) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 07/09.
Fully Fused Fully Equipped Level 100 Skills: CMD 852 (149-341), DIP 1218 (245-474), SCI 567 (69-177)
Traits: Human, Starfleet, Explorer, Telepath, Resourceful

Recurrent event threshold reward crew
Suspiria 5* (Existing)
Fully Fused Fully Equipped level 100 Skills: CMD 1289 (141-346), DIP 477 (99-231), SEC 989 (151-310)
Traits: Nacene, Desperate, Brutal, Telepath, Cultural Figure, Telekinetic

Event Bonus
Event Bonus Galaxy phase:
• high bonus: event crew, and Suspiria
• small bonus: variants of the Chakotay, Kim, and crew with the Warp Theorist or Caregiver trait.

Event Bonus Skirmish phase:
• high bonus: event crew, as well as Suspiria
• medium bonus: variants of the Chakotay, Kim, and crew with the Warp Theorist or Caregiver trait.
• small bonus: crew matching at least one trait of the current battle

- Val Jean 2* (Existing)
- U.S.S. Voyager 4* (Existing)
- Krenim Weapon Ship 5* (New)

Event Factions

Live long and prosper,

Jul 1, 2020
Medieval Monarch - Mr Lordy
Delphyq - brwabiz
Greetings, Operatives!

Agent Incognito here back with another Delphyq Devlog. Our countdown to Early Access has begun. With only a few months left in the quarter, we are quickly gearing up to ready Delphyq for Early Access launch. There's still quite a lot of ground to cover, but we're confident that we can make a build ready in time for our projected launch. 

Recently, our team has been working overtime polishing the levels and fine tuning combat bugs. As shared in a previous Devlog (specifically, our update last June 11), the Game Development and QA teams were working to squash bug after bug, and ensure a smooth, playable Early Access build. 

Just to recap some of what the team fixed back then:

Wrong Enemy Icon Placement

Here's an interesting bug that was caught by the QA team--before you start a mission, you are given information on the Mission Planning screen, including the number and placement of all the enemy units. This allows you to prepare for what will happen when you are about to enter an area. For example, knowing that there's an enemy sniper will mean that you will be careful walking out in the open or staying out of cover.

Delphyq Enemy Icon Error Reveal Bug

In this bug, what happened was the Operatives already saw the units in the room, but the icons didn't reflect the discovery, and ended up sending incorrect information to the player. In a high intensity situation, this could break your strategy and cause you to misplay a room.

Enemy Icons Larger Than Other Icons

Here's a silly bug we encountered in the Mission Planning screen as well--the Enemy Icons showed up much larger than intended, covering almost the entire room.

Delphyq Large Enemy Icon Bug

They obviously shouldn't be that big.

The art team has also been polishing art and levels in time for Early Access launch. One of the recent fixes involves fixes of the lighting for Code Blue.

Here's the artist's rendering and quick explanation of what they fixed:

Delphyq Code Blue Lighting Update June 2020

overlapping lightmap UV fixes in maya for exterior wall and props . rebake mcs meshes and had to re set-up wall colliders

Also, the art team polished the textures of the Skyline map, making sure it would be easier for players to tell where the floor ends and the enemy unit begins. 

Delphyq Skyline Lighting WIP June 2020

posted this screenshot I created last Monday, of the Skyline level with the option/variant of painted metal and pure metal walls and floors for the build.

Last but not least, we've already started updating our Patch Notes for the current Early, Early Access Build of the game

You can read through them here. Quick recap:

New feature:
Increased enemy aim times, even doubled when shooting at targets beyond their EWR (effective weapon range).

Some QoF (Quality of Life) Changes:
- Players are now notified when they are out of Power when doing a Group Heal or Power Transfer ability
- Changed labels of buttons in Overworld and Corkboard

More updates in the coming weeks. If you want to check out our previous updates, simply look at our archive of previous Devlogs by going to our Blogs page

For those that haven't yet, please wishlist our game on Steam and join our Discord server for more updates!

See you next week, Operatives!

- Agent Incognito

Creaks - Lukas
Hi all,

Today we've got some really exciting news for you!

Creaks, our upcoming puzzle adventure game that's been in development for who-knows-how-many years now is finally releasing this July. We will share a specific date with you as soon as we can - until then, please watch the launch trailer (music courtesy of Hidden Orchestra) and check out the store page for new information and screenshots!

Thank you for your ongoing support - we can't wait to finally hear what you think about Creaks.

Super Club Soccer - Super Club Soccer
Here's this weeks changes:

  • We have added logic to remove inactive footballers, managers and clubs on a regular basis. This avoids the system being flooded by new users who don't return.

  • Trial contracts will now expire after 7 days. The manager will get a notification once it has expired. The manager will need enable the trial contract again if they require more players.

  • Fixed some of the errors with matchmaking logic in ladder tournaments. It will aim to not pair the same clubs against each other on consecutive days and ensure a fair balance of home & away matches.

  • Fixed some situations when receive options were not available when they should have.

  • The first 25% of a cross and driven pass is now not receivable.

  • We have fixed bot defenders running to the goal line. There may still be some situations which cause them to do it, but the most common causes have been identified.

  • The alignment of posts have been tweaked slightly to ensure they are in sync with the pitch design.

  • Fixed a display bug on the footballer page which displayed previous wage of players without a contract.

  • The minimum age value on the football page has been fixed.
You can leave feedback in a review, through the steam forums or you can join our Discord and raise them directly to us there.
Not For Broadcast - CM Peligro
Dev Stream Extravaganza

Hey folks!

Thank you for your amazing feedback on the latest Not For Broadcast chapter - Lockdown. We've been obsessively reading your comments on our Discord and Steam forums, and we can't thank you enough for all your support. Seriously.

We hope you aren't tired of our faces yet, because we've got another livestream coming up, and this one will definitely be a wild ride. Hey, that's that line! So, here's what to expect:
  • Professional gameplay & very professional commentary
  • Key giveaway for you and your loved ones
  • Guest appearances (Tommy Harris, Patrick Bannon and more)
  • Your questions, our answers
  • Drinking
  • Games
  • Drinking games?
  • Fun challenges & tortures for the dev team

It's basically like hanging out with your mates on a video call, except they probably won't give away game keys.

When & Where

See you there,
Your pals,

Follow us on Twitter
Join the Not For Broadcast Discord
Jul 1, 2020
Hired Ops - Chernobyl_52

We have installed a small update that should make life of cheat producers more difficult. We strongly oppose the use of restricted software. Play fair!

Outbreak - Dead Drop Studios
Outbreak v1.19.2 has been released. This patch includes:
  • Camera panning is now much smoother regardless of v-sync setting, framerate or distance from the player. This was an incredibly subtle bug to hunt down that took a tremendous amount of time to fix correctly, but should greatly help with gameplay and especially improved local co-op significantly.