Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Deku
Hi guys.
How's your day?

For this week, we are still balancing the Aquaculture Land system, especially for pond equipment and market. We made little adjustments to how the market works and also the status of pond equipment. So you can be more challenged and enjoy playing Aquaculture Land. What are the adjustments made? Let's take a look at this update.

Market Demand
One way to get money in Aquaculture Land (for now) is to sell your fish to the market. Actually, to get a large amount of money through the market is quite simple. You just need to nurture the fish that has the highest maximum selling rate, then after the right moment (when the fish has a good market price) you only need to sell the fish through the market. Due to the absence of reciprocity from that, we think the player will only focus on nurturing one type of fish (fish with the highest selling price). Therefore, to make the player not focus on just one fish, we come with market demand idea.

With the market demand feature, the more often a fish is sold to the market, the lower its selling price becomes. So, if the player only focuses on selling 1 type of fish to the market, the less money he gets from selling that fish. We hope with this adjustment, the fish that will be used by the player will be more varied.

Reliability Status of Pond Equipment
We also make adjustments to pond equipment. We plan to provide reliability status to pond equipment. So, in addition to doing maintenance on electricity sources, later players will also do maintenance on pond equipment.

The main purpose of giving reliability status to pond equipment is to increase the upkeep that needs to be done by the player. Because for now, we realize the upkeep that can be done by players on the existing system is still too little.

So, later on, for electricity sources will have two kinds of maintenance, refuel and repairs. While for pond equipment, player only needs to do repairs for the maintenance.

In addition to the two things above, we also plan to balance customer orders and all matters related to income and expenses.

A few days ago, we got feedback that said that Aquaculture Land is still too easy because to get a large amount of income is very easy, but it is not matched with equal expenses. And we also agree with that. We also get some suggestions from @SpeedyGarret and @convey about balancing that can be done to income and expenses. And one of them is about balancing customer orders. So for future updates, besides staying focused on redesigning our core gameplay, we will also be balancing in several things.

With this devlog, we also change the game build version into 0.7.8(Build 3). In this new version, we have a little change with the BGM. We try to make a playlist of BGM for the game. So you will not only hear one song all the time, but you will hear several different songs in turn.

If you guys have some suggestions or feedback about today's update or Aquaculture Land, feel free to tell us in the discussion section or click discuss button below. We always make a note for every suggestion and feedback you give us.

Have a good day guys.
Misadventures of Laura Silver - studioatticsalt
We have won the "best indie title of the year" award of GameX, the largest gaming convention in the middle east region, held last week in Istanbul!

We're grateful for every vote, it's really amazing to see our first title receiving such an award.

Thank you so much for making this happen!
Sep 14, 2019
Spreadstorm - Arugin
Today, Hungarian localization has been added to the game, thanks to DDarkness. As always, some of UI and localization system bugs were fixed on the way. I have also updated the game to the latest LTS Unity version, which will improve stability and perfomance on some configurations. If you are interested in translating the game into your language, please welcome to our forum.

Other than that I have prepared set of images for new Steam library, which will be available in beta on September 17.

If you own and have ever played the game, please consider to leave a review: only 1 review needed to get the Steam raiting. It will help me a lot!

Don't forget to join our Discord channel and leave your feedback there.
Transport Services - Hammer Games
Dear players

At first, let me thank you all who supported us during Early access by purchasing our game and then giving us the feedback. Thanks to you the game moved on huge steps forward from barely playable version to almost stable. Still some harder to catch bugs remains, but we believe that now you can really enjoy the game and sooner or later we will catch them all.

Currently, the game reached the state we originally dreamed off. And so it is time to move on and tell other players, who still wait for the final game, that this is that time, that we would originally release the game, without the ability to release it in EA.

This is also a reminder for those, who purchased the game on the EA release day and never played it since. That you can give it another try as it gives at least we believe much better experience than a few patches before.

Once more thank you, that you took the risks that Early access versions have and stepped into our game.

Aside calling this patch just release patch it brings also some changes:

  • 39 Achievements are now available in the game. Enjoy getting them all!
  • Some bugfixes related to rail signals & trains
  • German and Spanish localizations
  • Trains scrap refunds changed - now it returns 100% of its purchase value as we know that sometimes the wild bug might leave you with no other choice, then scrapping your machine.

Please take in mind despite we call it Release version, the game is still not completely bug-free. On the other hand, bugs should not appear much often and should not break your feeling from the game.

We hope you enjoy these changes and new challenges in the form of achievements!
M.A.S.S. Builder - V-DGT

Hello there, it has been almost 24 hours since we launched Early Access and reading through all of your feedbacks was extremely fun and interesting to us here at Vermillion Digital. With that said, we'd like to address some issues you guys have been reporting to us, those that we are sure about our answers. So, here it goes:

1. Achievements systems
As you might have noticed, there are quite a number of achievements but they all do not have any images and some are still looking weird. That was because the achievements have not yet been finalized and thus we have not yet fleshed it out. That means that these achievements might still change, but worry not, the statistics and numbers you have obtained from playing the current version is all logged and we'll appropriately backtrack through them once the system is ready. We also would like to say, as our roadmap mentioned, achievements will also include in-game rewards such as decals for players to show them through our multiplayer modes later in 2020.

