Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons multiplayer

Minecraft Dungeons is a lot more fun, albeit a lot more challenging, when you’re playing with friends. Teaming up with another player is rather simple to set up, whether you’re playing with friends online or family members in the same household.

You do need to do a few things first in order to set up multiplayer, but once you have, you’ll be exploring levels with family and friends in no time. Just make sure to have each other’s back, as the monsters do get tougher when playing with other people.

But one of the bigger questions that Minecraft Dungeons players have asked is: when is crossplay coming to the game? Sadly, not yet. But if you’re using the same PC we have all of the tips you need to get started.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons emeralds

When you kill an enemy in Minecraft Dungeons, there is a high chance that green gems will scatter everywhere. These are emeralds and they act as the game’s currency. So why do you need emeralds?

Well the main reason is to exchange them with the Blacksmith or the Wandering Trader at the camp for a random weapon, random armour piece, or random artefact. Since they are randomised and you’ll have the chance to get unique weapons quickly this way, you’ll want as many emeralds as possible.


Europa Universalis IV - (Alice O'Connor)

Paradox Interactive today announced the opening of Paradox Tinto, a new Spanish studio who will focus primarily on grand strategy games. Led by a Paradox veteran with two decades of gran estrategia under his belt, the studio based in Barcelona will initially help out with ongoing work on Europa Universalis IV then later start making new grand strategies of their own. No hints yet at what they might have in mind.


Jun 1, 2020
Wildfire - (Graham Smith)

Wildfire review

Stealth games tend to come in two flavours. Nowadays most are systemic playgrounds, in which players are presented with a range of options for how to deal with any given situation, and errors are forgiven after the few seconds it takes a guard to decide it was probably rats. A handful of others are more rigid, with only one correct way to play, and each stumble from the shadows punished by death and loading screens.

I like both of these kinds of stealth games, though I prefer the former. My frustrations with Wildfire can largely be traced to not knowing which kind of stealth game it’s going to be in any given moment.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alan Martin)

If your after some more RAM for your PC, then you’d do well to have a gander at this 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX set over on Amazon UK, where it’s the lowest price it’s been for months. Sure, at £65, the discount on Amazon’s product page only says you’re saving a fiver at the moment, but our price trackers show that you would have paid around £80 for it a couple of weeks ago, if not nearer £85 at the start of April. Indeed, the last time this 3200MHz set cost £65 was all the way back in January, making this a great time to snap it up if you’re in the middle of upgrading your PC.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons armor

Without decent armour, it’s going to be quite difficult to survive the labyrinthine levels of Minecraft Dungeons. There’s a surprising number of different types of armour available, and they all give significant bonuses.

Some armour is focused on allowing your hero to take more hits from foes, while others give bonuses like give extra arrows or reduce cool down for artefacts. If you’re trying to make a particular build, it’s important to know which kinds of armour will bolster the abilities you want to improve.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons weapons

There are two types of weapons in Minecraft Dungeons: melee and ranged. Your hero will be using both in battle, either to attack hard-hitting enemies from afar or to slice up weaker foes up close.

There’s a big variety in the types of weapons you can wield: sickles that attack enemies up close very quickly, giant hammers that smash the ground, and ranged weapons that shoot arrows at a steady pace.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons enchantments

One of the vital concepts to get to grips with in Minecraft Dungeons is how enchantments work. Each piece of gear, whether it is a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or the armour your hero wears has at least one enchantment slot.

The important thing about enchantments is that your hero is not locked to a choice that you have made. As there is no penalty for changing your hero’s gear, you have the freedom to mix and match enchantment compositions to create lethal combos.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Minecraft Dungeons loot tables

Each story mission in Minecraft Dungeons can contain a hidden level. Some are always in the same place, but others may take multiple trips to unlock.

When they are unlocked these secret missions could be long, semi-randomised dungeons, or they could be shorter levels with the chance to find some decent gear. All missions have a list of items that can appear, so it’s worth knowing in advance where to unlock specific equipment


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

June is here but E3 is not, with the games expo’s cancellation leaving the the industry without an anchor for the year’s big announcements and marketing blasts. E3’s organisers are not planning an online replacement of their own, so instead a load of different small expos, festivals, and marketing blasts will be filling in this year. While E3 and the surrounding blast are done inside two weeks, this all will go across two months. It can be a bit confusing so here’s the schedule of events and streams coming in E3’s stead, starting this week.

