Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

Oculus Rift S

When Oculus launched their original Rift headset back in 2016, I was one of those people who was firmly in the HTC Vive camp. Back then, I just couldn’t see the appeal. The Rift didn’t do proper room-scale VR, it didn’t come with any motion controllers, and it was just as much of a faff to set up due to its external sensor. Fast forward to 2020, though, and how the tables have turned. As much as I like the idea of what the current HTC Vive Cosmos is trying to achieve with its modular faceplate design, it simply isn’t as good in practice as the Oculus Rift S, making this the VR headset to buy if you don’t have north of a grand to spend on something like the Valve Index.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

One of the most impressive mod projects going is Resident Evil 4‘s HD Project, a replacement texture pack which is so dedicated to the original look that the makers have even tracked down and rephotographed some of the buildings Capcom photographed for their original textures. After six years, the mod is nearing completion and… now here come rumours that Capcom are planning a full remake of RE4. While I wouldn’t expect the mod to give up, I am still glad to hear them shrug off the rumours and say ye olde RE4 still deserves a makeover.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

XCOM Chimera Squad console commands

I warn you now that these XCOM Chimera Squad cheats will likely ruin the game for you, whether it is the challenge of running your own team with limited resources, or even the challenge of each and every mission being nullified because your agents are all invisible gods. Enter at your own risk. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nate Crowley)

I’ve been playing Gears Tactics with every spare moment of the last week. The second I’m done with this review, I’m going back for more. It’s superb. In fact, it’s good to the extent where, as risky as it is to say such a thing, I’d argue it sets the new gold standard for turn-based tactics.

I say that as a lifelong XCOM (and X-COM) fan, too, and without disrespect to those games. After all, the formula set by 1994’s X-COM is the foundation for pretty much the entire genre, and Gears Tactics sits squarely atop it. It’s a game about assembling squads from a pool of soldiers, and sending them on missions. There, they have a set number of actions each turn, to spend on moving around the map, shooting baddies, or using special abilities. After your actions run out, the baddies have a turn. In that much at least, little has been reinvented. But just as happened when XCOM arrived in 2010, Gears Tactics has redefined just how much fun can be had with that simple recipe for squad-based xenocide.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

I wrote a different introduction to this one. One about how odd it is that Titan Quest should be a game I so frequently return to given its being the antithesis of much of why I play games. But while I’ll get to that, I need to begin with the real introduction:>

I’m really struggling. This situation, this lockdown, it’s triggering my mental health issues in so many directions, and I’m really having trouble holding it together. I feel like I’m a really weakly version of Spider-Man in that moment where he’s trying to hold a collapsing building with webs in all directions, as gravity tries to tear it down around me. And that’s why I returned to Titan Quest. Because it felt like it was going to be a familiar, simple place. And it turns out it’s just what I needed.


Grand Theft Auto V - (Alice O'Connor)

Aliens are terrorising the streets of Los Santos, bursting out of vans to beat players to death with baseball bats, pool cues, and their little green fists then fleeing the scene. This isn’t a new GTA Online expansion, it’s the hot new craze amongst players. Over the past fortnight, as videos of alien van gangs have spread online, more and more players have bought the silly green alien suit and joined up with other pranksters for old-fashioned beatdowns. I’ve not yet encountered the visitors myself but am enjoying watching everyone’s close encounters.


Apr 27, 2020
Cloudpunk - (Sin Vega)

Cloudpunk could have been a lot of things, many of them disappointing. It could have taken itself far too seriously. It could have been far too lightweight or by-the-numbers. It could have been a miserably realistic sisyphean chore. If I wanted to be cruel, I’d say it could have been a lot more than it is, too. But that’s not because I think it’s not good enough. It’s because Cloudpunk is such an enjoyable place to visit that the idea of more of it is very tempting.

The city is the star. Again, that’s not to criticise the characters or story. You play as Rania, a young woman who’s just arrived in Nivalis, the one megacity in a far, far future, to work as a delivery driver for an illicit organisation called Cloudpunk. You’ll drive your flying car around the city, taking orders remotely from a man referred to as Control. It’s really as simple as driving from A to B for the most part. You’ll park your cab and head off on foot to collect each package, then head back, and fly off to your destination. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jeremy Peel)

I took my Chevy to the levee, but the levee wasn’t dry. That’s the problem all over Black River, actually: a recent flood has rendered the soil sodden enough to swallow a car whole. Days of rain have closed the north road out of an already-sleepy Michigan town with rockslides. Power lines are down, too – although that might have more to do with stubborn truck drivers like me attaching winches to them, using their deep roots to pull heavy-duty vehicles from the mud rather than call for recovery.

There’s something about this trade, captured in its most extreme form by SnowRunner, that encourages dogged persistence past the usual bounds of sense, beyond the normal stopping point of patience, toward a zen-like state of obstinance. It’s like a logic-defying twist on the classic children’s book, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt. Can’t go through it? We’ll have to go through it anyway. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

Best gaming CPU 2020

Buying a new gaming CPU is often one of the biggest and most time-consuming upgrades you can do on your PC, as you’ll probably have to re-build the entire thing from scratch if your PC’s more than a couple of years old. However, upgrading to one of today’s best gaming CPUs can make a surprising difference to your PC’s overall gaming performance, particularly if you tend to play games at a resolution of 1920×1080. The question, of course, is which gaming CPU you should go for, as there are now loads of AMD Ryzen CPUs and even more Intel Coffee Lake ones as well. A lot of your decision making will be determined by what kind of motherboard you have, but to help make things nice and easy for you I’ve listed all my best gaming CPU recommendations from AMD and Intel below across a range of different price categories. Whether you’re building a budget PC or a high-powered mega machine, here are my best gaming CPU recommendations for 2020.


PLAYNE : The Meditation Game - (Matt Cox)

Playne is a meditation tool. You’re supposed to open it up once a day, meditate for at least ten minutes, and watch as a forest grows around you over the weeks and months that you manage to keep up the habit. I don’t use it anymore, but it was the springboard to me meditating a few times a week.