2. Development nodes and difficulties
We have locked development into 2 tiers for development reasons as of now. This is to help us obtain a statistics through feedback of how our players feel with the current power level they have against our Quarks settings and thus help us improve the feel and numbers of combat in our game and their power curve. By November when story missions continue and harder enemies join the fray, we'll be sure to unlock them into Tier 3 and we will continue to work with this model with the coming major updates.

3. Progression tracking
We've heard a lot of you mentioned things to help track progression on what drops you've received from playing through the mission or completing blueprints, we'll work something on it as a QoL improvement to help notify you.

4. NPCs
The only thing we can say as of now is: Lots of improvement will be coming. Thank you very much for having great interest in our artworks and NPCs.

5. Void Crystals and stage mechanics
We heard your pain, improvements will come.

That should be all that we could be addressing at the moment, we thank you very much for all your feedback and suggestions to improve the game. Please keep them coming so we can improve this game together.

Best Regards, Vermillion Digital
Metal as Phuk - Salisbury
Metal as Phuk is currently on sale for 60% off, OR you can pick up the ENTIRE bundle of comedy adventures for a VERY low price directly from this link!
VKT Prime System Crash - Dev Mia
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” coming soon.

A brief, multiple endings, erotic story, inspired by the Little Mermaid, is coming soon on Steam! (The store page should be up during next week.) Speaking of adult-only stories…

The Adult-Only stories’ end.
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” will be my last erotic/Adult-Only story. While these stories do give me more $$$ than the “All Age” ones, I really don’t like/feel comfortable writing them. They are not my cup of tea and I don’t want to “pump short XXX stories out” every month for a quick buck. Also, I’m pretty sure my writing skills for the sex scenes sucks. Speaking of quick money…

The DLCs’ end.
Money was the reason I keep releasing lot of DLCs. Since the base game, mostly the All-Age stories, would not give a ton of $$$, and the DLCs sales give me some more, I keep putting them out. While some are justifiable, like the “Reverse Me!” trilogy, or the 18+ version for “Shantalia and Corali’hulu”, others aren’t. So, starting with “Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness”, there won’t be any more DLCs!
A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers - Dev Mia
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” coming soon.

A brief, multiple endings, erotic story, inspired by the Little Mermaid, is coming soon on Steam! (The store page should be up during next week.) Speaking of adult-only stories…

The Adult-Only stories’ end.
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” will be my last erotic/Adult-Only story. While these stories do give me more $$$ than the “All Age” ones, I really don’t like/feel comfortable writing them. They are not my cup of tea and I don’t want to “pump short XXX stories out” every month for a quick buck. Also, I’m pretty sure my writing skills for the sex scenes sucks. Speaking of quick money…

The DLCs’ end.
Money was the reason I keep releasing lot of DLCs. Since the base game, mostly the All-Age stories, would not give a ton of $$$, and the DLCs sales give me some more, I keep putting them out. While some are justifiable, like the “Reverse Me!” trilogy, or the 18+ version for “Shantalia and Corali’hulu”, others aren’t. So, starting with “Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness”, there won’t be any more DLCs!
Hot Takes - Dev Mia
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” coming soon.

A brief, multiple endings, erotic story, inspired by the Little Mermaid, is coming soon on Steam! (The store page should be up during next week.) Speaking of adult-only stories…

The Adult-Only stories’ end.
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” will be my last erotic/Adult-Only story. While these stories do give me more $$$ than the “All Age” ones, I really don’t like/feel comfortable writing them. They are not my cup of tea and I don’t want to “pump short XXX stories out” every month for a quick buck. Also, I’m pretty sure my writing skills for the sex scenes sucks. Speaking of quick money…

The DLCs’ end.
Money was the reason I keep releasing lot of DLCs. Since the base game, mostly the All-Age stories, would not give a ton of $$$, and the DLCs sales give me some more, I keep putting them out. While some are justifiable, like the “Reverse Me!” trilogy, or the 18+ version for “Shantalia and Corali’hulu”, others aren’t. So, starting with “Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness”, there won’t be any more DLCs!
Hack the Core - Dev Mia
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” coming soon.

A brief, multiple endings, erotic story, inspired by the Little Mermaid, is coming soon on Steam! (The store page should be up during next week.) Speaking of adult-only stories…

The Adult-Only stories’ end.
“Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness” will be my last erotic/Adult-Only story. While these stories do give me more $$$ than the “All Age” ones, I really don’t like/feel comfortable writing them. They are not my cup of tea and I don’t want to “pump short XXX stories out” every month for a quick buck. Also, I’m pretty sure my writing skills for the sex scenes sucks. Speaking of quick money…

The DLCs’ end.
Money was the reason I keep releasing lot of DLCs. Since the base game, mostly the All-Age stories, would not give a ton of $$$, and the DLCs sales give me some more, I keep putting them out. While some are justifiable, like the “Reverse Me!” trilogy, or the 18+ version for “Shantalia and Corali’hulu”, others aren’t. So, starting with “Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness”, there won’t be any more DLCs!